Part 6

Alucard and Zsofia both calmed themselves down. They both looked at Seras who was seated on the floor, her knees pressed up to her chest. "Seras, forgive us both. We both acted shamefully." Zsofia said apologetically. Alucard extended his hand toward Seras. She got up and walked to her master's side.

"Seras, you'll have to come with me. I would rather not risk it, but I dare not leave you here knowing Akavira knows where the mansion is. You will be safer at my side where I can protect you." He said seriously.

"Yes master." Seras replied obediently.

"Seras and I will be back for our things later. Right now we must go find" Alucard said in a halfhearted tone. "It may be best for you to go find safer quarters Zsofia. She knows where this place is now. I may not be able to make it back in time if she attacks." He warned.

"No. She has taken everything else away from me. I will not let her take this sanctuary. You two however need to get going. Go before he decides to leave my land. I pray you both return safe and sound to me." Zsofia said vanishing to the lower quarters of the mansion.

"We'd better feed before leaving here. And I suggest you drink all you can handle." Alucard said leading Seras to the study where the decanter of blood was waiting. Seras followed him. He poured two goblets full and gave one to Seras. She drank as much as her body would accept.

"Who exactly is it we're looking for?" Seras asked.

"Someone I haven't seen in a very long time. I just hope he still doesn't harbor ill feelings toward me. Things could get very ugly between he and I if he does." Alucard said. He pulled her close to him and the two vanished.


An hour later Alucard and Seras were a considerable distance from the mansion. Seras kept very close to her master. He would give her a stern glare if she fell behind even by a few feet. But she could understand his strictness with her this night. To fall too far behind would make her an easy target for Akavira and Anderson. And Alucard was already taking a great risk having his fledgling by his side knowing the two were out there. Seras stayed as close to his side as was possible.

Alucard kept a sharp eye on their surroundings. His fiery red eyes scanned and surveyed the woods around them. He sniffed the air trying to catch the scent of his enemies. He stopped abruptly causing Seras to bump into his side. She toppled backwards. She would have fell on the ground except for the fact that she quickly found her wrist in her master's strong grip. "Be more careful Seras Victoria. We cannot afford to be caught off guard." He said sternly.

"Yes master." Seras replied sheepishly. Then they both cocked their heads upward hearing something crunching on the ground. They knew it could not be them for they stood perfectly still. Alucard kept Seras so close to him that she was practically inhaling his coat. She kept her mouth shut for fear of alerting whatever it was that might have been following them. She could just imagine how upset her master would have been with her then. Alucard turned his head slightly, looking out of the corner of his eye. He sniffed the air and caught the scent of something. They both could hear what sounded like footsteps. Those footsteps were unsycrinized and erratic. It sounded like someone stumbling around behind them. From the very corner of his eye Alucard could see something approaching. He very slowly went for his gun with his free hand keeping a firm grip on Seras's wrist. He was prepared to yank her out of harm's way should the worst happen.

The figure got closer and the footsteps got louder. Alucard sniffed the air again catching an all too familiar scent. He looked down at Seras. "Get behind me Seras. There is a ghoul approaching us." Alucard commanded mentally. Seras cautiously got behind her master. Alucard prepared to fire. The ghoul suddenly leapt into the air to pounce upon the two vampires. But before Alucard could fire his gun a long, slender blade came seemingly out of nowhere and impaled the ghoul right through the heart. Seras peered out from behind Alucard's back seeing the ghoul disintegrate as the sword was pulled back from the gaping hole.

Alucard and Seras both stared as a huge black stallion walked slowly toward them. While the beast was indeed impressive, the two vampires were more concerned with the steed's rider. There sat a towering mountain of a man dressed completely in black. His long dark hair cascaded over the sides of his shoulders. His long flowing cape billowed at his sides when the wind blew it. The wide brimmed hat tilted back now that the sun had long since set. His skin was as white as snow and he had steel gray eyes that seemed to burn into one's very soul. He was the vampire hunter known to those around him as D.

"That is the second time I've ended up saving you...father." D said resheathing his sword.

Seras's eyes widened in shock. "Master, did he just call you father?" She asked.

"Yes Seras, he did." Alucard answered.

"You should be more careful. I may not be around the next time to help you." D replied calmly.

"In case you didn't notice I didn't need your help. I could have handled the ghoul on my own thank you very much." Alucard growled.

"You're welcome." D replied somewhat sarcastically.

"And just what did you mean this is the second time you've saved me?" Alucard asked.

"You don't remember the battle with Anderson and the female vampire?" D questioned.

Alucard thought back for a moment to the battle. "I thought I recognized that sword." Alucard said to himself.

"Looks like his brain is finally softening D." A voice said quietly.

"Keep quiet before you get yourself into more trouble." D replied sternly.

"Zsofia said it might very well be you who came to us. I take it you've been keeping an eye on things." Alucard said feigning some form of fatherly concern.

"I am hunting the vampire. I did not expect she had the priest upon her side. Do you have any idea why that might be?" D asked.

"Because he's the Vatican's whipping boy who will gladly kneel down, and kiss Iscariate's ass without question. They are the ones who ordered him to free Akavira from her prison." Alucard answered.

"If you had destroyed the vampire utterly Iscariate would not have been able to free her. I'm beginning to wonder just how this Iscariate found out where she was imprisoned." D replied.

"What the hell are you getting at?" Alucard demanded.

"You're the one who imprisoned her." D said calmly.

"You watch your insolent tongue boy!" Alucard snarled aiming his Casul straight at D's head.

D quickly unsheathed his long katana sword and aimed it straight at Alucard's heart. "I've no wish to fight you father, but if you force me to I will." D answered with a deadly calm in his voice. His piercing gray eyes aimed straight at the burning red orbs of Alucard. The two stood glaring at each other for a moment, one silently daring the other to make the first move.

"Stop it!" Seras shouted suddenly. "I can't believe you two are wasting precious hunting time! Has it occurred to you both that Akavira could be making more ghouls to come after us?" Seras asked demandingly. She got a very stern glare from her master.

"I would suggest you keep out of affairs that are none of your business...police girl." He growled angrily at his young fledgling. Seras lowered her head in fear realizing the extent of her insolence.

"The girl is right. We are wasting time with this pointless bickering. Whatever personal problems between us can wait until after we've finished off this Akavira." D said.

"We will not be finishing off Akavira. I will be finishing off the bitch demon. YOU will be keeping Anderson at bay." Alucard demanded.

"As usual you're too busy giving orders to heed good advice when it's given to you father. We need to work together as a unit if we're to rid the world of this vampire." D replied.

"I am the leader and master here therefore I will be giving the orders!" Alucard barked.

"Funny, you didn't seem to be much of a leader when I needed you father." D said calmly. That calmness came to be a terrible irritant to Alucard. D sat atop his horse looking almost serenely at his father while holding the elongated blade in his hands.

"Come on D! You've got the chance to finish him off!" The voice of the symbiot yelled in D's mind.

"I said be quiet." D replied mentally.

"What the hell has he ever done for you? He left you! He left your mother! The bastard deserves to die!" The symbiot protested.

"Another word, and you're going to get sliced off." D warned.

Seras knew she was probably risking her master's ire, but she decided to speak up once again. Albeit this time she decided to exercize a bit more caution in her choice of words. "Please, master isn't there anyway to resolve this problem? Standing here arguing isn't going to help us out at all." She said softly.

Alucard turned around again flashing a very annoyed glare at his fledgling. This time neither her tone nor her face was defiant. She was trying to sound respectful. He thought for a moment about some way to put her back in her place, and make sure she did not stray from it again. But this time Seras was right. Alucard usually didn't like sharing authority. He fancied himself the leader and liked to be the one giving orders. Most of the time it was usually because in Hellsing he was too busy taking orders.

"You do have a point Seras Victoria. But I would caution you to remember your place. I don't think you want to know the ways your master can put you back in line." Alucard warned. His eyes burned right into Seras's fearful face.

"Yes master." She said with a nervous gulp.

"For now we'll consider this discussion ended for the time being. It is apparent Akavira has made yet another ghoul. Such a disappointment she has turned out to be. She could at least fight her own battle. Now she chooses to make slaves to soften us up first." Alucard replied grudgingly.

"We should start formulating a plan. But we must also be cautious. If she's been making ghouls then she's probably also got her spies scouting for us." D said.

"That is true. She'll want to get the upper hand on us anyway she can." Alucard agreed.

D looked up and sniffed the air. "She's keeping herself at a distance, but she's still here. We need to keep watch. It's possible she will make more slaves to do her bidding. Have you and your companion fed?" D asked.

"Yes." Alucard replied.

"I'm going to scan the area briefly." D said and urged his horse into a slow walk. Seras watched the stoic hunter as he edged a few feet away from she and Alucard.

"Master, I am a bit confused. Who is this man and why did he call you father? Is he a vampire?" Seras asked.

"He is known as D. He is a half breed, a dhampir." Alucard answered.

"A half breed?" Seras questioned.

"I am his father, his vampire father. But his mother was a human female. He was conceived from a union between a young peasant woman and myself. Most offspring born of these unions are male, and they tend to become vampire hunters. They're seen as outcasts because they are shunned by both humans and vampires." Alucard replied.

"Master, this would have had to happen before you were bound to Hellsing. But he can't be anymore than 25 years old." Seras said.

"He would be flattered, but he's actually three hundred and thirty years old. Dhampirs stop aging after a certain point. They have our strengths, and very few if any of our weaknesses. They can regenerate as we can. They are much stronger than normal human beings, and they can hunt during the day where we cannot." Alucard continued.

"So the sun will not harm him." Seras said.

"As long as he does not stay in it too long. All dhampirs suffer from what is called heat syndrome. And if they do not cool their bodies quickly it can be fatal. Most often they must dig a hole in the ground and bury themselves. It is the only way for them to bring their body temperature back to an acceptable level." Alucard finished.


D patrolled the area around Alucard and Seras. He kept the stallion at a very slow pace, but he was ready to spur the animal into a gallop at the first sign of trouble. He scanned the darkness keeping an ear open to any sudden noise. So far he heard nothing unusual or suspicious. This, however, did not cause him to lower his guard. D knew Akavira was out there somewhere in the wilderness. He continued scanning the area.

As he rode his bothersome symbiotic companion began spouting off once again. "This is ridiculous. We're just waltzing around the forest while she's probably out having someone for a midnight snack. And we're teaming up with your father!" The symbiot yelled.

"Your complaining is distracting me." D sighed.

"Damnit! I have a right to complain!" The symbiot yelled.

"If you're so unhappy why don't you tell him yourself?" D asked. He didn't tell his companion that he had finished his rounds and had rode back to where Alucard and Seras were waiting for him.

"What do you mean?" The symbiot asked somewhat nervously.

"He means you could stop acting like the simpering little cockroach you are, and say what you feel to my face." Alucard said.

"Oh no." The symbiot grumbled. D turned his left hand around so that it was staring right into the vampire's angry red eyes.

"My lord! I didn't mean it! I was in an ill state of mind when I said D should have finished you off. You know I was only kidding!"

"Renfield, remind me again just why it is I nearly ended your pathetic life." Alucard growled. "You betrayed me. You led Van Helsing and his lynch mob straight to me. I was defeated because of your cowardice. And yet I was generous enough not to kill you...completely. I could have left your filthy soul to rot in Hell, but I saw fit to give you a second chance. And how do you repay my kindness? You try talking my own son into destroying me."

"Kindness! Kindness? You call this kindness! You turned me into a parasite! And then you trapped me in the left hand of your son! I was a successful lawyer! I had wealth, fame, and prestige! Now look at me! I'm a symbiotic babysitter to your kid!" The symbiot shouted.

"I could have let you remain dead you pathetic fool. But you wanted immortality, and I gave it to you. You leached off your fellow man in your human life. I thought trapping you in the form of a symbiotic organism was quite fitting." Alucard replied.

"Master, did you just call him Renfield? Is he the same Renfield from..."

"Yes Seras, the same. He betrayed me to what would eventually come to be known as Hellsing. He is part of the reason your master is bound to serve humans." Alucard answered.

Seras looked up at the symbiot who gave her a dirty look. "What the hell are you looking at?" He snapped.

"You dare speak to my fledgling bride with such insolence?" Alucard snarled.

"Master, how did he end up like...that?" Seras enquired.

"I wanted a fitting punishment for the little maggot after he stabbed me in the back. I realized death was too good for him. So I thought of a more fitting sentence for his crime. It actually served three purposes. He's pays for betraying me, gets his immortality, and serves as a guide and guardian to my son." Alucard replied.

D turned his left hand around and gave the symbiot a harsh stare. "That will be enough out of you. Now hold your tongue so we can concentrate on our task." The dhampir said firmly.
