Save A Prayer

It had been almost three months since the *incident* in Paris. Things were slowly returning to normal, or as normal as they could be for a vampire hunting organization with two vampires in its service. Freak activity had gone down somewhat. It was something Integra found strangely annoying. Killing the freaks and other nasties kept her two resident vampires from being idol. An idol Alucard could be quite a bothersome Alucard as far as she was concerned. Lately though she didn't have to worry about him being his usual mischievous self. Ever since what happened to Seras he had become quite protective of his little fledgling. More protective than she ever imagined he could be. He was possessive of her anyway, but now he had become even more so. Integra couldn't blame him for being that way though. He'd almost lost Seras. She meant more to the elder vampire than he would express openly. She was his servant, his fledgling, and while he was on restriction, she became his lover. In a way Integra was thankful for that. It finally meant someone else could be the object of her pet vampire's desires. Not that she would have ever given in, but temptation was sometimes hard to handle where Alucard was concerned.


"Vlad..." A voice called in his mind. Alucard felt uneasy. This was the second time now in two days he'd heard this voice calling out to him, calling him by his true name. He shifted in his coffin trying to ignore it. It was a woman's voice. It sounded familiar. But it wasn't Seras, and it wasn't Integra. Who would be calling out to him by his real name? He tried blocking the noise by thinking back to the first night he and Seras had spent as lovers. That would indeed be a most pleasant distraction.

"Vlad, you must come back. She will destroy us all if you do not come back."The voice pleaded. "She will destroy us all!"

Alucard began whipping his head back and fourth. He bore his fangs growling trying to block out the loud cry. Then it happened.

"Your blood will be mine Impalor!" Another voice hissed followed by the most demonic laughter.

Alucard's eyes snapped open and he sprang up from his reclining position. He fumbled around frantically for the remote to his coffin. Finally getting his hands on the device he pushed the button causing the lid to ascend slowly. He sat up gasping as if he were suffocating. His eyes were wide as he looked forward. Seras stood in the doorway with a worried look upon her face.

"Master?" She asked with concern.

"Po...lice girl. What are you doing here?" He asked trying to gather his wits.

"I could hear something, a voice. I could feel a presence calling out to you." Seras answered.

"You...felt it?" Alucard asked.

"Yes master. Is something wrong? You look...frightened." She replied.

"'s nothing. It was just a bad dream. It's nothing you need to worry about. Go back to bed. The sun will not set for awhile yet." He ordered.

"Yes master." Seras answered obediently and went back to her room. She knew there was something more to this than Alucard was telling her, but she wasn't going to press the matter. She had seen what he could be like when he lost his temper.

Alucard sat there in his coffin. His eyes were still wide as saucers. He knew he'd lied to Seras, but at the moment he felt it was needed. Both voices sounded familiar. The second one was frighteningly familiar. "What the hell is happening to me? My dreams were so potent that the police girl rose from her slumber. Dreams. They were just dreams." He said to himself trying to shake off the uneasy feelings he had.


That night Alucard and Seras reported to Integra. She held a letter in her hands. "I just received this letter. There is a situation in Hungary. A Hungarian noble woman named Zsofia has requested Hellsing assist in this matter. I've consulted with the queen, and she has given her authority to Hellsing to do just that. I'm not sure just what we're dealing with so I want you to investigate the matter Alucard. Until we know what we are up against, I don't want to risk the human troops just yet. I trust you will be taking officer Seras with you." Integra said.

"Yes. When do we leave master?" Alucard questioned.

"Immediately. Assess and deal with the situation. If you need back up, I will have it on standby for you. I've got transport prepped for you both. Walter will make sure you both have enough food to keep you both at bay while you're gone. You know the rules. No feeding upon humans unless it is absolutely necessary. When you arrive in Hungary there will be someone sent by Lady Zsofia waiting to escort you to her estate." She answered.

"Yes master. Come on police girl." Alucard ordered.

"We're going to Hungary?" Seras asked.

"Yes." Alucard answered dryly.

"Master, something about the name Sir Integra said...Zsofia,"

"Not now. We will talk on the way, but for now you must keep quiet on the subject." Alucard commanded. Though she was brimming over with curiosity, she didn't test her master's patience.

Upon the landing pad on the very top of the manor was a small jet waiting to take off. The pilot had already received his orders from Integra. Alucard and Seras boarded the vessel. The younger vampire was slightly confused why they were taking an aircraft.

"I don't get it. We are vampires master. We're not going to fly there ourselves?" Seras asked.

"It would be rather difficult for me to carry both you and enough blood rations to last us. Integra insisted we use this mode of transportation, primitive as it is. But for now it will do." Alucard replied.

"Well, I guess it makes sense." Seras said walking onto the small plane. She walked in the back and saw two huge metal boxes. She walked up to one and put her hand against it. "This must be where our rations are being stored. I see what master meant about not being able to carry me and the blood supply. These things must way a ton." Seras said to herself.

"They're not as heavy as they look. But it would still be a bit much for me to try and carry them while flying." Alucard said making himself comfortable. He propped his long legs against the back of the chair in front of him. He left the outer seat free for Seras. She seated herself beside him.

"How long will it take us to get there?" She asked.

"Half the night. This is a small plane so it only travels so fast. I just hope we don't have to make too many stops to refuel. I don't want us delayed anymore than we have to be." Alucard said, his tone becoming serious.

"Master, something's bothering you. I know I don't have power as strong as yours, but I can still sense something coming off of you. Something about this mission concerns you." Seras said.

"You're becoming quite perceptive my little fledgling. Yes, something about this mission does concern me. But for now until we know what we're up against you should not waste your energy worrying about it." Alucard replied.

"I only want to ask you one more thing, and then I'll stop talking about it. This Lady Zsofia, do you know her?" Seras asked.

A tiny bit of a smile crept across the elder vampire's lips. "She is...shall we say, a very old friend. She will be waiting for us in Hungary." Alucard answered.


Integra sat at her office as Walter walked in the door. "You needed something Sir Integra?" He asked.

"Walter, I know it's been a long time but I'm going to need you to re enlist in active duty. At least while Alucard and Seras are away on assignment in Hungary. I'm keeping the human troops here unless they are needed there. I won't ask more of you than you know you can handle. Most likely I won't need much assistance from you fighting off the freaks, but with my two best agents away, I'm going to need all the help I can muster. Several new troops are being trained and added to fortify the organization until Alucard and Seras return." Integra said.

"Understood Sir Integra." Walter replied.


Alucard and Seras had switched seats while on the plane. He let her have the window seat since she seemed to be straining her head to look out of it. He didn't feel much like site seeing. His thoughts were decidedly elsewhere. Why had Zsofia summoned him after so long? She'd long since gone her way as he had gone his. It had been well over three hundred years. He had a suspicion deep in the back of his mind, but he didn't want to acknowledge it. He kept it conveniently pushed way too far for Seras to pry around for it. Before Paris he would not have taken her with him. If the reason Zsofia had summoned him was what he thought, he would not have risked it. But having almost lost her once, he was not letting her out of his sight if he could help it. Seras would be safer at his side where he could protect her.

He recalled the words in his head before he woke up from his dream. "Your blood shall be mine Impalor!"

The voice behind those words made him shudder. It was rare for the No Life King to be afraid of anything or anyone, but this voice made his already cold frame even colder. "It can't be."He thought. "I had that...creature imprisoned. It can't be...her. Zsofia was with me when I imprisoned the bitch demon. It cannot be her."Alucard thought to himself trying to find any reason to deny the growing concern in the back of his mind.

He spied a quick glimpse of Seras. Thankfully she was occupied with gazing out at the stars. Her head leaned against the small window as she watched the sky whiz by her. The moon seemed to follow them upon their flight as if guarding them from danger. Alucard knew he would have to tell her what was going on soon. But he would cross that bridge when they landed in Hungary. He had displayed no hint to Integra that he knew Zsofia. She could do a great many things, but reading what was in the furthest reaches of his mind was not one of them. Most likely because she did not really wish to know the kinds of things that went on in his mind.

"Hungry police girl?" He asked.

"Yes master." Seras answered still looking intently out the window.

Alucard got up and went to the back retrieving two blood packs. He handed one to Seras and then got himself comfortable again.

"How much longer before we land in Hungary?" Seras asked.

"Not too much longer. Another two hours and we'll be there." He answered.

"This woman, Lady Zsofia; you said she was an old friend. How old are we speaking here?" Seras asked again.

"I turned her over four hundred years ago. It's been close to three hundred since I've seen her. I am suprised that it is she who summoned us. I didn't think after so long she'd have given me another thought." Alucard answered.

"Unpleasant divorce?" Seras questioned.

"No. She gained her freedom after a while of being bound to me, and decided she wanted to remain in Hungary. It is her home after all. Those were my younger days as a vampire. I was very restless. Zsofia was happier where she was. I am sure she's traveled since then, but she's made it a habit to keep a very low profile. I had planned to pay her a visit to see how she was doing. Of course, Hellsing changed all that." Alucard replied.

Seras asked nothing more for the moment. She was content to eat and continue looking out at the stars until they landed. Every now and then Alucard would find himself staring at her. His mind would flash back to that night in Paris when he almost lost her. He was not going to let that happen again if he could help it. Though he knew the day would eventually come when Seras became a true and free vampire. A small part of him dreaded that day because then she would no longer be his. She would be her own vampire who could go where and do as she pleased. He could only hope she would be careful then. But until that time came he would keep her at his side for as long as he possibly could.

Alucard shook his head. "I shouldn't have let myself get so close to a fledgling."He thought.

Then he smirked slightly. "Oh well."
