Part 3
There was a knock upon Zsofia's door. She looked toward the doorway and stood up from the table. "Don't worry. It's one of my scouts. I keep them scattered throughout the countryside to keep an eye on things for me. Please excuse me for a moment." Zsofia said walking to the door.
"Lady Zsofia told me you once knew how to ride horses." Seras said trying to break the uncomfortable silence.
"I still do. I never forgot the skill, but I haven't been atop a horse in quite some time. There was never any use for it in Hellsing." Alucard replied. They were both startled by a sudden wailing. Alucard and Seras both rushed to the front doorway to find Zsofia on her knees, head buried in her hands. She looked up with streams of scarlet flowing from her eyes. "DaVeena! My poor, sweet DaVeena..." She sobbed.
"Lady Zsofia, what's wrong? What's happened?" Seras asked with concern.
"One of my immortal daughters has been slain!" Zsofia cried. Alucard looked forward and saw Zsofia's scout with a strange blade in his hands. Alucard commanded the servant to give him the object. He looked at it with an expression of pure disgust. "Anderson." He growled recognizing the weapon as one of his most hated rival Alexander Anderson.
"No, it can't be. How would...he know we're here?" Seras asked looking at the blade with fearful eyes.
"Servant, what did you see? How was Lady Zsofia's daughter killed?" Alucard demanded.
"He and a woman hunted her down and cornered her. The woman, she was a vampire. She drained DaVeena dry and then the man...destroyed her body. I retrieved this after they left." The servant answered pointing to the blade in Alucard's hands.
"Leave us!" Zsofia cried.
Alucard looked at the blade sheer malice in his eyes. "Anderson and Akavira? This makes no sense. Anderson despises the undead." He said to himself.
"I don't like the sound of this master." Seras replied.
"Neither do I." Alucard said in agreement.
"I...I must be alone for a while. Please excuse me." Zsofia said as she struggled to her feet and hurried to her chambers. Alucard stared at the blade before hurling it across the room.
"Damn him to hell." The elder vampire growled. He looked toward Seras. "I will wait until Lady Zsofia has regained her wits, then I will go hunt Anderson and the bitch demon down." Alucard said.
"Master, you're going alone?" Seras asked worriedly.
"Yes. You are to remain here with Lady Zsofia." Alucard answered.
"But master..."
"No buts Seras Victoria. I am your master, and my orders are to be obeyed not questioned." Alucard replied sternly. Seeing the worried look upon her face, his voice softened. He put his hands upon her shoulders.
"I almost lost you once. I will be damned if I let you end up like Lady Zsofia's daughter. Anderson and Akavira will be a challenge, but they will not take me away from you. Anderson alone could not kill me and he won't do it now even with Akavira at his side. But if I don't take her out now then many more of our kind will fall along with the humans we feed upon. I must do this alone, understand?"
"Yes master." Seras answered obediently.
"I will return before daybreak. Watch over Zsofia for me. In light of what has happened, she will need a comforting voice to see her through her loss." Alucard ordered and vanished from mansion.
"Be careful master." She whispered to herself.
Deep in the Hungarian woods two figures conversed. "Are you sure this is going to work? The hound of Hellsing will not be so easily trapped." Said Alexander Anderson.
"You needn't worry about trapping him. I assure you The Impalor will come. He knows I have arisen. And when he comes we will destroy him. Then you can dismantle this Hellsing organization with ease." Replied the vampire Akavira.
"You better not be thinking of betraying us. Understand this vampire. The only reason you walk this Earth is because of your hatred for that walking abomination known as Alucard. If I even suspect the chance you would turn on me I will carve you up like a wild boar." Anderson warned.
"I would not dream of it. You must understand Vlad the Impalor was a horrible man in life. He tortured thousands of people for his own amusement, and watched them die horrible deaths. I was but an innocent young maiden easily fooled by his sinful charms. He became jealous of me when he realized I could oppose him and bring an end to his reign of terror. So he imprisoned me to get me out of the way. My only wish is to rid the world of this monster and his filthy offspring. I have seen the error of my ways and I want to regain my humanity even though I am a vampire. I know your God punishes sin, but is it also not said that he forgives those who repent of those sins? Remember he protects humans only because he is forced to serve them." Akavira said with an evilly sweet tongue.
"You're still a vampire, and you're a vampire made from...his blood. That alone is enough reason not to trust a creature like you. I haven't any love for you or anyone like you. But I serve Iscariate, and their laws come before anything else. If it is their will that I must fight side by side with a monster like you then so be it. Just remember who's in charge here." Anderson replied.
"Of course...father Anderson." Akavira replied.
She suddenly jerked her head up and sniffed the air. An evil smile danced upon her lips. "He's close. I can smell his foul blood." She hissed. Anderson retreated to the shadows in the hopes of gaining the element of suprise over his opponent. He kept his thoughts closed trying to avoid detection.
"Akavira! Show yourself devil bitch!" Alucard thundered. He pulled both his 454 Casul and his 13mm Jackul from inside his red coat and prepared for battle.
"After all these centuries, the Impalor sees fit to show his face once more. Tell me, how does it feel to have such power, and yet be on such a short leash." Akavira taunted.
"I'd tell you, but you won't be around long enough to remember such things. A piece of trash like you doesn't deserve the privilege anyhow." Alucard growled.
"I intend to throw your filthy carcass to Hell and make sure it never returns. And just so we understand each other, I know you're not alone. I know you're here Anderson." Alucard called.
"What a pity. I had hoped upon suprising you. But I guess with that black vampire magic of yours, you knew I was here already didn't you?" Anderson questioned arrogantly.
"I don't need hypersenses to sniff you out Vatican mutt. A human could sniff out your foul stench. So, the two of you think you're going to outnumber me. I always knew you were insane Anderson, but I never pegged you to be this big of an idiot. Fighting along side an undead whore like her is suicide." Alucard answered with an equal amount of arrogance.
"Just so you know you black hearted bastard, I didn't agree to this. I am under orders from Iscariate. This creature has her existence back solely to put an end to yours." Anderson replied angrily.
Alucard's eyes widened. "So you're the one who released her from her prison. You and Iscariate released this demon bitch from the prison I risked my unlife to put her in!" Alucard shouted.
"How ironic it is Impalor that the very creature you sought to destroy will now destroy you." Akavira sneered.
"I don't find it ironic. I find it utterly pathetic. Iscariate's lap dog can't get the job done on his own, so they give him a little hellcat to do it for him. Make no mistake Akavira. I put you in your grave once, and I'll do it again. And this time I'll see to it no one brings you back. Then Anderson, you and I will finish this duel once and for all." Alucard snarled.
"I seriously doubt that hell hound." Anderson answered raising his blades.
Akavira looked to the sky and raised her hands. The winds began to blow fiercely whipping her hair back and fourth. Clouds began to gather and a bolt of lightening struck the ground between Akavira and Alucard. He scowled at her attempt to intimidate him. "All the powers you gained from me, and that is the best you can do? You truly are a disappointment Akavira. How you disgrace our kind. All bark and no bite." Alucard growled.
"You're going to find out just how much bite I really have Impalor!" Akavira hissed. Anderson stood out of the way but ready to do battle.
"What's wrong Anderson? Realize the mistake you made by joining forces with this piece of undead filth?" Alucard asked.
"No. I'm going to let her have her fun with you, then it's my turn to finish you off." Anderson answered with a malicious smile.
"You're a fool Anderson! You honestly think you can control her?"
Anderson looked at Alucard with hatred in his eyes. "I only have to worry about her getting rid of you. If she gets any ideas then she knows what will happen." Anderson replied.
"You wouldn't be saying that about her if you knew what she was really like." Alucard said.
"Enough! This bickering bores me! Time to meet your fate Impalor!" Akavira shouted.
Alucard raised his hands. His eyes began to glow wildly. "Situation B. Release control art restriction to Level 2. Hold release until target has been silenced. It's time for you to know my true power Akavira!" Alucard roared. The symbols on his white gloves began to glow, and his body disappeared into a huge black shadow. Two menacing dog like creatures appeared. "My hounds are restless Akavira!" His voice laughed maniacally.
"Then perhaps they would like to play with my little pets." Akavira cackled as an army of tentacles began to emerge from her long hair. They quickly took the forms of various serpents including cobras. They writhed and hissed around their mistress forming a slithering shield around her.
"I see your talents are not as pitiful as I once thought. Perhaps this will be an enjoyable battle after all." Alucard replied with a hint of amusement in his voice. The two monstrous hounds rushed at Akavira's serpentine shield. Out of the black shadow Alucard's arm stretched out holding his black Jackul gun. He pulled the trigger as a blessed silver bullet surged out of the barrel like a missile. The bullet whizzed straight for Akavira's heart but one of her snake shadows absorbed the bullet before it could hit its target.
"Did you think you would be rid of me that easily Impalor? Your servitude to humans has made you an even weaker fool than I thought!" Akavira laughed.
"I have gained much power through the children of your children Impalor. My power surpasses even yours now!" Akavira beamed triumphantly.
"You brag far too soon hell whore. The next time I don't intend to miss." Alucard growled angrily. He aimed again but before he could fire off another shot two serpentine shadows shot out from Akavira's shield and grabbed Alucard by his hands. Then a gigantic cobra like shadow emerged from Akavira's belly and wrapped itself around Alucard's upper body. The elder vampire was forced to his knees. His guns dropped to the ground to the ground as he struggled against the weight of his restraints. Another huge cobra emerged and wrapped its slithering body around Alucard's lower body effectively pinning him to the ground. His hounds struggled to get the serpents off their master. But even more snakes surrounded the hounds hindering their progress.
Anderson walked toward Alucard's restrained body as he struggled and hissed trying to free himself. "How long I have waited for this moment vampire. To finally witness the end of the damnable hound of Hellsing." He said producing not blades, but two solid silver stakes.
"These silver stakes have been blessed by the Pope himself. And if you thought my blades were painful, well; that's nothing compared to what these little beauties are going to feel like." Anderson sneered.
"Go to Hell!" Alucard yelled defiantly.
Akavira raised her hands and the serpents restraining Alucard's wrists forced his arms out to the sides so he looked like he was in a horizontal crucifix position. Anderson took one of the blessed silver stakes and proceeded to drive it right into Alucard's left hand. Alucard screamed in pain feeling the metal pierce his flesh and burn it at the same time.
"Oh I can only imagine how agonizing that must feel. And this one isn't going to be any better." Anderson laughed.
"Go fuck yourself!" Alucard roared trying to free his right hand.
"I think it's about time someone silenced that filthy mouth of yours vampire." Anderson replied and then impaled Alucard's right hand with the second silver stake. Again the vampire wailed in agony. Akavira sauntered up to him watching him writhing in pain. Unfortunately the two stakes had wide circular tops so Alucard could not simply rip his hands through them. She smiled wickedly and straddled his struggling body.
"How sad, that you should meet your fate this way. You were once a powerful monster, but now look at you. You're nothing more than a pathetic undead man whore used for the amusement of humans. Imagine, you're a slave to your food." She said tauntingly flicking her tongue across Alucard's mouth.
"I'm going to bleed you dry Impalor. Your blood and your power will be mine alone. Then no one shall oppose me, not Hellsing, not Iscariate, no one."She said to Alucard mentally.
"Well, get on with it! Send the bastard to hell where he belongs!" Anderson demanded. But as he spoke he suddenly lurched forward in pain. He looked down to find a long, slender blade sticking out of his stomach. "What in..." He gasped as he fell to the ground, blood spilling out of him.
Akavira hissed angrily seeing Anderson fall. Then the same blade, a long sword shot toward her. She yelled and sprang out of the way. Her serpent shadows retreated from Alucard's body as Akavira fled into the night.
"You will die Impalor! Next time no one will save you!" She screamed with rage having been denied her victory.
Anderson, having been severely wounded struggled to his feet and also fled the scene. Alucard summoned fourth all his strength and began to free himself from his silver restraints. He let out a blood-curdling scream as he ripped the pins from the ground. They slid from his palms hitting the ground with a blunt thud. He struggled to get to his feet. His hands shook from the massive pain and damage they sustained. He also noticed he wasn't regenerating very quickly either. He'd lost a great amount of blood from his body. Much of it lay spilled upon the ground in two pools where he'd been pierced. He looked around but could not find anyone else there. The sword had mysteriously disappeared.
He was in too much pain to walk all the way back to Zsofia's estate. He fell back to his knees feeling weak with hunger. He was losing more blood and had nothing to replenish it. Alucard raised his head to the sky hearing something. He thought perhaps that it was Anderson coming back to finish the job. But to his astonishment the sounds were not human footsteps. They sounded more like those made of a cloven-hoofed animal. He looked up and to his amazement, there stood a towering black horse. The steed was already saddled and bridled. Alucard didn't know what to make of it, but decided not to question the appearance of the animal either. Perhaps Lady Zsofia had sensed he was in trouble and sent a horse to fetch him. He cringed in pain bending his wounded hands to grasp the animal's mane. He wearily lifted one foot into a stirrup and hoisted himself onto the huge steed. As if pre-programmed, the beast immediately began rushing toward the direction of Zsofia's domain. Alucard summoned up enough strength to call upon his shadows to lash him to the speeding stallion so he didn't fall off. His eyes began to grow heavy but he tried with all his might to keep them open.
"Take him to her, then return to your master." A voice told the stallion telepathically.
Seras waited in the front room of the mansion pacing nervously. She had a feeling something terrible had happened to her master. "Master, where are you?" She asked herself.
Seras rushed toward the door hearing her master's voice in her head. She knew immediately her master was in trouble. She opened the door and found him hanging on wearily to the black steed carrying him to the front door. Faintly seeing Seras run toward him, Alucard let go of the stallion and fell to the ground. Having fulfilled it's task, the horse turned and galloped off into the night.
"Master!" Seras cried with panic. She used her own vampiric strength to help Alucard to his feet and supported him on her shoulders as she helped him inside.
"Zsofia! Help! Alucard's badly hurt!" Seras exclaimed. Hearing Seras's cries Zsofia vanished from her bedchamber and reappeared in the main living room. There she saw Alucard lying on the floor. Seras sat beside him cradling his upper body in her arms.
"Master! Say something, please!" She cried as tears began to pour from her eyes. Zsofia rushed to them both.
"What happened? Vlad, answer me!" Zsofia yelled as Alucard's eyes began to roll into his head, the red color becoming a sickening grey. She saw the huge holes in the palms of his hands.
"He's lost a lot of blood. He's starving. Seras, hold his head up. I have to feed him." She said biting into her wrist. She held the bleeding wound over Alucard's mouth as drops of scarlet began to drop onto his lips. He caught the scent of blood and hungrily latched his mouth onto Zsofia's wrist. Zsofia winced as Alucard greedily bit into her wrist forcing more blood to flow into his mouth. He drank until he began to feel his strength returning.
"Vlad, stop. You're taking too much." She demanded trying to free her wrist from his grip. He faintly heard her words and let go of her. The wounds on his hands began to heal. The grey color in his eyes began to return to their vibrant blood red.
"'re safe now." Seras said lovingly stroking Alucard's unruly black hair. She felt a wave of relief when he began to speak.
"Where am I?" He asked wearily.
"You're back with us Vlad. Rest for a moment. You need to regain your strength." Zsofia said.
"They...outnumbered me. Akavira and the damned...Vatican priest. They got...away." Alucard replied.
"We will find a way to defeat them Vlad. But you must rest. We almost lost you." Zsofia responded.
The thought of being defeated by one of his former brides and his hated rival began to make his blood boil. He felt rage beginning to surge through him. He pushed Seras away and got to his feet. "Damn them both to Hell!" He yelled furiously stomping away from the two women. Seras lowered her head trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.