Part 2

The night was growing shorter as the plane began to make its descent to a small remote landing strip. A car with black tinted windows waited for the plane to land. Seras had packed as much blood as she could carry in a leather carry bag. Integra had made sure that the plane landed somewhere remote. Alucard and Seras would have not done very well going through customs in a commercial airport. She didn't think the employees would have found it too amusing to go through a carry on case full of transfusion blood.

As the plane landed a tall, rather gaunt looking man emerged from the black car and took the luggage from Seras and Alucard. She'd made it a point to pack several changes of clothes since she wasn't quite sure how long she and her master would be staying in Hungary. He put their belongings in the trunk and then got them seated in the back. He said nothing as he got back in the driver's seat and started the vehicle. Though she hadn't gotten a good look at him, Seras realized there was something not quite normal about this driver.

"Master, is he..."

"Yes. He is one of Lady Zsofia's servants. He will take us to where Lady Zsofia's carriage awaits us. From there we will be taken to her estate." Alucard answered.

"An undead chaffure?" Seras asked herself.

"It's not as uncommon as you might think."Alucard replied to her mentally.

The two were quiet for most of the drive. Alucard still had his mind upon the matter at hand. Seras knew something was up, but decided best not to press her master on the subject. She knew he would explain things to her in greater detail when he felt ready. She tried resting her head against the hard glass window but it didn't feel very comfortable. She felt a gentle tug on her arm. Then she found herself resting her head against her master's shoulder, which felt more comfortable than the glass window. She felt her eyes grow heavy and she began to drift off.


Not long after she started taking a nap she felt another nudge on her shoulder. "There is the carriage. Our journey is almost over. Soon we will be at Lady Zsofia's estate." Alucard said as he helped Seras out of the car. After the carriage was loaded Alucard helped Seras inside it and then got in himself. Seras stayed close, at times clinging to Alucard's arm when the carriage got too fast for her taste. The elder vampire chuckled softly finding slight amusement in his fledgling's anxiety.

It took half an hour for the carriage to arrive at its destination. It was one time when Seras was thankful she wasn't human anymore. All the bumps and speed would have caused her to lose her lunch and most likely lose it all over her master. The carriage came to a slow stop. "We're here." Alucard said.

Seras was about ready to kiss the ground when she emerged from the carriage. She held onto the carriage door and then onto Alucard after he emerged. She held fast trying to steady herself on wobbly legs. It would have been rather embarrassing to fall flat on her face in front of one of her master's former brides. As they approached the huge castle like mansion a young man appeared from behind the large wooden double doors. He was tall with pale skin and shoulder length blonde hair. He motioned for the driver to take the couple's bags to their room. "Come with me please. My mistress is waiting for you." He said.

The young man known as Francesco led Alucard and Seras to the huge study where Lady Zsofia was waiting for them. She stood by the fireplace wearing an olive colored gown. She had long jet-black hair pulled into a tightly woven braid. Her ruby eyes and red lips made her pale skin look almost ghost like. She smiled kindly. "It has been a long time Vlad. You still look as handsome as ever I see." She said with a thick Hungarian accent.

"I see you've fixed up the place. It didn't look quite this good the last time I saw it." Alucard commented looking around.

"I've had quite a bit of time to devote to its upkeep. I do not believe I have met your companion." Zsofia replied looking at Seras.

"This is my bride and fledgling, Seras Victoria. She's also a member of the Hellsing Organization." Alucard answered.

"You have a beautiful home Lady Zsofia." Seras replied shyly.

"Why thank you my dear. But you have not seen all of it yet. I will give you the tour when the sun sets. Come, I will escort you both to your room. I'm sure you both must be very tired after your long journey." Zsofia said motioning for Alucard and Seras to follow her. She led them to a large bedroom. Seras's eyes widened in both astonishment and awe.

"I've never seen a bedroom so big." Seras said.

"I am glad it is to your liking. I hope you don't think me rude, but I must retire for the day. The sun will be rising very soon, and I'm sure you two will want to get some rest. I will have dinner waiting for you both when you awaken. Then I will explain why I've summoned you here." Zsofia replied and vanished from their room.

"Two of Sir Integra's rooms could fit in this one." Seras said.

"Zsofia has never been one to do anything on a small scale. She developed quite a taste for the finer things after I brought her across." Alucard replied. Seras looked at the large wood and brass vanity with its intricate carvings. Across from it was a large bed completely surrounded by heavy burgundy velvet curtains. A long section of the same fabric also encased the top of the bed completely blocking the bed from any source of light. She also saw a large mahogany wardrobe some feet away from the vanity. The walls were a soft gold color offset by intricate carved borders.

"Time for bed." Alucard said motioning to Seras. She obediently walked to him and walked through the parted curtain. She climbed onto the bed and waited for her master to take his place beside her. It would be nice to sleep in an actual bed instead of a coffin for a change. She snuggled next to Alucard and went to sleep.


That night Alucard rose early. Seras was still fast asleep beside him. She'd let go of his arm and had her hands folded up to her chest. Normally he did not like to encourage her habit of sleeping so late, but tonight he decided he would let her have a little extra sleeping time. He had questions that needed answers. Answers that only Zsofia could give him.

He phased into the study where he found Zsofia sitting at a small table sipping on a silver goblet. "Where is your bride?" She asked.

"I left her sleeping in our room. I wanted to talk with you privately. Zsofia, is it true? Is the reason you've called us here because of...her?" He asked in a serious tone.

"I'm afraid it is true. Akavira has been released from her prison. By whom I do not know. My servants did not see who freed her, only that they have seen her stalking the night recently." Zsofia answered.

"How long has she been about?" Alucard questioned.

"Three nights now she has been seen walking in my land. I have told my servants to be wary of her." Zsofia explained.

"How many have died?"

"Suprisingly the death toll is very low for the moment. Five so far have been killed. Four humans..." Zsofia paused for a moment. A scarlet tear formed in her right eye. "One was a vampire. She was my daughter from India."

"I am sorry Zsofia." Alucard replied sympathetically.

Zsofia quickly wiped away the blood tear. "Many more will die if Akavira is not stopped Vlad. You are the only vampire powerful enough to challenge her. But I must warn you. Most likely she knows you are here. She has vowed to destroy you and take your power for herself. And she's not very happy with you for imprisoning her." She said.

"I know now turning her was a mistake. Had I realized just how dangerous she really was..."

"You cannot dwell on that now Vlad. You must destroy her utterly before she destroys everything and everyone." Zsofia interjected.

"I am going to wake Seras. I cannot keep this from her any longer." Alucard said.

"Are you sure it was wise to bring your young bride with you? If Akavira ever found out about her,"

"I'll cast the bitch to Hell with my own hands if she even dares to think about harming Seras Victoria." Alucard growled.

"I have never known you to be so protective of a fledgling." Zsofia replied.

"I...I almost lost her a few months ago in Paris. Filthy humans tried to take her away from me. They starved and tortured her for several days. When I found her, she was almost gone. I admit I don't normally get this attached. But something about Seras has awakened feelings in me that I thought long dead. She can be difficult sometimes. I didn't think I'd ever get her to eat properly without having to order her to do it. She still sometimes clings to the notion she's still human. But she's always trying to take care of me and keep me out of trouble despite the fact I'm usually the one saving her. I tried to free her not long after I turned her. But she doesn't want to be parted from me yet. She doesn't feel she's ready. I am...the reason she almost died in Paris. I was trying to push her away. I didn't think she would get so attached to me. After all, how could young woman like her ever,"

"Love a monster?" Zsofia asked.

Alucard sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. That was the one thing he didn't want to hear. In the dark recesses of his mind, the thought scared him. "I am a monster. She has seen that side of me. She saw me kill a human upon my master's orders. I made no attempt to hide that side of myself from her. I honestly thought it would scare her away from me."

"And yet she still remains by your side, even keeping you on as her master. I would say that devotion such as this in a fledgling is very rare indeed." Zsofia said.

"I know one day she'll claim her freedom. She won't need me anymore. I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does. I honestly dread the night she leaves me and doesn't look back. Sooner or later she'll get tired of putting up with me. I don't understand why she cares so much." Alucard sighed.

"If she looked only at the monster she would not have stayed." Zsofia replied.

"She saw the monster the first night we met. I saved her from some undead maggot that had taken her prisoner. But in order to destroy the target I also had to shoot her through the lungs. I gave her the choice to come with me, and she accepted. I...took her as gracefully as I could under the circumstances. My master Integra was not too happy with me that night when I brought Seras home."

"Integra? That sounds like a woman's name. Am I correct to assume that Vlad Dracula the Impalor now answers to a woman?" Zsofia asked in a somewhat amused tone.

Alucard allowed a bit of a smirk upon his lips. "Find it amusing that a female now pulls my leash?" He asked with a bit of a chuckle.

"Very amusing indeed." Zsofia answered.

"Ironic that one way or another it is a woman who has had some profound affect upon my fate. But it won't last. Seras will leave me sooner or later. Then I'll be alone again. What will I do then? My master will not be so generous to let me have another fledgling the next time."

"I think in America there is this old saying. If it is not broke, then do not fix it. You have been given a rare gift in the form of Seras Victoria. Enjoy what you have while you have it." Zsofia said.

"I think I better go wake my little police girl before she sleeps the entire night away." Alucard replied.

"Police girl?" Zsofia asked.

"She was an officer with Special Division 11 of the London Police Authority when I met her. It's my, heh, pet name for her." Alucard said with an amused laugh and went to get Seras.


Seras was still asleep in bed when she felt something press against her neck. She slowly opened her eyes to find her master's unruly black hair brushing against her face. His mouth was close to her ear. "You've overslept again police girl." He said with a chuckle. Seras felt her body being slowly pulled up into a sitting position.

"Sorry master." She said sheepishly.

"No, I am the one who should apologize. I needed to talk with Zsofia privately so I left you sleeping. She has dinner waiting for us. She has told me why we've been summoned here. After we eat I'll explain everything. The situation is very serious. We're going to have hard work ahead of us." Alucard replied.

"Yes master." Seras said following Alucard to the study.

Zsofia sat waiting for the couple as they emerged. She took a crystal decanter full of blood and poured two glasses full. "Did you sleep well Victoria?" She asked kindly.

"Yes, I did. As a matter of fact I don't think I've ever slept that good when I was human." Seras answered.

"I'm sure you both must be very hungry." Zsofia said as she set the two glasses aside. Alucard walked over and took them both. He handed one to Seras and drank from the other. Seras raised the glass to her lips and took a large sip of the red liquid. She remembered how she once detested this act. But now it didn't seem so distasteful to her. She took a moment letting it slide down the back of her neck before taking another drink.

"Vlad, I believe you should tell her the reason I've asked for Hellsing's assistance." Zsofia said.

"We are here because of a very dangerous vampire named Akavira. Before I was bound to Hellsing I took many brides, and she was one of them. But she was a mistake I should never have made. I did not realize how dangerous she would become. She only kills. Her only love is for destruction of both humans and vampires. She does not turn anyone she feeds upon. Her lust for destruction caused humans to start hunting us down without mercy. Many vampires died at the hands of angry mobs because of what Akavira did. We are killers, but we kill what we need to survive. Blood is too precious a thing to creatures like us to be wasted so carelessly. When it was obvious she was too dangerous to roam freely, I took measures to stop her." Alucard explained.

"How did you stop her master?" Seras asked.

"My gypsies tracked her to the place where she was sleeping during the day. I followed her to her resting-place. She had dug up an old grave and displaced the corpse. The bitch had no respect for anything, not even the dead. I waited till she went into a trance and then drove a stake into her heart. I had my servants take her to a remote spot of land in Budapest. I made sure no one witnessed our activities. I had to make sure this took place in secret. The gypsies dug a hole and put her body into it. On the way I had them bring a holy man to the spot. I told him that upon pain of death he was never to reveal what happened that night. Having heard of my reputation, he more than wholeheartedly agreed. I had him consecrate the ground in which Akavira was buried. Then he put a blessing around the grave. Then to make sure the seal would not be broken, I had the priest place crucifixes upon all four sides of the grave. One at the foot, one at the head, and one on each side." Alucard answered.

"We do not know who freed this creature from her prison. I only know that she has been sighted here in Hungary. And she has already struck against one of my children, no doubt to get revenge upon me. I was with Vlad when he had Akavira destroyed. She holds as much hatred against me as she does Vlad. But she wants to hurt me first. And the way to hurt me is to destroy my children and my countrymen. What puzzles me is she has not killed more than she has. Only five so far have been killed." Zsofia said puzzled.

"Akavira has the power to wipe out an entire village in one night. It is not in her nature to show such restraint. I don't understand why she is being so careful. Akavira was so unhinged before I imprisoned her. This isn't like her at all." Alucard pondered.

"It almost sounds as if she's waiting for something, or someone." Seras interjected.

"You may be right." Zsofia replied.

"I must report the situation to Sir Integra. I'll leave you both to get better aquatinted." Alucard said as he vanished from the study.

"So Victoria, Vlad tells me you were an officer in the London Police Authority." Zsofia began.

"I was in one of the elite units, Division Eleven. We were sent to take care of a problem in Cheddar Village. My entire troop ended up getting killed by a vampire. It was that night I met Alucard." Seras answered.

"Yes, he told me about how you'd gotten yourself into some rather serious trouble. Vlad must have saw something special in you to offer to save you the way he did." Zsofia replied.

"I guess. I didn't think he really thought about me all that much until the incident in Paris." Seras said.

"He told me about that too. It is very rare Vlad has ever cared for anyone in such a way." Zsofia responded.

"If I may ask, how did you and my master meet?" Seras asked.

"I was a young woman when I met Vlad. My parents had arranged a marriage with a Hungarian nobleman. It would have brought prosperity to my family, but my betrothed was a horrible man. He was very cruel to those who worked for him. And if anyone could not afford to pay back a debt owed him they were forced into servitude. He was not kind with women either. He often berated his female servants and rumor had it occasionally forced them into his bed. He was not a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. So I ran away from home. I had gotten myself lost in the woods in the middle of the night. It was during a time that no one, especially a young virgin female should have been wondering by herself in the darkness. And it was in the darkness that I met Vlad. He occasionally visited Hungary after his...birth into darkness. This country became a kind of sanctuary for him when it became too dangerous for him to stay in Romania. When he was human the king of Hungary gave this estate to him as a wedding gift. He had been married briefly to the king's daughter. That was part of the reason he could not stay in Romania for a time. The princess was Roman Catholic. Vlad was Romanian Orthodox. Such a union was seen as an abomination in the eyes of the Romanian church. Has he ever told you the story of how he became a vampire?" Zsofia asked.

"Yes, he did. He said the Romanian church denounced him. He would never gain entranced into either Heaven or Hell." Seras answered.

"It was quite cold that night. I was freezing when a man upon a black horse rode toward me. It was so dark I could not see what he looked like at first. It was when I saw his eyes that I realized he was one of the creatures of the night. At first I was terrified. Vampires were known to have voracious appetites, and they loved the blood of virgins best. I had nothing with which to repel him with. I thought for sure that I was facing my death that night. I remember those fierce red eyes burning right into my very soul. I thought I was in the presence of the devil himself. Then he stretched out his hand. He told me not to fear him. And then he told me to get on his horse in front of him. In the back of my mind I knew I should have run away. But I could not have outrun his steed, and I feared what he would do to me if I made him hunt me down. Inspite of my fear, there was something about this man I could not resist." Zsofia explained.

"Master rode a horse?" Seras asked.

"In those days he was an expert horseman. I don't suppose he still rides." Zsofia replied.

"No, I'm afraid not. Most of the time he just phases in and out of places or flies where ever he wants to go." Seras answered.

"I digress. That night he took me to this estate. I had no idea what he intended to do with me. At that moment I didn't realize who he was. I had not even seen his face. The horse was moving at such blinding speed it was all I could do to hang on. I didn't dare turn my head to look at him. As soon as he brought the stallion to a halt he suddenly put his arms around my waist and we disappeared from the animal's back. We reappeared inside the mansion. But he was not beside me. I did not know where he had vanished to. Two servants came and took me to a bathing chamber. I was still very afraid of what was going to happen, but I was not going to protest either. He'd saved me from the elements. And now I was getting a warm bath and food. After bathing me and giving me something to eat, the servants led me to what appeared to be his bedroom. It was then I saw his face. A wave of terror broke over me when I realized who it was. I was in the presence of Vlad the Impalor. I wanted nothing more than to run away but found myself unable to move as he approached me. He was menacing as the devil himself, yet he was so sinfully beautiful. He had long, raven black hair, pale white skin and despite the fact he was fully dressed, a very well defined muscular body."


"What is your name girl?"


"Do you know who I am Zsofia?"

"You are Vlad Dracula the Impalor."

"Why were you wondering in the woods on your own? Have you not been told that is...dangerous?"

"I am engaged to be married, but my betrothed is a horrible man. I am in fear of him so I ran from my home. Please forgive me my lord if I have offended you."

"That mark under you eye, how did you get it?"

"My betrothed did not like the way my parents dressed me so he struck me. He said if I looked like a ragged doll, then he would treat me like one."


Zsofia looked away for a moment pausing from her flashback. "My lady, are you all right?" Seras asked.

"You must excuse me Victoria. Sometimes it is difficult thinking back on such memories. I remember Vlad becoming quite serious in the way he looked at me. I thought perhaps he was going to kill me because I had trespassed upon his estate and visited my troubles upon him. But what happened then suprised me completely." Zsofia answered.

"He looked at me and leaned in close to my neck. I remember the sound of his voice in my ears. He had perhaps the most sensual voice I'd ever heard in a man." Zsofia continued.


"I take offense with this human for trying to destroy such beauty. I will not allow this marriage to take place. But you do understand Zsofia, there is a price."

"My lord?"

"You know what I am do you not?"

"You are one of the undead, a vampire."

"Then you know what it is I desire from you. I have not fed this night, and I require the blood of humans to sustain myself. Are you willing to give of yourself to me in exchange for freeing you from this engagement?"

"If it means my death then so be it. Take my life as payment if you wish my lord. Death would be better than the prospect of life with the man I'm being forced to marry."

"And why should you wish for death? It isn't what you want Zsofia. I know you don't want to die tonight. I can give you something else in exchange for your human life...immortality."


"Vampires are eternal beings. Sickness and death cannot touch the undead. But if you accept this you must die to the human world and be reborn to mine. Darkness and the night will become your home. Your family, and everyone you know in your human life must be forgotten. And you must feed upon blood as I do. I will not force this upon you. The choice must be of your own free will."

"Why would you do this for me?"

"Such beauty should last forever, not fade under the slow decay of time. It would be a sin to let it waste away would it not?"

"What must I do?"

"Give yourself to me completely, body and soul. I will drink your blood, and then you will feed from me. You will become my bride, and I will become your master. I will teach you how to survive at night, and how to hunt. And when you are ready, you will drink from me again and claim your freedom as a true vampire. Are you willing to accept me as your master?"

"Yes, my lord Dracula."


"That night he took me to his bed and showed me excastsy unlike I had ever dreamed. He was perhaps the most masterful lover I'd ever had. He was also my first lover. We made love and then he drank from me. I remember feeling his fangs pierce into my neck. It was as if he'd taken my virginity all over again. It was the most exquisite mix of pain and pleasure I'd ever felt. I could feel him taking my blood, my very life essence into himself. Then he stopped. He'd drained most of my blood from me, and I was near death. My heart was almost ready to stop beating. Then he slashed open his chest and pulled me to him. He commanded me to drink his blood. It was like fire flowing into me. I could feel his power absorbing into my body. It was death and rebirth all in the same moment. I was a newborn fledgling that night. And he did as he promised and taught me what I needed to know to survive. He also taught me many things in the bedroom as well. When I claimed my freedom from him he told me I could stay in the mansion as long as I wished. It was now mine. He was still very young for a vampire and quite restless. I don't think I'd ever felt so lonely as when he left almost a year after he turned me. He offered to take me with him, but since I was free he would not demand it. I stayed in the mansion for many years, never really going out except to feed. I thought I would want solitude after Vlad left, but soon found myself hungering for company. Eternity can get very lonely. I remember what Vlad told me before he left. Those who wish for the embrace and will honor it should have it. He told me, always give them the choice." Zsofia continued.

"He gave me that same choice the night we met in Cheddar. My life was on the line and I didn't want to die that night. Better to be undead and continue doing what I believe in than to become another wasted statistic. But it was after Paris that he truly became protective of me. He even risked Integra's fury by disobeying her orders and killing my tormentors. She put him on suspension for a month. That was when we...became lovers." Seras replied blushing slightly.

"He is very hard to resist. Part of him is a monster as he says, but there is also a part of him that longs for companionship and the warmth of another no matter how much he tries to deny it. He sees something very special in you Seras Victoria. You are indeed very blessed to find favor with a master as powerful as him." Zsofia finished.

"Well, are you two getting to know each other talking about my bedside manner behind my back?" A deep voice asked with an amused chuckle.

"We were just talking about how you and I met." Zsofia answered.

"Master, what did Sir Integra say? Will back up be sent to aid us?" Seras questioned.

"No. I have informed our master the human forces should be used back in England. Akavira will be far too much for any of them to handle." Alucard answered.
