Chapter 3

An hour had passed since the incident with Integra. She was now resting comfortably in bed. Kenneth stayed by her side in their room refusing to budge an inch. Knowing she was safe, Alucard did not see any need to stay with her. He and Seras returned to her chamber to wait out the rest of the evening with each other. Seras sat down on her bed. Alucard walked over to her rubbing his tense shoulder muscles. The elder vampire had energy he needed to work off and at the moment it had no where to go. She got on her knees and patted the space in front of her. Alucard sat down with is back turned to Seras. She asked him to remove his coat offering to rub his shoulders for him. He went one better and stripped down to the waist.

Seras quickly cracked her knuckles and placed her hands against Alucard's shoulders. She slowly began pressing her fingers firmly into his skin. He let out a sigh feeling his tightly coiled muscles begin to relax as Seras massaged them.

"You are tense aren't you?" She asked working out the tension in his upper body.

"I was so ready for a good fight. Stupid little poser got me lit, and then blew me out like a match." Alucard grumbled.

"Well maybe there is something I can do to fix that." Seras said leaning in close and planting her lips on the back of Alucard's neck. She slowly worked her hands down his spine and let her hands creep around his waist. He let out a deep groan as she slid her fingers up his chest. Seras started kissing down down his neck and flicked her tongue against his spine.

"Mmmm...I can always count on you to make me feel better." Alucard sighed as he leaned forward allowing Seras more access to his back. She worked her way back up and attached her lips to his neck kissing down to his left shoulder. She pressed her knuckles into his flesh kneading them firmly. She worked her way with her mouth from his left shoulder to his right and back to his neck. When she was through with his back, Seras crawled from behind Alucard and got beside him. He lay back as she started rubbing her fingers against his chest. He closed his eyes as she leaned down and began kissing it all over. She flicked her tongue across his nipples and raked her finger nails lightly across his skin.

She heard a low growl reverberate deep in his throat. She looked down out of the corner of her eye and noticed the noticable sign of his arousal against his pants. She raised up and straddled his still clothed hips. She began riding him slowly with her clothes still on arousing him even further. She pressed her hands against his chest to steady herself as she moved against him. Alucard groaned arching his back pressing his midsection against her crotch. She responded by pressing herself harder against him as she rode. She kept her rythm steady not wanting to get him too worked up.

She leaned down and pressed her lips against his. He wrapped his arms around her holding onto her possessively. Their tongues swirled around each other. After a moment of exploring each other's mouths, Seras rose up and started unbuttoning her uniform blouse. Alucard sat up and slid the garment off her shoulders once she had it completely opened. He reached around her back and unhooked her bra and removed it as well. He cupped her now bare breasts in his hands and latched his mouth onto one her her hardened nipples. She mewled as he pressed his tongue against the bud while he molded her other breast with his hand.

Seras tangled her fingers in Alucard's hair pressing her face against his head. She continued moving against him while he played with her breasts. He sucked hard at one nipple while pinching and rolling the other with his fingers. Both could feel the growing tension in their midsections. Seras felt his erection pressing against her as she moved. She pressed herself more insistently against him arousing him further. He captured her mouth with his and kissed her hungrily.

He held onto her tightly as he rolled them both over so he was on top of her. He slid his hands under her skirt and started tugging her panties down and off of her. She wrapped her legs around him as he began pushing his crotch against hers. She felt the fabric of his trousers hitting her most sensitive area. He rocked his hips against her steadily increasing the pressure and the sensation. Seras wrapped her arms tightly around him. She moaned as the sensations intensified.

He could feel the aching of his shaft inside his pants. He rose up long enough to undo them and free his painfully rigid member. Seras gasped as he pushed into her. She hooked her legs tightly around his hips so they did not get seperated. The sensations rushed through him like surges of electricity. He moved feverishly against her lost in his need for release. His breath came in heavy pants against her neck. Seras pressed her hands hard against his back. Her fingernails began to dig into his skin drawing small streams of blood. Her nostrils flared as she caught the scent of his blood. Her eyes flashed and her fangs elongated as her bloodthirst awakened. She sank her canines into his throat.

He was so lost in his pleasure he barely felt the bite to his throat. He continued riding her as she fed. When she had her fill she released his throat. The wounds closed up quickly. She felt the intensity of his thrusts pushing her toward her climax. The pressure built in her midsection. She moaned loudly as he pushed hard and fast against her. The assualt on her tiny nob continued pushing her closer and closer. The sensations became stronger and stronger. Her muscles tensed as she prepared for the impending orgasm.

Again and again he pounded into her. Her body felt like a coiled string being stretched to it's tautest limit. She whipped her head from side to side and arched her back as the moment came. An explosion of sensation rocked her entire body starting in her midsection and quickly surging all throughout. She cried Alucard's name with the profoundest pleasure as her body spasmed. Her innermost core convulsed squeezing him tightly driving him to his own release. He yelled outloud as his seed spilled within her. He pushed against her a few more times to release what little pent up energy there was left.

Afterwards he collasped beside Seras with a satisfied smile on his face. Once her body had returned to normal she rolled onto her side facing him. She rested her head on one hand and placed the other against her lover's chest.

"Feel better now?" She asked with a half smile.

"Yes, much better." Alucard answered with his usual smirk.


The next morning Integra recieved a visit from Doctor Travalion. "Our suspicions are now confirmed. You are exactly one month pregnant. I'm afraid you will have to abstain from smoking, alcohol and caffine. Of course I will be monitoring you all throughout the pregnancy. I will be compiling a list of foods and drinks that will be most benificial throughout your pregnancy and which are to be avoided." He explained.

Integra wasn't very happy about the part of having to abstain from smoking and drinking especially since they were two of the primary ways she dealt with Alucard when he was being his normal mischevious self. She'd have to seek alternative and more healthier methods to deal with her stress levels.

"Oh yes, that is another thing I meant to tell you Sir Integra. You will want to keep your level of stress to as much of a minimum as possible. It isn't healthy for the baby if the mother is highly stressed out all the time."

"That is easier said than done Doctor Travalion, but I will keep it in mind." Integra said.


Later that afternoon Integra headed to her office. She sat down and opened the drawer containing her beloved cigarillos. She let out a sigh of discontent as she saw Walter walk into her office. She looked down at the box one more time before handing them off to the aged retainer so he could safely hide them away.

"No smoking, no drinking, no caffine and minimal stress for the next eight months. This is without a doubt going to be the greatest challenge I have ever undertaken." Integra sighed.

"Come now Sir. Women go through pregancy and birth every day." Walter replied.

"Yes, but those same women don't have an entire organization to run not to mention dealing with a vampire who's over five hundred but sometimes acts like he's only five." Integra sighed.

"Well that does present a unique challenge, but you've overcome much worse Sir Integra. I have no doubt you will rise to meet this challenge as well." Walter said.

"You'd better take these and hide them well. I won't be seeing them again until after this child is born. And make sure my tea is strictly decaf." Integra requested.

"Yes Sir." Walter answered.


Seras woke up that evening as the sun was just beginning to set. She found her ration waiting for her in the usual grey ice pale. She hurried over and snatched it up rather quickly. She drank it down greedily.

"You're rather hungry aren't you?" A smooth voice asked.

"I don't know what's come over me Alucard. I've been drinking like I should and yet not too long afterwards I feel like I'm starving. I don't know why, but I am." Seras answered.

"You have been feeding quite a bit more as of late. Perhaps it's just your body readjusting to the donated human blood. We've just started feeding on that again." Alucard said.

"But did you ever go through hunger like this while you fed on it?" Seras asked.

"Well, come to think of it no I didn't. That is rather odd my hunger hasn't changed where yours just seems to have grown." Alucard surmised.

"What do you think could be making me so hungry? It's like I drink and drink and later I'm hungry again." Seras said.

"Maybe you've been expending too much of your strength. Young vampires sometimes don't bounce back as quickly as older ones. It's probably nothing to be too worried about." Alucard replied.

He looked toward the entrance to Seras's room. "Integra is summoning me. Most likely to inform me of the doctor's report."

"I'm going to see Zoey. She said she wanted me to help her with something tonight." Seras said and vanished from her room.


Alucard materialized in front of Integra in her office. "You called master?"

"I've recieved word from the doctor. It would appear that I'm..."


Integra looked up at Alucard narrowing one eye slightly. The vampire only looked back at her with his well known smirk. "Come now master, you didn't think I wouldn't already know? I figured that one out when you fainted and then...lost your dinner all over your husband. Of course all I had to do was place my hand upon your belly, and I could have told you instantly whether or not you were pregnant."

"Then why didn't you do that and save me the trouble?" Integra asked somewhat sternly.

"You never asked." Alucard answered.


"How is this?" Seras asked posing on Zoey's bed.

"Perfect. It won't take me too long to do a sketch." Zoey answered. She took out her sketch pad and quickly began to do a rough sketch of Seras laying on her stomach. Her head was propped on one hand while the other rested comfortably on the bed. She bent her legs so that her feet were up in the air and crossed. She wore a men's white dress shirt that covered her upper body and her backside.

"Are you sure he'll like it?" Seras asked.

"I think he'll love it. Now just hold that pose while I get it sketched." Zoey answered as she began to draw.

Ten minutes later Zoey had the rough sketch of Seras posed on the bed completed. After she turned the sketch pad around Seras got off the bed and inspected the drawing.

"It looks wonderful so far. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done." Seras said. "How many of these are we doing again?"

"I think four." Zoey replied. "Seras, do you think Alucard would ever let me sketch him?"

"I don't know, but I'll ask him."

"Good idea. I have to admit I'd be a little intimidated asking him." Zoey confessed.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he'll agree to it." Seras replied.

"Um, I don't mean to rush off, but I really need to go get something to drink. I swear the more I drink the hungrier I seem to get." Seras said as she fiddled with the ends of the shirt.

"I better get back to my room and change. You know how hectic things can get around here. Never know when a situation may arise." She added.

"I'll get to work on putting all the details into the drawing. I should have it done in a day or so." Zoey replied. Seras nodded and vanished from Zoey's room. Just as she was putting the sketch pad down she heard a knock at her door.

"Zoey, it's Stewart."

Zoey went and opened the door. She smiled as she asked him to come in. He took a few steps into her room. "I'm afraid we'll have to put our dinner date off til tomorrow night. Batch of new recruits just came in, and Ferguson said I've got training duty tonight."

"Oh, well that's all right. I needed to start work on this sketch of Seras anyway." Zoey said. While she understood, it didn't stop her from feeling a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry Zoey. Hopefully tomorrow night won't be as busy." Sterwart said.

"It's all right Stewart. I really do need to start on this sketch of Seras." Zoey replied.

"Um, look, if you're still up and I'm not completely worn out I'll stop by your room. Maybe we can have a late dinner or something." Stewart offered.

"All right. I'd like that." Zoey said, her expression brightening.


Seras had changed back into her uniform. She'd asked Walter mentally to bring her another blood ration. He entered her room just as she was straightening her skirt and top.

"Are you all right Miss Victoria? You've been drinking more than usual for a quiet evening."

"I don't know Walter. It just seems the more I drink the hungrier I become. Ever since I started drinking the cattle blood I've been feeling a little strange. I just chalk it up to having to adjust to animal blood. Strange thing is now that I'm back on human transfusion blood my hunger should be back to normal. Or as normal I guess for being a vampire." Seras replied.

As she spoke Alucard materialized in her room. He'd taken a little time to himself in his chamber. He noticed her starting to down another blood ration.

"Are you hungry again?" Alucard asked curious as to why she was taking yet another ration for herself.

"I will be taking my leave now Miss Victoria. I have to make sure Sir Integra isn't wandering the mansion looking for her cigars. She won't be smoking them for another eight or so months." Walter said as he exited Seras's room.

"So it's true that Sir Integra is pregnant?" Seras asked.

"Yes, but you still haven't answered my question. Why are you feeding again so soon? Unless you and Zoey were running some triatholon that I'm not aware of you shouldn't need another ration so soon in the evening."

"I can't help it. It's like the ration I had just a little while ago just seemed to go right through me, but I know that can't be right. I haven't done anything much at all except help Zoey with a little project she and I are working on."

"Really? And what kind of project might that be?" Alucard asked.

"It's supposed to be a suprise for you so no poking into my mind Alucard. She is putting a lot of work into this and I don't want you spoiling the suprise so you just keep out of my head where that is concerned." Seras answered firmly.

"Something for me? Now what could two beautiful young women be thinking up for me? It must be something special for you two to try and hide it from me." Alucard replied with a mischevious smile.

"Alucard, I mean it. Don't go poking into Zoey's head nor mine for that matter. She thinks highly of you and sees me as one of her dearest friends." Seras insisted.

"All right, no peeking I promise. But I'm still concerned as to why you're drinking so much when we haven't expended any energy tonight. Unless of course you're trying to tell me you're hungry for something other than blood." Alucard replied with a devilish grin. He walked over to Seras and put his arm around her waist.

"Is that all you ever think about?" Seras asked.

"No. I also think about blowing up cheap vampires and wishing for a good fight with a real one." Alucard answered. He slid his hand down to Seras's belly. His eyes widened and he stood completely still.

"You can't be that despeate. After all we just..." Seras turned around but stopped when she saw Alucard's eyes were wide as saucers.

"Alucard, what's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"I...felt something. When I touched your stomach I felt something...move." Alucard answered still in shock.

"Move? You mean you felt something move inside of me?" Seras asked now feeling a sense of worry rush through her.

"I need you to lay down. I want to feel your stomach again."

Seras didn't question the elder vampire. She got on her bed and lay down. Alucard sat beside her and placed his hand against her belly. Perhaps what he felt that moment was just a trick of his mind. He carefully moved his hand slowly across her abdomen, and to his astonishment he felt a slight movement.

"This can't be right. I felt movement again. This...this can't be right." Alucard said.

"What can't be right? Alucard, you're scaring me. What is wrong?" Seras asked feeling a wave of panic rush over her.

"The movement is coming from your womb. Seras you're..." He paused for a moment. "pregnant."

"I'm WHAT?"
