Part 4

Seras hurried after Alucard. Zsofia tried to stop her. "Seras, you must not go after him right now!" She called.

Seras stopped when she saw Alucard enter the study. He angrily poured himself a glass of blood and started gulping it down. Seras hesitantly walked into the room. "Master?" She asked softly.

"Leave me alone Seras Victoria. I don't want company right now." Alucard growled.

"Master, I just wanted to see if you were all right." Seras answered.

"Are you deaf! I gave you an order servant! Now get out of my sight!" The elder vampire thundered.

Seras immediately rushed from the study with tears flowing down her eyes. Alucard took an empty glass and hurled it against the wall. He glared angrily as it smashed against the surface so hard that only glass powder was left behind. Zsofia saw Seras run away crying. She glared angrily at Alucard.

"I told you I don't want to be bothered. Just leave me alone!" He yelled. Zsofia marched up to him and proceeded to give him a piece of her mind.

"Now you listen to me Vlad Dracula! That poor girl was only concerned about your welfare! She has been sick with worry since you went off on your own trying to battle Akavira and that damned priest! If you keep up this damned attitude you're going to end up alone all right, for the rest of eternity!" Zsofia yelled and stomped out of the study. Alucard just huffed an angry sigh and continued drinking.


Seras ran to the bedroom she and Alucard were sharing. She climbed into their bed and curled up into a ball. Zsofia heard Seras crying and walked over to the bed. She parted the curtain and saw the young vampire sobbing. Zsofia sat down in front of her and began to speak. "Seras, try to overlook your master. He was a very proud and stubborn man when he was human, and that pride remains with him as a vampire. He does not accept defeat very well. His temper often takes over when he is beaten. Do not take it personally when he acts this way. I know that is hard to do. I know it cannot be easy to have him for a master sometimes. You are one of the few fledglings I've seen who has been so loyal to him."

"He...he is my master. He gave me this second life when he could have left me to die. I know I haven't been the easiest to deal with. I refused to drink blood for the first bit after he turned me. I just couldn't seem to get it into my head that I'm a vampire now and blood is what I need to live. He would get onto me many times, sometimes get very mad at me because I wouldn't drink. When I wouldn't drink I would remain weak. I know he hates weakness. But sometimes it's hard for me to let go of the fact that I'm not human anymore. I want to be strong, but sometimes I'm so afraid of losing my humanity. He always tells me one day I'll learn to accept what I am. He said that I would learn to enjoy it. But I can't enjoy it the way he does." Seras sighed wiping tears from her eyes.

"You must remember Seras, Vlad was raised in a time of war and political unrest. Death and destruction is what he knows." Zsofia replied.

"I know." Seras said.

"Would you accompany me? I have something I'd like to show you." Zsofia offered.

"All right." Seras answered quietly.

She accompanied Zsofia to her bedroom. They walked down what seemed to be an endless hall until they came to the end of it. There was a long and wide door with intricate carvings all over it. Zsofia opened the door and motioned for Seras to come inside. She walked into the bedroom seeing all the candles flickering giving the chamber an erie glow. Zsofia walked over to a large mahogany wardrobe and opened it.

"Come here Seras. I have a gift for you." Zsofia said.

Seras walked over to Zsofia as she took out a stunning outfit from the wardrobe. It was an outfit from India made of fine red/orange iridescent fabric. The short top and long skirt hung neatly on two padded satin hangers. Ornate gold metallic designs decorated the shimmering fabric. Seras's eyes widened in awe at the garment.

"It's so beautiful. Where did it come from?" She asked.

"It was given to me by my daughter from India. She made it with her own hands. She presented it to me as a gift when she became a free vampire. She wanted me to have it to remember her by." Zsofia explained lowering her head.

"Where is she now?" Seras asked.

"She was...destroyed by a mob of her own people. They discovered what she was. She wanted to go on creating pieces like this one. She wanted to keep sharing her gift even if it meant becoming a vampire. She never once fed upon humans. Instead she secretly fed upon cattle or any small animals that crossed her path. But she was discovered and a mob..." Zsofia stopped.

I'm so sorry." Seras said trying to be of comfort.

"I have lost so many children. I don't think I have any left now. They have all met terrible fates at the hands of humans. It is not easy being a vampire in this day and age. We live in secret. But a vampire like Akavira threatens to destroy us all. She kills indiscriminately, and does not care who sees her. And the more her activities are seen, the more jeopardy true vampires like your master and myself are put in. She lives only for destruction. And the power she wants, she will not share. Like so many in the world of the living, she wants complete and absolute supremacy over this world. Humans would be raised as cattle to feed her lusts." Zsofia said. She shook her head trying to keep back the tears that wanted to fall.

"I never really understood the world of the undead until I became part of it." Seras replied.

"It is a world most humans fear because they do not understand. But it is also natural for the prey to fear the predator stalking it. Fear makes them want to survive as much as our hunger does for us. It is the way of things in our world Seras Victoria. One day when you are free from your master you will understand the things he has taught you." Zsofia said.

"I suppose." Seras answered.

"I would love to see how you look in this outfit. Would you try it on and let me see you in it?" Zsofia asked.

"Oh, of course." Seras answered.

She stepped behind an elaborate dressing screen and set the outfit over the panels. Zsofia sat patiently on her bed while Seras got undressed and put on the outfit. After five minutes she stepped from behind the screen. Zsofia smiled approvingly.

"The outfit truly becomes you Seras." She commented.

"You really think so?" Seras asked.

"Yes. I think your master will be quite pleased with how you look in it. Although I would wait until his temper has cooled to show it to him." Zsofia replied.

"I agree. Master can be very mean when he's angry." Seras responded in agreement.

"I want you to keep the outfit Victoria. It is my gift to you."

"Are you sure? This was made by one of your daughters. I couldn't bare to take something so dear to you." Seras said.

"It will be honored more if I give it to someone who can wear it. It does not exactly fit me properly. I...I would rather remember my children in my memories. It is too painful sometimes to look upon such physical reminders of them. Do you understand Seras?" Zsofia asked.

"Yes, I do. Thank you Lady Zsofia. I will give this the best care I can." Seras answered.

"I do not doubt that. You honor this creation simply by wearing and appreciating it." Zsofia said.

"Thank you. I...I hope you don't mind but I need a little time by myself. If you will excuse me, I'm going to retire to mine and my master's bedchamber to clear my mind." Seras replied.

"Of course. Do not worry about your master. He will return to his senses soon. He just needs time." Zsofia concluded.

"Good evening." Seras answered and left Zsofia's bedroom with her gift neatly folded over her right arm.


Seras stood at the window looking up out into the dark horizon. She'd put her gift from Zsofia in the wardrobe so it would be safe. She could see the black of the night beginning to slowly fade. The sun would soon be rising. Seras turned her head slightly as she heard footsteps. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Alucard had entered the room. He walked toward the bed and slipped through the heavy velvet drapes. She continued to look out at the weining darkness until she heard her master's voice in her head.

"Time for bed. He told her.

His voice had a serious but unangered tone. She wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to see what kind of mood he was in, but she didn't want to raise his ire again either. She obediently walked over to the bed and parted the drape. Seras saw Alucard standing by the side of the bed looking down at her. She kept her head lowered. Alucard placed one finger under her chin and tilted her head toward him. She kept her eyes on the ground as much as she could. "Look up at your master, Seras Victoria." He ordered.

Seras obeyed and turned her eyes up to meet those of the elder vampire. There was a look of hurt in her eyes, but also one of hesitancy and even fear. She knew what Alucard was like when he was angry. She was afraid of sparking that anger again. The expression on his face was serious, not one of anger yet not one that was solely apologetic either. Seras knew it was her place to obey her master's orders. He let out a sigh.

"I cannot allow myself to be beaten. I under estimated Akavira's power. I let myself suffer a defeat because of that mistake. Every time I suffer a defeat like this, it reminds me of my fate. It was under estimating humans that landed me in the position I am in now. It was a costly mistake that bound me to Hellsing. If I fail to defeat Akavira again it will mean the destruction of not only humans, but also true vampires such as Zsofia and myself. True vampires like you will be one day. But that day will never come if Akavira is not stopped. Do you understand Seras?" Alucard asked.

"Yes master." Seras answered softly.

Alucard climbed onto the bed and reclined on his back. He stretched out his hand to Seras. "Come to me." He said in a deep, lulling voice. Seras climbed onto the bed and situated herself between his open legs. She rested her upper body on his chest. Her head rested just under his neck. He hooked one of his legs over her hers enclosing himself around her. He ran his fingers through her soft blonde hair. He did it to comfort himself as much as he did to comfort Seras.

"Master, how are you going to stop Akavira? She and Anderson almost..."

"Akavira will not beat me again. I will be prepared next time we meet. Now go to sleep. The sun is rising." Alucard said waving his hand over Seras's face. Her eyes grew heavy as she fell into a trance. Alucard looked down to see Seras was asleep. He rested his head back on a pillow looking up at the dark burgundy fabric that crowned the top of the bed. His eyes slowly closed as he fell asleep.


The next night Alucard awoke early. He slowly phased off the bed so as not to disturb Seras who was still fast asleep. He reappeared in the study where Zsofia was waiting for him. "I trust your temper has cooled." She said dryly.

"Yes. Alexander Anderson is the one who released Akavira from her prison. He and that damned Iscariate organization are a bunch of fools if they think they can control her. They know their little Vatican lap dog isn't enough to take me out, so they've released Akavira in the hopes she'll do their dirty work for them. They have no idea what they've done." Alucard replied.

"And what of Seras Victoria? Is she all right now?" Zsofia asked.

"We have made our peace between each other. I left her sleeping. I should go back to our room when she wakes. I don't want her going into a panic if she doesn't find me." Alucard said.


Seras began to stir as the sun went down behind the mountains. She opened her eyes to find her master sitting casually on the side of the bed looking at her. "Master?" She asked sleepily.

"Lady Zsofia has dinner waiting for us." Alucard answered.

"Master, would you wait outside for me. I want to get changed." Seras replied.

"Why so shy now Seras? It's not like I haven't seen you naked." Alucard said with a mischevious smirk.

"Because I'm wearing something special for you, and I want it to be a suprise." Seras said with an equally mischievous smirk.

"Really? I don't know if I'm patient enough to take the suspense." Alucard replied with a chuckle.

"Master..." Seras pouted.

"Oh if you insist. But don't keep me waiting. Patience isn't always a virtue of mine Seras Victoria." Alucard answered stepping outside their bedroom. Seras quickly got undressed and took out the outfit Zsofia had given to her. She carefully put on the top and then the skirt draping the extra fabric over her right shoulder and hooking it together. Then she slipped on a pair of gold mid heel sandals and emerged from the bedroom. Alucard turned and saw his fledgling. His eyes widened.

"Do you like it master?" She asked softly.

"I've never seen you look more exquisite." Alucard answered gazing in awe of his beautiful fledgling bride.

"Shall we? We should not keep Zsofia waiting." He said taking Seras's hand.

He escorted her to one of Zsofia's lounging rooms where she had a crystal decanter of blood waiting. She took off the stopper and poured two goblets full of the red liquid. She turned and saw Alucard and Seras approach. She nodded approvingly at Seras's appearance. Alucard took one goblet and handed the other to Seras. She tried to look dignified as she sipped the blood from the glass. She was rather hungry but did not want to appear as if she had no manners at all. Alucard could not help but stare at her between sips. The fabric and metallic gold embroidery shimmered and glittered against the flickering light of the candles. It made Seras appear as if a dazzling shield of red-orange flame engulfed her.

As she finished off the blood in her glass Seras looked over and saw an antique piano in the center of the room. "Is it yours Lady Zsofia?" Seras asked.

"Yes. I've had it here for quite awhile. I'm sad to say it sits only as decoration. I am afraid I never learned to play it." Zsofia answered.

"Do you know how to play?" She asked.

"I had lessons when I was a child. Mother insisted." Seras answered.

"Would you do me the honor of playing it Seras? It would do my ancient heart good to see someone finally make use of it." Zsofia replied.

"Of course." Seras said somewhat shyly. She walked over to the piano and sat down on the bench. "I don't know exactly how good this will sound. It has been a while since I've done this." Seras said cracking her knuckles. As she looked at the keys for a moment to refresh her memory, Alucard spied something sitting on the piano's lid. It appeared to be a violin.

"You still have that Stratovarious? It's been quite a while since I've seen it. I wonder if it still sounds the same?" Alucard mused.

"Only one way to find out Vlad." Zsofia said with a soft chuckle.

"It's been a very long time. These hands are more accustomed to guns than musical instruments." Alucard replied.

"Master, would you...please?" Seras asked pleadingly.

"You two have already learned how to effectively gang up on me haven't you?" Alucard asked with a smirk.

"You of all vampires should know we women are not without our wiles." Zsofia answered slyly.

"If you two insist, but just this once." Alucard said strolling over to the piano. He took the violin in one hand while taking the bow in the other. He steadied the instrument under his chin as Seras began to play something in a minor key. He raised the bow and slowly glided it across the strings. The sound produced was like that of a young woman beginning to sing softly. He slid the bow slowly back and fourth while firmly pressing neck strings with his fingers. The octaves varied from a low to high pitch.

Seras moved her fingers along the keys going from deep rich altos to lighter and higher soprano tones. She kept a steady pace while Alucard would occasionally quicken his pace then slow it again as he played. The sounds would vary from low mournful cries to higher pitched feverish yowls. At times they would play in unison together in the same key and the same pitch.

Francesco entered the room and took his place beside Zsofia. They were both enthralled by the music. "They sound so good together. They must have been playing like this for awhile now." He said.

"Actually this is their first time playing together." Zsofia replied.

"They both play so well. I would not have thought this was the first time they performed together. They should do it more often. One can only imagine the concert halls they would sell out." Francesco commented.

"Yes. It has been so long since I've heard such a fine performance." Zsofia replied.

Seras began to speed up. She moved her hands across the keys sometimes crossing them over one another. Alucard followed suit and began racing the bow across the strings. His fingers danced frantically across the neck of the violin pressing the strings against it. As their song began to reach fever pitch Seras struck the keys hard and fast matching the pace of her master. The tone of the music, which had started out slow and peaceful, was now hitting its feverish crescendo as the two played. Seras's fingers moved just short of dizzying speed. She raced between major and minor chords and Alucard did the same. Seras's small, delicate hands so masterfully struck the keys. While Alucard's frightfully strong hands handled the delicate violin firmly, even forcefully. Yet he was careful not to push the body past its breaking point.

Nearing the end of the piece Seras began panting as she moved her fingers at a frenzied pace. Alucard raced the bow across the strings so fast it became a blur. The friction actually caused smoke to begin rising from the strings. The two brought the music to a thunderous climax before trailing it off and ending their little concert.

"They could move crowds to uncontrollable fits of passion." Francesco said sliding his arm around Zsofia's waist.

She nodded in agreement. "Yes they could." She said clutching at the place over her heart.

Alucard set the violin down casting his gaze at his fledgling. Seras was panting and gasping. The look in her eyes, the passion burning within them was quite evident. She too looked up and saw that same look in her master's red orbs. Alucard looked toward Zsofia. "Would you excuse Seras and I? We would like to retire to our room for awhile."

"Of course." Zsofia answered mentally. She motioned to Francesco to follow her. "Come along Francesco. Our guests need a little privacy."


Alucard quickly swept Seras into his arms as the two vanished. They rematerialized in their bedroom. While his mouth was firmly attached to that of his fledgling, Alucard slashed the air with one hand causing the heavy bed drapes to part. He placed her on the bed straining not to rip her outfit from her body, as he knew it was dear to her. He unhooked the front drape of the skirt from Seras's shoulder with quivering hands. Then he reached around her back and started unfastening the hooks holding the top together. Once he got them all undone he tugged the top from her shoulders and off her arms trying not to wreck the fabric. He tossed the top to the side and then started unfastening the skirt from around Seras's hips. Thankfully there was only one hook to deal with. He slid the skirt off Seras and also tossed that off to the side. That promptly ended any respect paid to her clothing.

Alucard grabbed the front center of Seras's bra and proceeded to rip it in half with his bear hands. Seras entangled her fingers in her master's long black hair forcefully pushing his head against her now exposed chest. She groaned and mewled as he attacked her breasts fiercely kissing and nipping the tender flesh. He grabbed them in his hands roughly pressing against them and pinching her nipples eliciting loud moans of pleasure from her. This night he was not in the mood for being slow and gentle. His body ached with carnal hunger demanding to be satisfied.

Normally he would have just phased out of his clothing, but his senses were so over taken by his lusts he just ripped his shirts in half not even bothering to take their remains off his upper body. Seras quickly pressed her head against his broad chest licking and kissing his cool flesh. Alucard struggled with the strings holding his pants together. The less than successful attempt irritated the elder vampire.

"To hell with this!" He hissed. He ripped the offending garment open finally releasing his achingly rigid member. Seras turned around and grabbed one of the bed poles. Her body shook with anticipation eager for her master's invasion. She didn't have to wait long. She felt Alucard grab her cotton briefs and rip them, waistband and all, clean in half.

She gasped and yowled feeling him forcefully thrust into her. He hissed and jerked his head back feeling her slick, taut womanhood entrap him. He pulled out slowly and then slammed back into her. He growled like a wild animal in heat. He grabbed Seras's hips to control the depth of his thrusts. He would back out and jerk Seras against him plunging his throbbing shaft back inside her over and over. Seras heard his lustful groans of pleasure. She reveled in every growl and every moan coming from her master. He pressed his lips against her shoulder. Seras gasped as Alucard bit into her flesh. A stream of blood began to flow from the bite. He greedily lapped the scarlet fluid as it flowed. Once the wound stopped bleeding it healed as quickly as he created it.

Alucard released a part of his shadow and three tendrils emerged from the black jungle of his long hair. Two formed small mouth like shapes and attached themselves to Seras's nipples. She groaned as they began sucking at the hardened buds. Then she felt a sudden shock of sensation surge from between her legs as a third tendril began stimulating her throbbing nub. She groaned and growled like a cat as her nails dug into the bed post. Every nerve in her body was electric as it succumb to the deliciously torturous pleasure.

"Master!" She screamed as she reached her climax. Her body jerked and spasm as her inner muscles gripped her master squeezing him for all he was worth. Alucard jerked his head back almost roaring like a lion as his release overtook him. He forced Seras's head back claiming her mouth roughly. Seras let go of the bed and reached back hooking her arms around Alucard's neck. Their bodies both shuddered and spasmed as the last of their orgasms washed over them.

Still panting and gasping, Alucard hooked his arm around Seras's waist holding her firmly to him. He covered her neck in warm kisses rewarding her for having pleased him so. "You've grown..." he panted, "so bold."

"You're playing...inspired me." Seras answered as her body calmed. Her arms slid to her sides as she went limp against her master's body. She pressed her left cheek against his chest. For a moment she listened for something then suddenly remembered Alucard's heart did not beat. If it could she imagined it would have been ready to explode out of his chest. She knew hers would have if she were still a living human being. She felt him nuzzle her shoulder licking the place where he'd bitten her during their heated lovemaking.

"I'm afraid I've grown a little too addicted to your sweet blood Seras. I couldn't help myself." He said taking in the scent of her skin. "I...didn't take too much did I?" He asked with a hint of concern.

"No master." Seras answered. She wearily reached out holding the bedpost thinking her master would separate his body from hers. She squealed as he simply fell onto his back quickly pulling out of her body. She grabbed the bedpost to keep from falling back with him. Seras turned giving him a rather irritated look.

"Bloody hell master!" Seras exclaimed. "Be a little more careful. You could have turned me inside out you know." She mumbled.

"Sorry." Alucard said with a smirk. The tips of his fangs were showing slightly. He reached out and pulled Seras down to him.

There was silence for a moment between master and fledgling. Then Alucard moved up to the head of their bed instantly repairing his torn clothes. Seras crawled up beside him covering herself with a blanket. She pulled the blanket up past her chest then placed her arms over the fold. "Master, who taught you to play so well?" She asked.

"I took an excursion from Romania and met a woman in Paris who not only played the violin but instructed others in the art. I'd listened to her play for several nights and her skill enthralled me. I wanted to learn how to play after hearing her. To make a long story short she taught me how to play the violin and I taught her to..." Alucard stopped for a moment with a wicked smirk. "I think you know."

"Let me guess, you turned her didn't you?" Seras asked.

"And you didn't even have to read my mind for that one. I'm impressed." Alucard replied.

"Did you ever play while after becoming a part of Hellsing?" Seras asked again.

"No." Alucard sighed. "My former masters before Integra did not care if I had such interests. I was an instrument of death and destruction toward Hellsing enemies as far as that was concerned. Tonight was the first time I'd picked up a violin in a very long time. It actually felt good to use these hands for something other than tearing ghouls apart. Contrary to what those in Hellsing believe, I am capable of being something other than a monster every once and a while." He finished.

"Well she did teach you well master. I didn't realize how much your playing would inspire such passion in me." Seras replied.

"You did very well yourself. Your mother was right to insist you learn. Perhaps upon returning to Hellsing we should do that more often. Provided of course our master doesn't have to keep us too busy."
