Poker Night
By Gene
Once again, Alucard was pacing
the halls. He was miserable, bored and getting anxious for
something to do. Seras to was walking a different hall humming a
funny tune basically carefree. She tended to have a little more
patience than her master.
"I wish he would stop pacing!" Integral was losing what
little patience she had left. "I told him that due to
Incognito being dead things would slow down!" she said
glancing up, realizing that Walter was not there, she went back
to work ignoring the whole incident all together. She wrote the
reports and drank her tea remembering how much better it was when
Walter made it for her.
"Are you ok?" Seras asked watching Alucard pace back
and forth.
"I'm just bored" He growled.
"Well you're driving Sir Integral mad." she pointed in
to where Integral let out yet another long sigh.
"Well there has to be some kind of freak out there that
needs to be destroyed." he muttered to himself, now ringing
his hands in agitation.
"Not much going on since we found the boss himself."
Seras told him getting dizzy as he was now pacing faster.
"Alucard, go find something to do!" Integral had
finally had enough.
"Isn't there at least one thing to do, a freak, some other
vampire?" he asked.
"Alucard!!" She screamed his name and he finally
slinked off to another part of the organization.
"Well, you can't really blame her." Seras told him as
she had followed her master.
"I know, but she forgets that I tend to get bored easy"
he complained.
"Alucard she is stressed out, she doesn't have time to
entertain you!" Seras said told him bravely. He seemed a
little impressed that she stood up to him.
"For the past three months there have been absolutely no
missions whatsoever!" He said losing his own patience.
"Nothing makes you happy or satisfied master." Seras
said under her breath. He continued his pacing.
"Excuse, me Sir. Integral." Seras asked popping her
head through the door.
"If this is about Alucard I could care less." Integral
made this perfectly clear.
"Well, It sort of is." Seras said innocently.
"What is it then?" She asked rubbing her temples.
"Well it's just that he has come to the point where some of
the troops want to use him for target practice." Seras said
with a small smile.
"Alucard!" Integral yelled.
"Yes master?" He asked coming through the wall.
"Ok first off do not bother the troops." She said
taking a sip of tea.
"Point taken." he replied
"Shut-up, and second off I have seen days that you have
refrained yourself from being bored and driving people
insane!" She told him flat out.
"Yes but not for three months on end, one does tend to lose
self control." He said with a fanged smile.
"Alucard do not go there with me." She said in a
dangerous tone.
"Alright." He replied.
"Hey I have a great idea!" Seras piped up trying to get
them from fighting.
"What is it police girl?" Alucard asked a glimmer of
hope in his crimson eyes.
"Well, I was thinking since you are bored, and no doubt does
Sir. Integral want a break from all that paperwork
She was thinking.
"Go on Victoria." Integral told her after she stood in
"Of course, I was thinking maybe we could all play a game of
some sort." She smiled broadly.
"A game?" Integral asked a little taken aback.
"Does this involve the use of my guns?" Alucard asked
"Not really, I was hoping we could play a card game or
something." She said cheerfully.
"A card game?" Integral seemed confused, playing a card
game with an overly cheerful vampire with her insanely bored
master sounded anything but fun.
"I can recall a time Walter and I played Poker once."
Alucard told them reminiscing.
"You and Walter played cards?" Integral looked a little
"Well when he was a lot younger." Alucard added.
"So we can play that!" Seras was practically bouncing
up and down.
"Alright." Alucard agreed.
"Do we even have a deck of cards lying around?"
Integral asked herself.
"I do!" Seras dashed to her chambers.
"This should be interesting." Integral said under her
"Oh does master not know how to play?" Alucard asked
half mocking her.
"Actually I do, I challenged Father Enrico some time
back." There was a look of victory Alucard knew only to
"I can tell you won" He said smiling. She quickly
changed her expression.
"Ok I am back" Seras was holding a deck of cards that
looked like they had seen better days.
"Well there is one more thing." Alucard told her.
"What's that?" She asked with a confused look.
"We need tokens or chips." He replied.
"For what?" Seras asked.
"You've never played have you Victoria?" Integral
questioned her.
"Huh, oh no I haven't but I learn fast." She looked
around Alucard grinning.
"You use the tokens to make bets." Alucard answered
"Bet's?" she asked.
"Yes you bet on the hand that you have and whoever wins
takes the prize." Integral explained.
"Ok, I think I got that." She answered.
"Ok so where do we want to set up?" Alucard asked them.
"I guess in the kitchen." Integral thought out loud.
"What about the chips or whatever?" Seras asked.
"Huh, what can we use?"
Alucard looked around.
"Will these do?" Integral held up a token that was
green and perfectly round.
"How many do you have?" Alucard asked.
"Whole box full, all different colors." She answered.
"That'll work." Alucard took the box form her and they
all headed to the kitchens.
"Ok, let's see here..." Alucard began stacking chips.
"You may shuffle the cards police girl." He looked at
her as she watched him stacking chips.
"Oh ok, do we need the jokers?" She asked pulling them
out of the deck.
"Yes they are wild cards." Alucard explained.
"Oh ok." She shuffled over and over waiting for him to
finish whatever he was doing.
"Alright, these will be the fives." Alucard pushed a
tower of red tokens to both women.
"These the tens." they each got a blue tower.
"And finally the green will be the hundreds." they all
had identical towers of tokens in green, blue, and red.
"So we bet with these right." Seras asked
"Yes." Alucard told her. "Ok now what we do is,
well first give me the cards." He reached for them and Seras
gave them away.
"Alright we each get five cards ok?" He asked to make
sure that Seras understood.
"Now we look at our cards and if we want to get rid of
anything you tell the dealer and get more cards." he
"I guess you're the dealer, you have the cards." She
said smiling.
"Correct, I'll be right back, forgot something." he
told them getting up and going through a wall.
"This is going to be fun." Seras was already too
cheerful for Integral to stand.
"Ok here." He handed Seras a piece of paper.
"What is this?" She asked looking it over.
"It's a chart of the hands to look for, since you are
beginning I will let you use it." He then dealt five cards o
"Alright now look at your hand and choose the cards you
don't want."
"I'll take two" Integral placed two cards on the table
and received two more from Alucard.
"Oh I see how this works, one please." She handed
Alucard the unwanted card.
"I'll take three." Alucard said switching cards into
his hand.
"Ok your bet master." Alucard looked at her. "I
bet five." She placed a red token on the table.
"Ok, I put your five and raise it ten." he smirked.
"Wait you raised it." Seras told him.
"Yes and now you either put ten to call or raise it
yourself." He explained.
"Ok I put in your ten and raise a green one." She said
"You raise a hundred?" Integral asked trying to hide
the surprise in her voice.
"I know." She smiled back.
"Ok, Well then, I put in your hundred and raise you ten
more." Integral now smiled as well.
"Alright, I put in your ten, and raise it two hundred
more." Alucard boasted.
"I put your two hundred and put three hundred." She
looked at Integral.
"I put in the three hundred and put in twenty more."
She looked at Alucard.
"I place in the twenty and call."
"Chicken" Integral teased.
"No I know where my luck stands" He replied.
"Now what?" Seras looked confused again.
"We show our cards and whoever wins gets the chips." He
told her looking at Integral.
"I have a full house." She grinned showing the three
kings and two sevens.
"Your sorely beat." Alucard revealed a strait.
"Man, I didn't win." Seras looked disappointed.
"Well what do you have?" Integral asked her.
"Just two pair." She sighed.
"Let me see." Alucard took her hand from her and became
wide eyed.
"Umm, actually you win." He sighed pushing the stack of
chips to her.
"What?" She asked not sure what he meant.
"Look you have three aces and a joker, that's four of a kind
the highest hand, you win." He told her as she scooped up
her chips and began stacking them.
"By the way without the joker that would have been three of
a kind" Integral explained.
"Alright now your turn to deal." Alucard handed her the
"Me, cool!" She shuffled and handed them five cards
"Ok now I give you more cards for what you don't want
right?" She asked making sure.
"Right and I will take two." Integral told her. She
passed two cards to her.
"I'll take three." They switched cards.
"And I want two." Seras replied laughing.
"I bet ten." Integral said placing a blue chip in the
would be pile.
"I put your ten raise it twenty." Alucard eyed Seras to
see what she would do next.
"I put in your twenty, and raise it thirty." She
laughed every time she bet.
"I put in your thirty and raise it a hundred." Integral
was good at betting.
"I put your one hundred and raise it to three hundred."
He put in two green chips.
"I am going to call." Seras blushed.
"Wise move." Integral commented.
"I have a strait." Integral laid her cards down showing
"Beats me." Alucard set his three queens showing.
"Umm, I think this is something?" She showed her hand
to Alucard.
"Ok this is two pair." He told her looking at the two
sevens and two jacks.
"Yay, Integral wins!" Seras applauded her.
"Thank you Seras pass the deck." She told her.
"Not Sir. Integral is the dealer!" Seras seemed to be
coaching the whole game.
"We are going to play a little different this time ok."
She looked at Alucard and Seras.
"Alright." Alucard grinned.
"Ok." Seras replied a little quietly.
"So what we are going to do now is we have seven
"Seven!" Seras interrupted her.
"Yes seven, Victoria." She said a little agitated.
"Two of which will be face up." She explained.
"Umm, ok then." Seras said sounding not so sure.
"This should be fun." Alucard agreed with Integral. She
began dealing cards placing two of the cards face up to everyone.
"You have the joker!" Seras told Integral as she set
the deck down. "Indeed I do." She grinned somewhat
"I need two cards" Alucard interrupted Integrals
daydream. "So needy." She teased him again, He just
"Three please." Seras asked politely.
"Certainly." Integral handed her three new cards.
"How come you're nice to her?" Alucard asked.
"She's polite." Integral simply replied. Seras couldn't
help but laugh.
"Humph" Alucard pretended to pout only making Seras
laugh more.
"I bet twenty" Integral put in two blue chips.
"I put in your twenty, raise it thirty." Alucard showed
his fangs.
"I put in thirty raise you forty." Seras looked at
Integral who was studying her cards.
"I put your forty, and raise you fifty." Integral said
tossing in the chips.
"I put your fifty and raise you a hundred." Alucard
slapped the green chip into the pile.
"I feel like I'm at an auction." Seras said laughing.
"I call on this one." she placed a single green chip.
"I have full house." Alucard grinned.
"Beats me another two pair." She then looked at
Integral who had a grimaced look on her face.
"You win vampire" She placed the cards back in the
"Master wins!" Seras shouted. Alucard stood up and
bowed dramatically. Integral merely rolled her eyes.
"Jealous?" He asked winking at Integral.
"I like this game." Seras smiled watching Alucard
shuffle the cards.
"I agree." Integral finally agreed.
"Ok then lets try one Walter was good at." Alucard
added with a huge grin.
"Ok." Seras was practically glowing with excitement.
Integral saw how much joy they really possessed. She couldn't
even remember the last time she had even laughed let alone feel
completely at ease.
"Alright we are going to bet on each card." He gave
them both a card.
"Now we bet based on what we have till we have all five
cards." he placed the deck down "your turn." He
looked to Seras.
"Umm, I bet five." She put in her red chip.
"I call." Integral looked to Alucard. "I as
well." He then gave them the second card.
"I bet ten." Seras smiling put in a blue chip.
"I call you." Integral followed suit as well as
Alucard. The third card.
"Twenty." Seras was smiling broader. Alucard and
Integral called again. The fourth card.
"I bet thirty." Seras was really enjoying being the
leader of bets.
"I think I will raise your twenty to fifty." Integral
said with a somewhat shady look.
"I will call." Alucard sounded unimpressed. Last card.
"I bet one hundred." Seras placed her blue chip into
the growing pile.
"I put your hundred and raise you by three." Alucard
looked nervous.
"Umm, call." He bit his lip looking regretful.
"I have full house, kings and jacks!" Seras said
"I have yet another strait." Integral boasted.
"What do you have master?" Seras asked.
"All three aces, and I lost." He frowned. "Sir
Integral master of poker." Seras rang out.
They spent the next five hours playing various forms of poker, at
one point Integral caught Alucard trying to cheat by reading
minds she quickly cured him of that by setting herself as a one
track mind. Seras began to become confused when her master would
suddenly begin blushing. Seras continued to referee the game.
Integral never lost her luck making Alucard straining for
patience. The night was filled with laughter and singing with
whom Seras could not carry a tune in a bucket. The break of
daylight was met with groans and yawns as the two vampires made
their way to their crypts and Integral to her bedroom where she
welcomed her soft bed with delight.
That night was normal for Integral who was trying to catch up on
the paper work she had let pile up due to last nights games. She
looked irritated as she wrote signatures and corrected things.
She nearly lost her self control as she saw the familiar red coat
belonging to a very annoying vampire sweep past.
"Alucard I am not going to put up with you tonight."
She said quietly.
"Want to play poker?" He asked.
He sulked away. "Nothing lasts with her." He rolled his
eyes as Seras walked by.
"She'll miss out on the fun." Seras held up the deck of
"Great!" He followed Seras as Integral watched the two
head to the kitchens thankful he had found something to do at
last. She nearly died laughing when she heard Seras scream his
name in disbelief no doubt he had thought up a 'new game.'
The end