Part 5
Sarlis paced frantically back and fourth. "How could they have known where to find her? And what happened to the two guards I sent to finish her off?" He demanded angrily. "It appears there was both men were attacked by some sort of wild animal. One had his throat torn out and the other...well, I don't even want to say what happened to him." One of his henchmen answered.
"How could they have found her? She was so weak that she couldn't have told her master where she was and he couldn't possibly have linked with her." Another said.
"That doesn't matter anymore! If the Hellsing organization was able to get her back then they'll know where I am. And do you have any idea how powerful her master is if he was able to finally track her down even with her near death. I have to get out of here!" Sarlis yelled frantically. "Get my car ready! I have to get out of this place."
The sun was starting to go down. Alucard knew Integra forbid him to do anything against Sarlis, but he wasn't about to let Sarlis get away with the crimes committed by him upon Victoria. He stayed with Seras for a moment.
"Master, what did Sir Integra tell you?" She asked.
"She has told me that I am to stay out of the situation until called for." Alucard answered. "But this is one time when I cannot obey her orders." He added.
"Master, please don't do anything that will make Sir Integra angry with you." Seras pled.
"I will not let those bastards get away with what they did to you. To our master this may be business, but to me it is personal. They tortured one of my own, and I will not let them get away with it. Her world has interfered with our world, and I must set the balance straight once more." Alucard answered.
"Master, this has affected you more than I know, hasn't it?" Seras asked wearily. Alucard looked down.
"It is a long story police girl. Understand that I must do this. For now that is all you need to know." He said.
"Please be careful master. I don't want anything to happen to you." Seras said.
"I will accept the consequences of my actions. Integra is my master, but she is not a vampire. She does not understand our ways. I will not be gone long police girl. Stay here and rest. Sir Integra has given you leave until you feel you are ready to enter active service again." Alucard said.
"Yes master." Seras sighed.
Sarlis was driven back to his private estate. He sat in his library nervously smoking a cigar. "He won't find me here. He won't find me." Sarlis kept telling himself.
He took a sip of brandy to calm his nerves. "There has to be another way to find that chip. I want that freak chip. Military powers would pay handsomely for expendable soldiers. Yes, think about the money. That's all that matters. That chip will make me rich beyond my wildest dreams."
Integra got up from her chair. She decided to go check on Seras. She walked down to the lower levels opened the door to Alucard's chamber and saw Victoria sleeping. Then she saw what appeared to be his red coat, hat and boats. Not thinking anything of it she figured Alucard was sleeping besides Seras until the sun set. She decided not to disturb them and left the lower levels. As she started to make her way back to the upper levels of the mansion she realized the sun had set minutes ago. She suddenly turned and headed back to the lower levels. She ran back to the room where Seras lay sleeping and saw the coat hat and boats now flat where they once appeared to have a person in them.
"No, he didn't!" Integra shouted. Her raised voice startled Seras from her rest. "Sir Integra..." She said trying to wake up.
"Seras, where is your master? Where is Alucard?" She demanded.
"I'm sorry Sir. I couldn't stop him." Seras said lowering her head.
"I can't believe this! I expressly forbade him to leave!" Integra shouted storming away from the lower chambers.
Alucard had long since left England for Paris. He knew he would have to face Integra's wrath, but for the moment he didn't care. He wasn't going to let the fiend that tortured Seras get away with it. He was going to teach him what real fear was. He went to the compound where she was being held but there was no one there. But it didn't matter. He didn't have to focus on Seras now so he could use his power to track his targets down. He listened to all the voices in the city until he heard the one he wanted to hear.
"I want that chip before anyone else can patent the rights to it. If any military power wants it they'll pay me to get it." Alucard could hear Sarlis's voice. He disappeared from the compound and traveled to where the voice of Sarlis was coming from.
Integra stormed shouting and cursing all the way back to her office. "I want troops mobilized and ready to go to Paris immediately!" She yelled.
Walter stood nervously by waiting for his orders.
"Walter, you stay here with Seras and look after her. Alucard and I are going to have at it when I get him back here!" She fumed.
"Yes Sir Integra." Walter answered with a nervous gulp. Integra went to the launching pad where her helicopter was being prepped for take off.
Alucard found Sarlis's estate. He looked up at the moon, his fangs glittering in its white light. Tonight there would be a slaughter, and he would revel in every second of it. He transformed himself into a mist to slip through the gates. There were guards everywhere but that didn't matter to Alucard. Soon there would only be bloodless corpses littering the grounds. He was hungry and this night he would feast as he had never feasted before. He would satisfy his lust for blood and revenge. He materialized in his human form wearing all black leather. A guard spotted him immediately and opened fire. Alucard merely stood there and laughed as the guard emptied his gun.
"You humans and your impotent weapons. Those bullets will do nothing against me." He said with insane laughter and pounced on the guard. He tore into the unlucky victim's throat and sucked the body dry. Other guards heard a horrified scream and rushed to the area. They saw Alucard, his face dripping with his victim's blood standing over the bloodless carcass. They opened fire but it did no good. Alucard flew toward his enemies and ripped them to shreds. A guard inside the mansion who saw the violence from a security camera raised an alarm.
Sarlis heard the guard calling for back up. "What's going on? What's all that racket?" He demanded.
"Sir, there's an intruder on the estate! He's tearing the security guards to shreds!" A solider cried.
"Tearing the guards to shreds?" Sarlis asked nervously.
"They've fired at least a hundred bullets into him but it's doing no good! He recovers faster than we can wound him!" The guard answered.
"No. It can't be. He couldn't have found me here! He couldn't have found me!" Sarlis yelled realizing whom the guards were up against.
"Her master found me!" He screamed. He ran in terror trying to find a place to hide in the mansion.
As soon as Alucard took out the guards outside the estate, he headed for the mansion itself. He waved his hand and the front door flew off its hinges flying onto the lawn. He was met with more gunfire and again the body count began to rise. On the lawn body parts lay scattered across the now blood soaked grass. Alucard stalked into the mansion breaking necks and ripping out the throats of those who stood in his way. He wanted Sarlis. And he was going to find him even if he had to kill every occupant in the building to do it. He walked slowly and methodically through the halls listening, watching. So far no sign of Sarlis. But then he caught a familiar face. It was one of the associates who had stood by watching Seras being interrogated. The man was in a room hiding in a closet. Alucard held up his hand and the door imploded. Splinters of wood scattered throughout the room. Then he looked around and caught the scent of living blood. He could hear a human heart racing madly. It was the sound of fear, human fear. He looked toward a door painted white. That was where the sound was coming from. He smiled bearing his now bloody fangs and raised his hand. The door flew off its hinges revealing a man in a suit crouching. His face was twisted in terror as Alucard approached. The man stumbled out of the closet but Alucard caught him before he could flee the room.
He held the unfortunate man up by his neck. His grip was loose enough so that he didn't snap his neck...yet. "I'm letting you have these last moments for one reason and one reason only. I want to know where this bastard Sarlis is. I know he's in this house. Where is he?" Alucard demanded.
"I don't know! I swear to you I don't know! He could be anywhere in here!" The man shouted.
"Wrong answer." Alucard growled and thrust his hand into the man's chest. He pulled out the beating heart.
"Now you can see your heart beat for the last time before you die." He hissed. He dropped his victim to the floor, then ever so calmly laid the still beating heart where he could see it. The man's face was forever an expression of horror as he watched his heart stop beating and then his eyes closed.
Alucard continued hunting his target. He went from room to room on the first floor. Most of them were empty. He would on occasion find a security guard and quickly dispatch him as he had done the others. They were not worth his effort. He considered himself actually dispatching them with mercy. They would not suffer as Sarlis would. For him, Alucard would have no mercy...none.
Alucard reached the last room on the first floor and found the nurse who had injected Seras with the solution that had tortured her so. " were the one who tormented her mercilessly sticking her with your cursed needles. You drained her. You starved her." Alucard growled.
"No! I was only doing what I was ordered to do! I had no choice! I had no choice!" The nurse screamed.
Her pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. He grabbed her by the throat and sank his fangs into her neck. She quickly stopped struggling. He drank what he wanted and then let the body drop to the floor. Her eyes still wide open in fear.
"I will give you the one mercy you did not give her." Alucard said and took out his black Jackul gun. He fired one silver bullet into her head. Then he left the room.
"He's insane! He's killed everyone on the first floor! Mr. Sarlis who is this mad man?!" Another of his associates pleaded.
"He's the master of the vampire bitch we kidnapped. He's the slayer of Hellsing! But I didn't think he would find her with her so weakened. She shouldn't have been able to get a message to him!" Sarlis shouted. He was insane with terror.
"You have to lure him away from me! You can't let him catch me! Do you know what he'll do to me?" Sarlis ranted.
"With all due respect sir, you will just have to fend for yourself. You're the one who wanted to catch his servant not us!"
The other associates all fled leaving Sarlis alone.
"Where are you going?! You cowards! You can't just leave me to face him all alone!" He screamed. The other men ran hastily down the stairs but they ran straight into Alucard. One man pointed upstairs.
"He's up there! He's the one you want not us! Don't waste your fury on us! Save it for him! He's the one who wanted her kidnapped and tortured, not us!" The man yelled with fear.
Alucard stood on one stair and just smiled. "But you did nothing to stop him. You leaches intend to share in his spoils once he got what he wanted. You're as guilty as he is. I am judge, jury and...executioner." Alucard said with an insane laugh.
He leapt at the small group of men. One man got his head ripped from his neck. Another found Alucard's white-gloved hand tearing through his torso and ripped the top of him in half. There was only one left of the three who had fled from Sarlis. He started running down but Alucard stuck out his arm and clotheslined him. The man landed on his face bloodying his nose. He yelled when he saw he was looking at the severed head of one of his fallen comrades. Alucard grabbed him by his hair and hoisted him up. He then took him by the throat with his free hand and smashed his skull against the wall. That last victim crumpled to the floor in a bloody heap.
Sarlis was alone. He'd locked the door and barricaded it with anything he could push in front of it. A few chairs, a table and a dresser had been pushed in front of the door. But as quickly as he had pushed it in front of the door, it all went flying in various directions smashing against the walls. There stood Alucard. His long black hair now had streaks of red from the blood he'd spilt. His eyes glowed with unholy rage and his fangs dripped blood from his victims.
"You. You're the cause of her pain. You were the one who tormented her the most. She has nightmares now because of you." Alucard growled.
"Get away from me! Leave me alone!" Sarlis screamed taking out a gun and firing it.
"When will you humans learn that your pathetic bullets don't hurt me?" Alucard asked with an evil laugh.
Sarlis emptied the entire gun's contents but Alucard kept coming. "What are you? What are you!" Sarlis cried.
"I'm the devil come to take you back to hell with me." Alucard hissed.
"Her nightmares will end. Yours will go on for all eternity." Alucard answered raising his hand. Sarlis found himself paralyzed. He could only watch with terror as Alucard came toward him.
"You will know terror beyond your feeble imagination for what you did to her." Alucard growled looking into Sarlis's horrified eyes. He grabbed Sarlis by the chin and forced him to look directly into his blood red eyes.
"You want to know what I am? I'll show you then."
"Come on, hurry! If we don't get there soon he'll have the whole bloody city torn apart! I can't believe he would defy me like this!" Integra shouted.
"We're going as fast as we can Sir Integra. We have to find where he is." The pilot answered.
"Walter, have you gotten anymore information on Sarlis?" Integra demanded. "I've got the location from associates in Paris." Walter answered.
"Relay the information to the pilot. We have to get to Alucard now!" Integra shouted.
"I just pray he hasn't ripped Sarlis to pieces before now." She said to herself.
Still under Alucard's hold, Sarlis saw visions of people being impaled, rendered to pieces, rivers of blood flowing before his very eyes. They were visions of Alucard's past, his past as the ruthless impalor from centuries long gone. He heard screams of the condemned before their sentences were carried out. He saw a host of flailing bodies driven onto spears and pikes. He saw headless corpses scattered on a bloody battlefield. He saw only death and madness washed in a sea of blood.
The helicopter landed. Integra was taken aback by the number of bodies scattered on the lawn. She knew what she would find in the mansion.
"I'm going in! I want troops behind me. Remember Alucard is not himself! I may be the only one who can reason with him, but I want back up with me incase I can't!" Integra shouted.
Alucard knew Integra would probably have caught onto him by now, but at the moment he was too caught up in his own madness to care.
"Those visions will haunt you to your last breath. They will go with you to your place in hell." Alucard snarled and prepared to sink his fangs into Sarlis's throat.
"Alucard!" Integra shouted.
She'd followed the trail of bloody corpses to the room where Alucard had Sarlis trapped. "Do not kill him!" She ordered.
"He tortured her. He almost destroyed her. This is my fight not yours!" Alucard yelled.
"Alucard! Don't make me do this!" Integra barked.
"You can't kill me master. There is nothing you can do to keep me from giving this bastard the death he deserves." Alucard growled.
"I can't kill you, but I can put you back into that cursed hell you endured when I first found you!" Integra shouted.
"Do you really want that? Is this piece of human trash really worth it? Is he? If you're exiled back into suspended animation then what will happen to Seras? She's bound to you, and if I put you back into the state I found you in then she will be exiled as well. Or even worse might happen to her. Do you really want that?" Integra asked trying to bring Alucard back to some state of reason.
Alucard wanted to kill him. He wanted to stick a spear straight up his ass and watch him howl in agony. But he also knew full well that Integra was quite capable of making good on her threat. And without him Seras would not survive. He couldn't let that happen to her. The satisfaction of seeing Sarlis burn in hell was worth losing Seras. He was more concerned about her safety than avenging her pain. He let Sarlis go.
"Men, keep your guns on them both." Integra ordered. Alucard stood perfectly still while soldiers dragged a shaking and babbling Sarlis out of the mansion.
"You better pray no one in this city knows you're here. I want no argument from you. You are accompanying me back to the Hellsing compound. Seras Victoria is worried sick about you. I hope you're satisfied." Integra growled angrily.
She ordered Alucard to walk in front of her so she could make sure he didn't try anything. He knew he was going to be in for it when they got back home. But for the moment he didn't care. Even if he didn't have the chance to kill Sarlis, he had inflicted a great deal of damage on him.
Alucard boarded the helicopter. He knew better than to try to fly back on his own power. Integra gave orders to the soldiers who stayed behind. "Clean up the crime scene. Make sure there is no evidence that Alucard was ever here." She ordered. Then she boarded the helicopter.
"The one thing you can be thankful for was his mansion was located in a remote place. At least the bastard had the sense to keep his activities away from the public. Until we reach the Hellsing compound I don't want a word out of you Alucard. I intend to have a very long talk with you once the sun sets tomorrow night. When we arrive at Hellsing you are to go to Seras and stay with her until I call for you." Integra said with a harsh tone.
Alucard felt like a teenage boy caught doing something wrong by his mother. But knowing what she could do to him was enough incentive for him to keep his mouth shut. He didn't look at Integra. He kept his eyes focused on the night sky and the fading stars. The sun would be rising soon.