
And now for all the thank yous for making the site possible.

First off, there wouldn't even be Hellsing fan fiction if it were not for the creator of the Hellsing Manga Kouta Hirano. Though it was the anime's that inspired my love of writing fan fiction with the Hellsing characters, there would not be Hellsing animes if there had not been a Hellsing manga series, and of course, all Hellsing fans have Kouta Hirano to thank for that.

Second, all the fans who love watching the animes, reading the mangas, and writing fan fics, be they manga based, anime based, cross overs, alternate realities and what have you. While I love doing fan fics on a personal level, it's much better when there are fans who love reading them.

The website was constructed with the use of Microsoft Front Page Express(now I understand why my mother tried to get me to use it all those years ago. Sooooo much easier than trying to type up html by hand...

Paint Shop Pro is what I used to make the webgraphics(granted, there aren't many of them, but I didn't want graphics taking all the focus from the real reason this site exists...Hellsing fan fics.

All the writers that have contributed a story or stories to the site. While much of what's on the site is by myself, it's not just bout me. It's bout what many Hellsing fans want to showcase.

Now I know there's probably some more stuff I need to put on here, but I need to find links to places I used to find song lyrics for certain stories and what not. When I find all the info I need, more credits will be posted.

Wallpapers used for this website came from Digital Curio. Check out her shop on
