Part 5
It was two hours before dawn. Alucard and Seras remained in their bed quietly talking. Seras lay tightly snuggled against her master's body. She kept a strand of his thick, black hair wrapped around her index finger. He turned and pulled her upper body onto his chest.
"Master?" She asked quietly.
"Yes Seras." Alucard answered.
"Is it true about vampires, that they like both men and women?" Seras asked again.
"Some prefer one gender, but many others are considered bisexual." Alucard said.
"Are you?" Seras asked once more.
"You're getting to be quite a nosey little thing aren't you?" Alucard answered with his own question.
"Well, are you? You can read my mind, but I can't read yours." Seras insisted.
"All right. If you must know, yes I am. And before you ask, yes I've been with another man." Alucard replied.
Seras looked up at Alucard with wide eyes. He decided to amuse himself with her astonishment. "Do you want to know who he was?" The elder vampire asked with a wicked grin.
"Um...I don't know. Do I?" Seras asked.
"You know him. Very well I might add." Alucard said.
"I do?" Seras questioned.
"You know him as the Angel of Death." Alucard stated.
"Walter!" Seras exclaimed as her jaw dropped open. Her eyes appeared as if they were about to fall out of her head. Alucard chuckled at his fledgling's reaction. He calmly placed his fingers under Seras's chin and closed her gaping mouth.
"Master, you and...Walter?" She stuttered.
"Yes. It was back when we first met. Walter was a young man then. A very beautiful young man I might add. I saw quite a bit of myself in him in those days. He was already rather skilled at killing ghouls and vampires. I taught him a few things..."
"OK! Too much information! Sorry I asked. Next time I will keep my mouth shut! No more explanation needed! Oh I think the sun will be rising soon. I am rather tired master. I should get some rest, don't you think?" Seras exclaimed, one sentence after another coming out in rather rapid succession.
"That should curb her curiosity for a while."Alucard thought to himself with a smug grin.
Francesco lay in his bed trying to get to sleep. He was still human so he required rest during the night hours. His time with Zsofia had worn him down though he was not complaining. It was quite a way to work off one's energy. He tossed and turned trying to get to sleep. He sat up after his less than successful efforts. He thought that perhaps a stiff drink would help him sleep. As he got up from his bed he could hear a voice calling to him in his mind.
"Francesco..." The voice called.
"My lady?" He asked thinking it was Zsofia.
"Come outside. Come to your mistress."The voice commanded.
As if being pulled by some invisible force, Francesco began walking toward the door of his room. He opened it and exited his chamber. He followed the mental call as he walked silently through the mansion. When he reached the front room the door mysteriously opened seemingly on its own power. Francesco walked blankly as if under a spell. There he saw standing outside the front door appeared to be Zsofia beckoning to him. She motioned to him with her fingers for him to follow her. Without question or hesitancy he left the safe confines of the mansion to follow his mistress to wherever she chose to lead him.
"Yes...come to me." She whispered seductively. Obediently Francesco approached her. She took him by the hand and led him further away from the mansion. They walked for what seemed to be forever until they stopped in the woods. Francesco felt his body backed up against a wide tree.
"Such an obedient servant. It is time for your loyalty to be rewarded." The woman purred. Francesco thought Zsofia was going to make him immortal like her. But as he looked upon his mistress his eyes widened in horror. The vampire before him was not Zsofia. So frozen with fear was he that Francesco could not move.
"Give my regards to your mistress human." A voice hissed as she tore into his throat.
Zsofia, Alucard and Seras were blissfully unaware of the carnage that had taken place. They all slept as the sun rose signaling the beginning of another day.
The day progressed. The human world went about their everyday lives unaware of the horror that had taken place the night before in the woods. People went about their way. But there was one stranger who did not share in the normal activities of the human world. He was a solitary figure keeping his distance from the human world. He never stayed in one place for too long, and never allowed himself to grow too close to anyone. He was dressed completely in black and wore a very long, slender blade across his back. Long, dark brownish-black hair cascaded down his back like a dark river. A black, wide brimmed hat crowned his head. He kept it tilted forward so his face was protected from the sun.
The stranger rode silently through the forest until he came upon Zsofia's mansion. He sat quietly on his steed. The stallion stood perfectly still blending in with the shadows of the forest. The only parts of the stranger visible were his hands and part of his face. Every other inch of his body was covered in a tight black outfit. A black cape billowed and flowed over his back as the wind blew it occasionally forward. He watched the mansion intently.
"What the hell are we doing here? The demoness is out there just waiting for another victim and here we are sight seeing!" A voice shouted.
"Quiet. Someone is approaching the grounds." The stranger said calmly.
"What's going on? Who is it?" The voice asked insistently.
"It's the priest we encountered not too long ago. He's the one helping the vampire." The stranger replied.
"What? That's impossible. You ran that guy through. He can't be alive. Well even if he did survive there's no way he could be up to traveling." The stranger's unseen companion protested.
"He's not normal. He has some strange power to heal his wounds. He must be a regenerator." The stranger answered.
"Regenerator? I thought those guys weren't real. What's he doing anyway?" The voice asked.
"He's carrying something to the front entrance. It appears to be wrapped in some sort of cloth." The stranger said.
"Then why are we just standing around? Let's go finish the guy off so he doesn't get back up. And then go hunt down that little hell cat and get rid of her as well."
"The vampire is my prey, not the priest. Besides I have a feeling someone else is going to want to deal with him."
"Oh, you mean....him. Damnit why did you save his sorry ass! You had the chance to finish him off then and there! Do you realize what that could have done for your reputation? People might actually begin to respect you instead of seeing you as some outcast. You not only let him go, but you helped him! You actually helped him!" The voice shouted.
"You should be more careful how you talk about him. That thinking is what got you into so much trouble with him in the first place. He was kind enough to spare your life." The stranger replied.
"Yah right." The voice muttered.
Many hours later the sun set and the light sky was now a blanket of darkness peppered with glittering stars. As usual Alucard awoke before Seras. He gently nudged her shoulder so she would wake up. She waited for him to leave the bed so she could gather up her outfit and carried it to the wardrobe. She got a fresh change of clothes and stepped behind a dressing screen. Alucard walked toward the window and looked up at the night sky. He saw the moon. A disturbed look appeared upon his handsome face. "Red moon? This will not be a good night." He thought to himself. He knew such a sign was a bad omen. It seemed to look back at him with a fearful expression.
Seras had just finished fixing her outfit when she looked over and saw the serious look on Alucard's face. "Come along Seras. I must speak with Zsofia." He commanded. Seras obediently rushed to his side. They were about to walk together to the study when they both heard a blood curdling scream throughout the halls of the mansion. Alucard immediately recognized it as Zsofia's mournful wail. He remembered the first time he'd heard it after she had been informed upon the death of one of her daughters. He knew now the red moon was indeed a warning of the dangers this night would hold.
Seras started to run but felt her wrist grabbed by her master. They both vanished into the black void he created and reappeared in the front room of the mansion. There was Zsofia on her knees with a horrified look upon her face. Alucard looked away from her and saw the reason for her terror. There was Francesco, or what had once been Francesco. His hair was still blonde and he wore the same clothes from the night before. But now his skin was a sickening grey and his eyes were sunken black voids. He was now a mindless ghoul. He walked toward Zsofia hungry for her blood.
"Francesco!" Zsofia sobbed piteously. Alucard quickly drew his 454 Casul and aimed it at the ghoul. "Get away from him Zsofia! He's been turned into a ghoul!" The elder vampire shouted and fired a single silver bullet into Francesco's heart. Zsofia wailed as the body of her lover turned to dust. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed uncontrollably. Alucard reholstered his gun and looked at the pile of dust that had once been Francesco.
"I'm sorry Zsofia. He wasn't the man you knew anymore. It had to be done. I have no doubt this was Akavira's work." He said solemnly.
"But how could she have gotten to him master? If she'd entered the mansion you would have known it." Seras pondered.
"She must have disguised herself as Zsofia and lured him away from the safety of the mansion. If she lured him away then she could do as she wished with him without alerting us." Alucard answered.
"Damn the bitch to hell! Francesco was all I had left! I should have turned him when I had the chance!" Zsofia cried.
"Akavira did this to strike at Zsofia and myself. She knew I would be forced to destroy him if she turned him into a ghoul." Alucard replied.
Alucard looked down at the floor, a look of silent rage upon his face. He clenched his hands into tightly balled fists. He wanted nothing more than to rip her to shreds. He wanted to hurl her into the pits of hell with his bare hands. He'd show her no mercy for her sins. This time he wouldn't imprison her. He'd stamp her out of existence, and destroy her utterly. And he would do it tonight.
"Stay with Zsofia Seras." He ordered.
"Master, where are you going?" Seras asked worriedly.
"To hunt." Her master growled.
"NO!" Zsofia screamed.
Alucard stopped dead in his tracks. He said not a word and did not turn around. He only stood perfectly still.
"I've already lost everything that meant anything to me! Must I lose you as well?" Zsofia cried.
"She must be destroyed. Or many others will suffer Francesco's fate. Now let me go do what must be done." Alucard growled.
"You cannot defeat her alone. You need help." Zsofia protested. That really got under Alucard's skin.
Alucard turned and looked at Zsofia with pure malice in his eyes. "I do not need anyone's help, nor do I want it. I made her, and I will destroy her." He snarled. The very insinuation that he, The No Life King himself needed help was an insult to him. For him, to accept help was a sign of weakness. He would not give into weakness.
Zsofia rose to her feet, bloody tears still streaming down her cheeks. "I suppose you will just go and destroy her all on your own. And have you thought of the consequences if you fail? What will happen if she takes your power? Do you have any idea of how strong she will become with all of your blood running in her veins? And what of Seras? What will she do if she loses you? She is not free Vlad. You cannot do this alone." Zsofia argued.
"I can, and I will. You nor Seras are to leave this house until I return. I may not be your master anymore Zsofia, but you can consider that an order." Alucard growled.
"And what if you don't return! What are Seras and I to do then? Fight Akavira on our own? I am powerful but I am no match for that hell demoness! And Seras has not the power or strength to oppose Akavira. I swear Vlad Dracula if you let yourself get defeated I will never forgive you for it!" Zsofia thundered.
Alucard turned, his coat whirling like a red tornado. "And just who is going to help me! There is no human or vampire that can or will help me! There is NO ONE who can help me!" Alucard roared.
Poor Seras could only cower on the floor as the two vampires argued pointlessly with each other. She pressed her knees to her chest and wisely kept her mouth shut. One word and she might find both their tempers aimed at her.
"You and that damned pride of yours! You honestly think you can take Akavira and the Vatican priest on all by yourself! The two of them nearly destroyed you!" Zsofia yelled.
"I survived didn't I? I managed to come back in one piece! Now stop stalling and let me go do what must be done!" Alucard shouted back.
"And just how did you survive on your own? I seem to recall when Seras found you, you were on the back of a great black stallion near death. You'd lost so much blood that I had to feed you to bring you back. Where did the stallion come from? Why did it seem to know to bring you to me and then gallop off the moment it knew you were safe with Seras and I? Can you explain that?" Zsofia asked trying to calm herself.
"I assumed it was you who sent the stallion." Alucard said trying to calm his own temper.
"Vlad, you have seen the horses that pull my carriage. I do not posses a steed such as the one that brought you back to us that night. I myself could not control a horse as large as the one that you were riding. It did not belong to me. Besides, Seras said as soon as you fell from the stallion's back, it galloped off into the night as if someone had commanded it to do so." Zsofia refuted.
Alucard stood still for a moment thinking back to the battle he'd had with Akavira and Anderson. He faintly remembered seeing Anderson ran through on a long slender blade. He also remembered seeing the stallion walk up to him as he released himself from the silver pins that Anderson had impaled his hands with. He remembered how the steed stood still long enough for him to mount it. Zsofia looked into his thoughts.
"So you did have help that night though you scarcely remember it. There is only one whom I know of who possesses the blade that stopped Anderson. There is only one who has the power to control the stallion that carried you back to us. Vlad, you know of whom it is I speak. He is the one who can help you." Zsofia said.
"And just what makes you think that...he...will help me. I don't think he holds any fondness toward me. He could very well turn right around and try to kill me." Alucard replied.
"If he'd meant to kill you, you would now be dead. There is no vampire that has ever survived his blade or his power. It has been rumored that he is here in Hungary, perhaps hunting Akavira just as you do. I guess now the rumors are true. He is here. And he is whom you must seek out Vlad. Only with his help can you defeat Akavira. He is the only one who can oppose Anderson's strength." Zsofia stated.
"What makes you think he wants to help me Zsofia. He and I have not exactly on the best of terms with each other." Alucard protested.
"And whose fault is that Vlad? You left him at a time when he needed you most. But time will have surely cooled his anger. Perhaps by now he may have forgiven you. Besides, he has one advantage over you. He can hunt during the day where you cannot. He can keep Anderson at bay while you go after Akavira. Face it Vlad, you need his help. And it is perhaps that he needs yours as well. Perhaps it is fate that sees your paths have crossed." Zsofia said.
"I don't put a great deal of merit in fate." Alucard muttered.
"You need his help Vlad. Whether you want to admit it or not, you need his help. You must seek him out before it is too late. Before Akavira destroys us all." Zsofia said half pleadingly.
Alucard clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth. He tried to think of something to refute Zsofia's words, but to his dismay he could not find those words. In his heart, much as he hated to admit it, he knew she was right. He looked away for a moment.
"To admit you need help is not an admission of weakness Vlad. To try to take on this foe on your own when you know you cannot is an admission of foolishness. Not to mention possible suicide." Zsofia said.
"I honestly hate it when you're right Zsofia. are right. I suppose he won't be too far from here will he?" Alucard asked.
"It is possible he's been watching you. You may not have to search long for him. He may very well come to you." Zsofia answered.