
Alucard sat in his chamber looking around at the familiar surroundings. How good it felt to be back home strange as it sounded to the vampire as he thought to himself. He picked up a crystal goblet half full of blood and raised it to his lips. He closed his eyes feeling the rich solution slide down his throat. He let out a satisfied sigh as he finished off the glass's contents. Then he looked down beside him at the violin sitting on the small round table. He picked it up running his long fingers down the back of the neck. He set it back down and closed his eyes. It had been quite an experience in Hungary. He elegantly crossed one leg over the other and rested his head against his folded hand.

Alucard found himself distracted from his thoughts when he heard a light tapping at the doorway. He opened his eyes and saw Seras standing there. He saw the blood pack half emptied in her hand. "What is it Seras?" He asked.

"Master, I just needed some company. Walter is busy and well, you know how Sir Integra is." Seras answered. "Are you all right?" She asked as she walked into the room.

"I was just thinking back upon our experience in Hungary. A great many things happened I hadn't counted upon. Most notably running into my son." Alucard replied.

"I don't suppose we'll ever see him again." Seras said.

"I wouldn't be too sure. He does get around quicker than one might think. So long as there are vampires to hunt, he will hunt them." Alucard responded.

"Um, master...we're vampires." Seras said nervously.

"I don't think you need to worry about D coming after us. He only hunts vampires that threaten the human world. Only when a human requests his services will he hunt. He doesn't go about just randomly killing them. Seeing the sort of mount he has I would assume he gets paid very well for his skills." Alucard commented.

"I remember the look on his face when he was fighting the target. I can see where the family resemblance comes in." Seras replied.

Alucard laughed softly for a moment. "Actually he has his mother's face. Only when the vampire blood is awakened does he look more like me in that area."

"I don't suppose he drinks does he." Seras mused.

"He is half human. Blood is not a requirement for him right now. He has not given into the hunger the way I have. It takes a great deal of strength and discipline on his part to maintain his human side. To my knowledge he has never killed a human for the blood. The only time he will kill a human is if that human gives him no other choice. And even then he won't drink. However, I don't want you getting it into your head that you can go without for any length of time. You are a vampire. You have to drink." Alucard replied.

"As long as I don't have to kill a human for blood right now I'll be fine." Seras said.

"One day you will have to resign yourself to the fact that sometimes taking a life is necessary. You will not always have a ready supply of transfusion blood. You don't always have to kill in order to obtain blood. When you're free I will teach you how to take control of a human's mind so they don't remember what is being done to them. But there are times when you must kill to obtain food. It is no more wrong than what humans do to obtain their food. At least when we kill we kill what is needed. Humans often kill just because they can. We can too of course, but I prefer not to waste resources. Besides, you don't always have to take an innocent life. Criminals are often the best targets to go after. They serve feed our hunger, and they pay for their crimes as well. So killing them actually serves two purposes." Alucard explained.

"I guess so master." Seras sighed.

"It's something you don't need to worry about right now. Besides, I don't think our master would be too happy with us just roaming about the streets looking for thieves and murderers to snack on." Alucard said.

Seras approached Alucard finishing off the last of her dinner. He motioned her to come closer to him. She complied and came to a stop in front of him. He reached out touching the curve of her delicate cheekbone. "One day you will become a powerful huntress, and these things that bother you now will not be so difficult for you to understand. I know you still mourn Zsofia's death, but you must not linger on it too long. That was part of why she did not want to go on. She lost so many that were dear to her, and she lingered on those losses despite the fact she tried not to. She did not want to face eternity alone. But she could not bear the thought of losing anyone else she'd grown close to." Alucard replied.

"Master, what became of her when she...died?" Seras asked.

"Zsofia's body was destroyed, but her spirit is free now. Whereever it may wish to roam, it does. Perhaps now that her spirit is no longer bound to the world of the living or our world, she may have at last found some peace. Perhaps now she can forever be with the dark children she lost. She was a lover of music, of art, of all beautiful things. But she could not stand to be alone for very long. I knew I would not be with her forever, so I freed her to be with whomever she wished. Even if our bodies are utterly destroyed, our spirits will go on. So long as this world continues to exist, so shall we." Alucard explained.

"Is D like us? I mean, will he live forever?" Seras asked again.

"I do not know how long he will live. So many things go against dhampirs. If they give into their vampiric blood, they often become vampires themselves. Even when they don't give into the hunger, humans and vampires both strive to destroy them. D is one of the few dhampirs that have survived the cruelties of this world as long as he has. And because he has my blood in his veins, he is also one of, if not the most powerful of them all. Despite the internal battle that goes on within his heart, he remains strong and determined to carry on." Alucard answered. He looked away for a moment and let out a sigh.

"It is getting late. I need some time to myself." The elder vampire said.

"Yes master." Seras said and walked back to her chamber. She left Alucard alone as he instructed. He got up from his chair and walked over to the left wall. He raised his hand and a small section of the stone wall began to ascend. There in the space was a fair sized stereo system. Sometimes he listened to various styles of music to relax. But tonight he did not listen to it to relax. He listened to one song in particular to remember.

You saw me standing by the wall,

corner of a main street

And the lights are flashing on your window sill

All alone ain't much fun,

so you're looking for the thrill

And you know just what it takes and where to go

Alucard thought back to the night that he first met Zsofia. He remembered the fear she held in her heart upon first meeting him, but also the willingness to become his despite that fear. He remembered carrying her back to the estate in Hungary upon his horse and making her his that very night. He thought back to the way the moon shined down upon her face illuminating her ebony black hair. It shined almost blue much like his did. It made her pale skin appear like fine white porcelain. It offset her ruby eyes and red lips. She was such a fine beauty as a human. Becoming a vampire had only served to enhance that beauty even more.

Don't save a prayer for me now,

save it 'til the morning after

No, don't say a prayer for me now,

save it 'til the morning after

Feel the breeze deep on the inside,

look you down into the well If you can,

you'll see the world in all his fire

Take a chance (like all dreamers can't find another way)

You don't have to dream it all,

just live a day

He remembered the first night he took Zsofia to hunt with him. To her the world was different after becoming a vampire. He remembered how she reveled in the feel of the night wind blowing through her long black hair. He could still see her gazing in awe of the dark world and all its mysteries being revealed to her. Her first night she was hesitant to hunt, to kill. But he'd taught her that death was a part of their world, and often the killing of humans was necessary for their kind to survive. He remembered telling her to kill only what she needed. It was a lesson he would one night teach Seras when she was ready.

Don't say a prayer for me now,

save it 'til the morning after

No, don't say a prayer for me now,

save it 'til the morning after

Save it 'til the morning after,

save it till the morning after

Pretty looking road,

I try to hold the rising floods that fill my skin

Don't ask me why I'll keep my promise,

I'll melt the ice

And you wanted to dance so I asked you to dance

But fear is in your soul

Some people call it a one night stand

But we can call it paradise

That moment he found himself thinking about Seras. He knew that deep down she would not let go of the grief she felt over Zsofia's death easily or quickly. He could feel the conflict within her to try and hold back the tears. He knew she was not going to find it easy to one night hunt and drink from a human. At least for now she was feeding off the transfusion blood supplied to her. But he knew the fear of the hunt was something she would have to let go of slowly. He remembered the night he turned her. Like Zsofia, she was afraid of him at first. But she was still willing to become his fledgling despite seeing the monster inside of him. He thought back to when he and Seras became lovers. How willing she was to give herself to him body and soul. It was the same willingness he saw in Zsofia.

Don't say a prayer for me now,

save it 'til the morning after

No, don't say a prayer for me now,

save it 'til the morning after

Save it 'til the morning after

Alucard looked down for a moment. Wherever her spirit roamed, Alucard hoped that she had at last found some sort of peace. "It was your time to move on my Zsofia." He said to himself. Feeling weary from all that had happened and weighed down by the deep sorrow of Zsofia's loss, Alucard decided he would retire to his coffin before the sun rose.

Save a prayer 'til the morning after

"Save A Prayer by Duran Duran"

The End
