Just Between Us Two
It had been a few days since Alucard's bloody rampage against Seras Victoria's kidnappers. His 'cooling off period' had only begun. Integra could have dealt out a harsher reprimand for the vampire's actions. It actually suprised him that his punishment was not more severe than it was. The human troops would have to pick up a great deal of the slack while he was on suspension. Seras could not handle all the work either seeing as she was still a fledgling. She had only started her return to active duty, and only on light missions.
Tonight however the mission was far more than what Integra thought Seras could handle. She would be staying at the mansion for the night. Walter brought Alucard his nightly blood supply.
"I suppose Sir Integra is keeping the police girl here tonight?" Alucard questioned.
"Yes. She felt the mission was far too dangerous for Miss Victoria to be involved in. The human troops will have their hands full." Walter answered. "Is there anything else you require Alucard?" He asked.
"Other than moving targets to shoot at, no." Alucard answered with an amused laugh.
"Regretfully those I cannot supply you with. But this will pass. You'll be back out on the battle field in no time." Walter replied.
"That's the problem Walter. No time doesn't mean anything to me. I have all of eternity. But I suppose I should be greatful seeing as the penalty could have been far worse." Alucard said.
Walter nodded in agreement and left. Alucard opened the blood pack and poured a small amount into a wine glass. He took a sip before noticing he was no longer alone. "Police girl, it's not polite to sneak up on your master like that." He said with a chuckle.
"I'm sorry master. I was just...well..." Seras stuttered.
"I know. You're restless like I am." Alucard replied.
"May I come in master?" Seras asked.
"Well, I should scold you for not resting as I told you too." Alucard began. Seras lowered her head like a child being chided by its parent.
"But I could use the company. It would make this 'cooling off' period as our master so politely put it a little easier to bear." He finished motioning for his fledgling to enter his chamber.
Seras approached him timidly. "Have you fed?" The elder vampire asked.
"Well...um, a little." Seras answered.
"What have I told you about letting your supply get low police girl?" Alucard scolded.
"I know master." Seras replied sheepishly.
"Here, you can have some of mine." Alucard said handing the blood pack to her. Seras sighed as she drank in some of the blood. She felt the sluggishness fade from her body. "Now isn't that better?" He asked smiling in approval.
"Yes." Seras answered.
"I know it's hard for you. Remember that I too was human a very long time ago." Alucard replied.
"But it seems so much easier for you. I guess it's because you've done it so long it's not that big a deal for you." Seras said. "My human life played a huge part in my being the creature I am now." Alucard responded.
"Master, what was your human life like?" Seras asked. She heard a drawn out sigh from her master.
"I'm not sure you want to know that police girl." He said trying to block out the issue.
"But master, I do want to know. What you told me a few days ago, when you visited me in my room. You said that you had also known what it was like to be tortured." Seras insisted. The elder vampire realized Seras wasn't going to leave the subject alone. She was getting stubborn like him.
"All right police girl. But on one condition. When you go back to your chamber I want you to drink the blood waiting for you. Do we have an agreement?" Alucard asked.
"Yes master." Seras answered.
"There is something else. What I share with you this night does not leave this room, understood?" Alucard asked sharply.
"Understood master." Seras answered. "There are things in my past I do not go into because humans do not understand the circumstances of my upbringing." Alucard said.
"Please tell me master. I promise, I...I won't make a fuss about drinking the transfusion blood anymore." Seras said with a relunctant sigh. Alucard looked at her for a moment.
"Are you absolutely sure you want to make that sort of a promise police girl? If you are serious then you do realize I intend to hold you to that pledge." Alucard replied.
"I know you will master." Seras answered.
"You really want to hear the story that bad?" Alucard asked.
"Yes master. I don't know that much about you at all. I don't even know your full name." Seras said.
"Go sit in my coffin. This story could take awhile, and I doubt you want to stand all night." Alucard said. Seras hopped up on the soft bedding and got comfortable.
"You...really want to hear this?" Alucard said trying for one last shot that Seras would go to another subject.
"Yes master, I do." Seras replied almost like a giddy child trying hard to get her father to tell her a bedtime story. Alucard sighed. "All right." He said propping his legs up on his table.
"I was a young man back then." Alucard began.
"My father was Vlad Dracul, prince of Romānia. He left me in charge of my brother Radu. He tried to make an effort to unite the Romanian nobles against the Turkish sultan's oppression. My country suffered greatly at his hands." He continued.
"While my father was away, Radu and I were kidnapped by the Turkish soldiers at the command of the sultan. Neither of us knew what our fates would be. I knew only that we both felt terror as we'd never before felt. We nad no idea what the bastard was going to do to us." Alucard explained.
"Vlad Dracul? He was your father?" Seras asked.
"Yes. My name was Vlad Dracula." He answered.
Seras listend intently when she heard an abrupt change in Alucard's accent. It became rather thick and heavy upon certain words. She looked like a student engrossed in a lecture by her professor. "I see I have caught your interest already police girl." Alucard said with a bit of a smirk.
"Your accent changed." Seras replied.
"It's been a long time since I've used my own accent. Long years in the Hellsing organization have curbed my use of it." Alucard said.
"Your accent is Romanian?" Seras asked. "Yes. Romānia is my homeland." Alucard answered.
"Romania?" Seras asked.
"Romānia, police girl." Alucard replied in his original accent. Seras looked confused for a moment.
"Outsiders to my land always say it wrong." Alucard said.
"You had a brother?" Seras asked.
"Yes. Father said my brother was weak and far too dependent upon others. Father did not feel he would fare well upon his own so he placed me in charge of him while he was away on business. I tried to keep him safe when we were kidnapped by the sultan. But we were seperated the night after we were brought to him. I could not protect him." Alucard explained, his face becoming serious.
"Why did the sultan kidnap you master?" Seras asked.
"My father refused to give the sultan his yearly tribute. He refused to see our people opressed any longer. The sultan promised that my brother and I would be returned to our father when he paid what was demanded of him. My brother came to me one night and told me our father was dead. He'd been murdered." Alucard answered.
"Murdered? Why?" Seras questioned.
"Greed. The Romanian nobles wanted to keep their lands and their vast wealth. They had power, and they wanted to keep it. They were a disgrace to my father's country." Alucard said with a bit of a growl.
"Master, if this is truly bothering you..." Seras interrupted.
"No police girl. I...I need to get this off my chest. I've held it in for a very long time. What happened to you has brought it out to the surface. I really have no one else to share it with who would understand. Unless of course this is too much for you to handle." Alucard said widening narrowing his left eye a bit.
"No master. I want to hear the rest." Seras replied.
"The time I was a prisoner in the dugeons of the sultan were perhaps some of the worst in my life. Many nights guards would shackle me by my hands and hoist me off the ground, then flog me repeatedly with a whip. And they didn't use a regular whip either. They always used a cat o' nine tails or a whip with a sharp metal end. The pain it inflicted upon me was forever burned into my memory. And if whipping me wasn't enough, the guards would beat me into unconciousness. Then they would wait for me to start coming around then beat me some more. And when that didn't work, they would stretch me on a wrack. There were nights I literally could not move because of the pain. My shoulders were constantly dislocated. There were nights I could not speak because my throat was parched. And I would shake nightly because of constant starvation." Alucard said.
"Master, how did you make it through all that?" Seras asked.
"Determination and hatred. I would not let myself be broken as my brother was. Yes, there were times when I prayed for death. I wanted the agony to end even if it meant my last breath. But I did not want the bastard sultan to win. I was going to bring justice to my land. I was going to free my people from Turkish opression. I wasn't going to let my spirit be broken even if my body was. Many nights I would taste my own blood running down my face, and it would spark flames of rage in my soul. I would live no matter it took. Every time I wanted to die, I would see the sultan's smug face burned in my brain. That image would set my blood on fire. I wasn't going to die. I was going to live. I wanted the right to send the opressor of my people straight to hell. I wanted to see the look on his face when I stole his last breath." Alucard finished.
"Did you master?" Seras asked.
"No. Unfortunately fate determined I would not have that right. But, in fairness, the sultan didn't get his wish either." Alucard replied.
"And what did he want?" Seras asked.
"To have my head. My weak brother thought he would have the honor of taking my body to the sultan so he could behead it himself.." Alucard said as an evil smile crept upon his face.
"He didn't get the chance to." Alucard replied.
"What happend to him?" Seras asked again.
"Justice happened to him." Alucard answered.
"I don't understand." Seras said.
"I'd been told he had repented his service to the sultan and wanted to unite with me to free our lands. But it was a lie. The Romanian Orthodox church had betrayed me to my brother. He was there to kill me. It was then that I learned it was a priest of the church who had my father murdered. Then he and my brother had conspired together to get me out of the way. Radu and I had our last battle on this Earth in the monestery of Snagoff. I fought him with all my strength, but he wounded me severely. Then I was overpowered by Turkish soldiers. I remember seeing his smiling face as he ran me through on my own sword." Alucard said. Seras's eyes widened in shock at his statement.
"The church denounced me. My soul would never enter heaven, nor would it ever gain entrance into hell. I was condemned to remain incorrupt and entire. The bastard thought he had planned everything so perfectly. He was rather shocked to see me the night after my death. His curse gave me my immortality. I thanked him for that before I sucked him dry. The sultan did however get his war trophy, though it was not the one he wanted. It came as quite a shock to him when he unwrapped a red silk cloth to find my brother's severed head. I still remember him begging for mercy like the sad, pathetic weakling he always was. In some ways I am glad our father never lived to see the disgrace my little brother became."
Seras was completely taken aback by all that she had heard. She got off Alucard's coffin and walked over to him. "Master..." She sighed reaching out and placing her small, delicate hand against Alucard's face.
"Now you understand the circumstances that made your master. Now you understand why I look down upon most humans and their weaknessess." Alucard replied.
"Yes, I do master." Seras answered.
Seras looked into Alucard's eyes. She found herself getting lost in his hypnotic gaze. He too found himself gazing into her eyes as well. Seras felt herself growing sleepy. She slowly laid her head upon Alucard's shoulder. He chuckled softly as he gathered her into his arms. He carried her over to his coffin and laid her down upon the soft bedding. Alucard went down to one knee gazing contently at his sleeping fledgling. She looked so peaceful. He debated whether or not he should wake her up.
"She looks like an angel." The elder vampire thought to himself. "My little police girl. Sometimes I wonder what it is you see in me."
She was his dark child, yet an innocent goddess. So much power she beheld, but so unaware of how terrible that power could be. He leaned in close to her sleeping form and gently nuzzled her neck. He touched his lips to the place where he'd marked her the night they met. Seras slowly opened her eyes.
"Master?" She asked sleepily. Alucard looked into her ruby orbs.
"You ended up hypnotizing yourself." He said with a soft laugh. He touched her left cheek. The look in her eyes, the sound of her voice, the sweet scent of her awoke something in him he hadn't felt in so long...desire. He wanted her that moment. But he wasn't exactly sure how to approach her with such a sensitive subject. She'd already been through so much trauma. He certainly didn't want to put anymore undue stress upon her.
Alucard looked away for a moment, then back into the eyes of his fledgeling. Seras could sense some sort of unrest in her master, though she wasn't aware of what the reason for it. "Master, is something wrong?" She asked softly.
He desperately tried to find the words to tell her what he wanted, how he felt. But if they were there, those words would not willingly leave the back of his mind. He did the only thing he knew to do. Before Seras knew what happened she suddenly found her master's lips firmly but gently pressed against hers. He cupped her face in his large hands. The look in his eyes full of longing and need. "It has been so long since I've wanted anyone this way. Seras, I...I need you. I want you." He said almost pleadingly.
Realizing what he had done, he pulled away from Seras. "I should not have done that. You shouldn't have to deal with this sort of pressure right now." He said about to get up.
"It's all right master. I want to stay with you." Seras replied. Alucard turned and faced the young vampire. His eyes widened somewhat in shock.
"Seras, you want to be with me?" He asked in mild disbelief.
"Yes." Seras asnswered. She reached out and touched Alucard's face.
"Is this really what you want? You can give your virginty only once."
"I won't give it to anyone else but you master." Seras replied. Her voice was one of deep conviction. Then she got out of the coffin and stood up. Seras unhooked the belt of her uniform and let it fall to the floor. She removed her uniform shirt second and let it join the belt. Then she took off her skirt. The next thing she did was take off her bra. She stopped undressing and walked up to a rather stunned Alucard. She stood there nearly naked before her master. It wasn't so much seduction as it was a show of trust. It was a look she gave him when he made her his dark fledgling. She put her hands upon Alucard's face.
"I belong to you and you alone master for as long as you want me." She said softly.
Alucard put his arms around her slender waist and pulled her close to him. He closed his eyes and phased out of most of his clothes. The only thing that remained on his body were his dark grey pants. He pulled Seras into the coffin with him and lay her down by his side. He leaned down and planted a gentle yet passionate kiss upon Seras's mouth. He felt her shiver slightly when her chest made contact with his. As brazen as she may have been, she was still nervous about her first time.
"Don't be frightened my precious one. Those bastards may have put you through hell, but I will take you to paradise." He whispered ever so softly. His voice sent shivers down her spine. He kissed her along the side of her neck up to the place where he'd marked her. He inhaled the scent of her skin.
"Your blood smells as sweet as the night we first met. I want one more taste of that blood before you become a woman." He asked.
Seras turned her head exposing her neck to him. He leaned in close bearing his fangs. "I won't hurt you."
She felt his fangs carefully pierce her delicate throat. Only the point went into her skin. A bead of scarlette fluid ebbed from the tiny hole. Alucard lapped the drop of blood up with his tongue. His eyes rolled back as he savored its sweetness in his mouth. The wound instantly healed. He gently kissed the place where he'd bitten her. He started moving his mouth down her neck to the space between her breasts. He cupped them with his hands kissing all over except for her nipples. She sighed and tried to position her nipple close to his mouth with her hands. A pair of long tendrils slithered out of his black hair and up Seras's arms. They moved her hands above her head and firmly but not forcefully held them there. He would be gentle with her, but he would be in control.
"Relax my sweet one. You'll have your chance to touch me all you want. Right now I want you to feel, nothing more." He said to her in her mind. He felt her body relax beneathe him. She let out a frustrated sigh.
"Patience my little no life princess. This sort of pleasure is best enjoyed when it's drawn out." He said between kisses. He kissed around her throbbing nipple drawing out the tension as long as possible. Seras mewled and whimpered trying to keep her body still. She let out a deep groan when he slid his tongue across one of her hard, pink buds. She felt sparks of sensation surge from her chest through her body. He moved his mouth to her other breast and did the same to it while massaging the previous one with his hand. Seras felt waves of lovely tingles travel down her spine to the place between her thighs.
He paid attention to her breasts for several moments then started a trail of kisses and light nips down her rib cage to her belly. "Now if you promise to be a good little girl I'll let your hands down." He said teasingly.
"Yes master." She replied. Seras lowered her hands to her sides as the tendrils retreated back into the black jungle of Alucard's hair. He rose up to one knee while he steadied himself with his other leg on the floor. Slowly he slid one of her black stockings off her thigh. She sighed enjoying the feel of his hands slowly rubbing down her leg to her ankle. He tossed the stocking to the floor and began kissing and licking from her ankle to her inner thigh. She felt as if sparks of electricty crackled through her nerve endings making her body feel alive with sensation. Then he took her other leg and removed the other stocking from it and did the same as he did to her left leg. Afterwards he hooked his fingers around the sides of her cotton briefs and slowly pulled them from her waist.
She lay there completely naked before his eyes. "I never realized what a truly beautiful young woman you are Seras Victoria." He replied approvingly.
"Thank you master." Seras answered shyly.
She watched him lower his head between her thighs. Her body shivered with anticipation as he parted the gates of her womanhood. His own desire became aroused as he inhaled her feminine scent. She felt like a dewy rose on a cool Autum morning. First he laid tiny kisses along the sides of her intimate flesh before sliding his tongue across her most sensitive area. She let out a loud cry of pleasure digging her nails into the bed sheets. Pleased by her responce he flicked his tongue over the throbbing nub several times driving her into absolute helplessness.
"Mmmm, oh master!" She cried over and over. While he teased her with his tongue, he eased one of his long fingers into her virgin entrance. He felt her tighten around the invading appendage as she hit her first climax. If she was that tight around his finger, he could only imagine how she would feel around what he affectionately refered to as 'the impalor.' As her body came down from the euphoric high, she felt her body pulled into her master's arms. He held her against him kissing her deeply. There truly was no more intoxicating aroma than the scent of a woman. She caught a whiff of that scent on her master's lips as he kissed her.
He lay down on his back pulling Seras down with him. "Your turn now my pet." He whispered seductively. Seras started slowly rubbing Alucard's chest with her small hands lightly raking her nails across his skin. She began to lick around his nipples the way he had done with her. She flicked her tongue over one while she pinched the other with her hand. She felt him arch his back as she started lightly scratching him with her nails. Seras listened for his responce which came in the form of low growls and deep moans telling her what she did pleased her master so far. She scraped her fangs against his skin careful not to bite into him. Her actions left scrape marks across his chest. They healed as quickly as she put them there.
"I knew there was a little sadist in you police girl." He chuckled.
She kept moving her head down toward his stomach. She looked out of the corner of her eye and saw that his pants had mysteriously disappeared. She eyed the now stiff erection with amazement. It looked like a perfectly carved white marble. She blushed realizing how brazen she was being just blantantly gawking at it. "Don't by shy darling." He sighed.
Seras lightly wrapped her hand around the hard shaft. She didn't grip him forcefully. Her touch was soft and light as she began to stroke him. She heard a sudden hiss escape his mouth. She caressed it ever so gently as if it were a fragile sculpture. Then she grew bold enough to start massaging him with her other hand. Her fingers so soft against the smooth skin. The elder vampire felt a surge of pleasure through his body he hadn't felt in nearly a century. Seras stroked and caressed his manhood so lovingly. He'd forgotten how good a woman's touch really felt.
Feeling a little bolder, Seras touched her pursed lips against his erection causing him to nearly jump off the bed. She slowly kissed her way down from the head to the base. Alucard dug his nails into the sheets causing them to shred. Her lips moved back up as her hands moved down. "Oh how sweetly she tortures me." He groaned in his mind.
She might have been shy in the beginning, but she was quickly losing her inhibitions. She began sliding her tongue from the base to the top making her master mindless with sensation. Then she finally took the very tip of him into her mouth. She pressed her tongue against him and started sucking on him at the same time. He struggled to keep from completely losing control and exploding in her mouth then and there. She tried taking him in her mouth as far as she could without gagging. Every nerve in his body suddenly sparked to life by her stimulation. He groaned and growled almost like an animal. His hands dug and clawed at the sheets of his coffin. His nostrils flared and his eyes glowed.
"Seras..." He gasped. "You must....stop...now..."
Seras stopped and looked across at her master's face. His expression appeared to be one more of pain that of pleasure. "Master, did I do something wrong?" She asked sheepishly.
"No...no it wasn't you. I do not want to...lose control...before I've taken you." He replied still panting and gasping. He took Seras's hands and pulled her up to him. It took a moment for him to calm himself. "Lie down Seras." He said.
She did as she was told and laid on her back. Once he'd regained his composure he turned on his side and leaned over Seras. Again he released some of his shadows to roam toward Seras's midsection. He pressed his mouth against hers kissing her deeply. Their tongues twirled and danced against each other while three tendrils slithered over her body. Two formed small mouth parts and attached themselves to Seras's nipples. She groaned inwardly feeling them suck at her hardened buds. She felt the third slink between her legs creeping into her heat. Her body bucked against her master's feeling something rubbing against her inner most center.
She felt her body respond as new surges of pleasure shot through her. She could feel herself growing hot and slick between her legs. Alucard clinched one side of the coffin trying to keep his own desire at bay until the right moment. He moved one of his hands down in between her thighs. He eased one of his fingers inside her entrance. Her inner muscles instantly tightened around the extremity signaling just how hungry her body was for his. He released her from his kiss and withdrew the shadows from her body.
"This will hurt, but only this one time. Close your eyes and relax Seras. I'm going to break through quickly so the pain will fade faster." He said.
Seras shivered at the prospect of just how painful her taking was going to be. She'd seen just how big he was and the prospect scared her to death. Alucard leaned close to her ear. He whispered, "Trust your master, and he will not lead you astray."
She looked up at him with the same look she had when he turned her. "Seras," He said. "This is where you're supposed to close your eyes."
She gave him a soft, trusting smile as she closed her eyes. But her smile quickly turned into a grimace as she felt him break through her virgin barrier. She cried out in pain as her body tensed. He knew no amout of preperation could have readied her for agony she felt. He saw tears pour from her eyes. Alucard leaned his head down gently nuzzling her face with his. He kept his upper body supported on his arms so that his weight didn't crush her.
"I know it hurts Seras. Try to relax your body, and the pain will subside faster." He said.
It took a moment for her to untense her muscles. And even then the pain lasted a moment longer. She tried so hard to keep from crying, but the tears came none the less. "Master..." she sobbed.
"Shhhh, don't cry inger mea . The pain won't last." He whispered softly. She didn't know exactly what he'd just called her, but the softness of his voice began to soothe her discomfort. He kissed her tenderly. She reached out with trembling hands and wrapped her arms around his neck. A moment passed and her body completely relaxed beneath him. Slowly he began to move within her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. For a moment she still stung, but his slow, steady movements began to ease her aching flesh.
"Hang onto me Seras." He told her mentally. He slowly rolled onto his back with her now straddling him. "Easier for both of us this way." He replied reclining back.
Seras felt a bit of relief no longer having to worry about his weight being on top of her. She rested her hands against his chest while he placed his on her hips.
"Start slowly, and let your body adjust to me." He instructed. Seras closed her eyes and relaxed herself. Slowly she lowered herself and pressed her head against his chest. Alucard wrapped his arms around her sliding his hands up and down her spine. Seras pressed her lips against his neck. She let her hair brush across his skin as she rubbed her head against him. She felt the throb of his desire inside of her replacing once unbearable pain with more enjoyable sensations.
She pushed herself up on her hands until she was back in a sitting position. She began to move her hips in a back and fourth motion pushing him in and out at a steady pace. She started out slowly at first getting comfortable with the feel of him inside of her. He cupped her breasts in his hands rubbing and massaging them. They both began groaning in unison as they continued pleasuring each other. Seras began picking up the pace undulating her hips and pelvis faster against that of her master. She could feel the tension between them growing. The friction of their bodies rubbing together became more intense.
"Uhhh, master..." Seras groaned deeply.
Feeling the need to take control again, Alucard held onto Seras and rolled her over onto her back so that he was again in the dominant position. Without missing a beat she wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck. He began thrusting into her now with more urgency and speed. He bathed her neck in frenzied kisses as the sensations of his body became more powerful. Seras mewled and moaned loudly feeling him push into her faster and faster. She felt pressure building upon her most sensitive areas the harder he pushed against her. Harder, faster he moved inside her. The friction grew stronger filling their bodies with intense pleasure.
Seras could feel the intense energy crackling througout her arms, her legs and most noticably her crotch. His long shaft moved fast against every part of her inside putting pressure on her sensitive center. Her inner muscles began to tighten against him every time he moved back into her. Seras felt her body began to tense as the moment approached. She looked up at the top of Alucard's coffin letting her eyes roll back. The feeling intensified, like a ball of energy growing bigger and bigger inside her. She gripped Alucard's neck fiercely. Her nostrils flared and her eyes began to glow as the moment approached.
Alucard kept his upper body supported on his arms so he didn't crush Seras with his pounding movements. She grew hotter and hotter as his pace quickened from it's already rapid motions. Seras whipped her head from side to side as her body asorbed the blows as he started crashing into her with his vampiric strength. A normal human woman could possibly have been crippled by such force, but not Seras. Her young vampiric frame could withstand the strength of Alucard's lusts. He moaned and hissed feeling his own release would be soon upon him. Seras cried out with pleasure. Her inner muscles tightened and clamped around her lover with a vice like grip. He pushed deeper into her, as deep as her body would allow him making the most of her contractions. The sensations overwhelmed the elder vampire and he made one last deep thrust into her.
"SERAS!" He roared as he spilled himself into his young fledgling.
They both spasmed and convulsed a few more times before the moment ended. Alucard collapsed on his side pulling Seras along with him. He remained within her for a moment until her spasms stopped and he pulled out of her. They both lay together weary but quite satisfied. Seras snuggled her naked body against that of her master. She twirled a lock of black hair around one of her fingers. She laid her head against his chest. Alucard laid still for a moment looking up at the top of his coffin. He felt exghausted by this encounter with his dark fledgling.
Seras looked up at Alucard seeing the look upon his face. It was one of sheer exghaustion, but also one of contentment. She felt him put his arm around her waist and pull her close to him. She rested her head against his shoulder curling her body into a semi ball. Alucard ran his fingers through Seras's soft reddish blonde hair.
"It's been too long since I last felt this sort of contentment. Your sweet body has calmed my restlessness. I'd forgotten just how good it is to hold a woman in my arms." He sighed wearily.
"Master, I..."
"Shhhh." Alucard said gently pressing a finger against Seras's mouth. "The unspoken word is more powerful. The sun will be rising soon. I will take you back to your room before it sets. I don't know exactly how Walter would react to...heh, seeing us in such a compromising situation." He replied.
He pressed her close to him. Having almost lost her once, he wasn't going to let her go this time. He raised his free hand and summoned his remote to him with his mind. Then he pressed the button and the lid began to descend. Seras felt something soft cover her and her master's naked bodies. "Sleep now inger mea , my angel." He said as the coffin closed for the day.