Part 7
D tied his horse to a near by tree and walked toward Alucard and Seras. She got a good look at his full height. He was the same height it not perhaps just a smidgen taller than Alucard. Though they did not look completely alike, it was easy to see where the vampire hunter got his physical attributes. She watched him take off his hat and hold it down at his side. He had the most beautiful face for a man. Three hundred and thirty eight years, but his face was eternally that of a young man in his mid twenties. She surmised he probably caught the eye of many a young lady. Seras was careful not to stare too long lest she make her master jealous. She looked over at the large stallion as it bent its head down to graze.
"Your mount is magnificent. What sort of horse is he?" She asked shyly.
"He is a cross between a Friesian and a Shire." D answered.
"I guess that would explain why he's so huge." Seras replied.
"The stallion must be of great size. D took after me in height. The crossing of two large breeds was the only way to get a horse that had size and speed." Alucard said.
Seras watched as he unsheathed his sword and set it down against a tree. She eyed it intently studying its length and width. She surmised the blade was made of pure silver. "I've never seen a blade like that." She said.
"Like us, he requires weapons that no ordinary human being could handle. A normal blade would fly out of his hand. He needs a weapon that matches his size and power. The weapons we carry are far too powerful for humans. A human would end up blowing up his own hand trying to handle my Jackul. He would find himself knocked back five miles if he tried to fire your Harconnen Canon. And a normal human being would not even be strong enough to lift D's blade let alone try to wield it." Alucard replied.
Alucard and Seras suddenly became quiet. D's horse quickly raised its head perking its ears turning them to the side. D noticed the animal's behavior and looked around cautiously. "What is it? Is it her?" The symbiot asked.
"The footsteps aren't erratic. They're well organized. They sound too heavy to be made by a woman." D replied.
Alucard snarled and took out his Jackul. He cocked the gun and prepared to fire. He sniffed the air catching a familiar scent. "I know you're hear whipping boy! I can smell your filthy blood!" The elder vampire yelled.
"Who is this priest?" D asked.
"His name is Alexander Anderson. He's Iscariate's little attack dog. He's also the dumb bastard who awakened Akavira from her prison under Iscariate's orders. They finally realized their so called champion can't defeat me on his own." Alucard answered holding his gun at arm's length.
D grabbed his sword and readied it for battle. He and Alucard stood back to back watching for the first sign of trouble. Seras stood between them with Alucard holding fiercely to her wrist so he would not lose her. D's horse also walked cautiously toward them so the stallion could protect his master. The small group stood deathly still ready to jump at the first thing that moved.
"Well, what is this? I see you've leveled the playing field vampire." Anderson called.
"Show yourself coward! I rule the shadows here, not you!" Alucard barked.
"I see you brought your little whore with you. Good. Then I can finish you both off at the same time." Anderson replied stepping out of the darkness.
Alucard's blood boiled with rage. "You dare call her a whore!" Alucard roared. "I will tear you apart for that insult priest!"
Anderson saw D turn around and face him. "You. You're the one who drove me through on your sword. You've dared to interfere with a man of God's work!" Anderson snapped.
"You were trying to kill my father." D replied calmly.
"So, it's you. I've heard stories of a hunter, half man and half vampire who kills the undead. It's a pity you're the son of the devil. Iscariate could use a hunter like you." Anderson jeered.
"I am owned by no one. I hunt for those in need, not over zealous religious fanatics." D said.
"You dare to mock a servant of God. I can see you're just as arrogant and unholy as your father!" Anderson shouted.
"Judge however you may. It makes no difference to me." D replied still calm as ever.
"I'll send you to hell along with your father!" Anderson shouted taking a running start at D and Alucard. Alucard fired a bullet knocking one blade out of Anderson's hand. But he still had the other and he took a flying leap aiming the knife straight at D's heart. D swung his sword and severed Anderson's blade from its hilt. Anderson landed on his feet and stared in disbelief at what used to be a weapon. He tossed the useless hilt to the ground and withdrew two more blades.
"Your weapon is most impressive. Perhaps I'll take it back with me to Iscariate after I've killed you." Anderson said in a twisted variation of both disgust and respect.
"This sword has only one master, and you are not that master. You've neither the strength or heart to wield it." D answered.
"Then I'll take it as a trophy to Enrico Maxwell as proof that I killed you!" Anderson said taking a running start at D.
Anderson hurled one of the blades at D. The weapon was however shattered by a silver bullet just before it hit D's throat. Alucard stood with a wicked smirk on his face while smoke rose from his Jackul. "The odds favor us now Vatican dog. If there's anything left after my son is through with you, I intend to enjoy making your last moments as agonizing as possible." The red clad vampire growled.
"Master!" Seras yelled feeling something wrap around her neck. A black serpent wrapped all around her body bringing her to the ground. Alucard felt her hand yanked from his. He looked down to see her body engulfed in writhing black serpents. Only her face was visible. She felt her body being dragged away from her master. Alucard looked around frantically trying to find where the shadows were coming from. He knew the serpents came from Akavira.
"Akavira!" He roared. Then he heard the most demonic laughter echoing throughout the woods. His eyes glowed with unholy light as he bore his fangs. "AKAVIRA!" His voice thundered.
The dark vampiress appeared from her dark void holding a struggling Seras in her serpentine tentacles. Alucard snarled ferociously as his former bride mocked his rage. She hoisted Seras over her head. "So this is who you have chosen to be your bride Impalor, a pathetic child?" Akavira taunted.
"She is more of a woman than you will ever hope to be! Let her go! This is between you and me!" Alucard yelled.
"I'll let her go, when I've drained the life out of her. Or perhaps that would be too easy a death for her. She is so young her blood would not even make an appetizer for me." Akavira replied coldly. Alucard watched in horror as Akavira produced a long wooden spear. "Perhaps this would be a more fitting end for her. Perhaps I should let you watch her die slowly before I end your miserable existence." She laughed evilly.
"I will soak the Earth with your blood if you harm her!" Alucard howled.
Akavira only sneered at the elder vampire's rage. "So, you have feelings for this pitiful excuse for a fledgling. Your eyes betray you Impalor. You actually care about this little brat. Perhaps, dare I say, that you her."
Those words cut into Alucard's very soul, black as it was. The rage within him boiled until it was like lava ready to erupt from a volcano. All that he had done, all he had gone through to keep Seras safe. Now Akavira threatened to take her from him despite his best efforts. To leave her behind would have endangered her, but to have her at his side was no better. He thought that he could protect her at his side. Now once again he found himself helpless to do anything. He did care about Seras. She was his fledgling, companion, and his lover. She had accepted him where so many had not. How could he not care about her?
"You make one move to fire that primitive gun of yours, and I'll drop her right onto this spear. I'll bleed her like a stuck pig." She warned.
"Akavira, I will see your body turn to dust. Then I will blow your ashes into the face of Satan himself!" Alucard roared.
"Not before you watch your bride meet her destruction." Akavira growled. She stuck the spear into the ground and proceeded to hold Seras over it. Seras shook violently in terror but tried to remain calm. Alucard felt helpless. If he tried to fire then Akavira would drop Seras onto the spear. If he tried to talk to Seras mentally Akavira would read every word that came out of his head.
D was preoccupied with fighting Anderson. He could not get to Seras in time. But there was one who could possibly get to her. D looked over at the dark stallion and conveyed a single command to him mentally. The steed backed into the shadows while no one paid attention to him. The animal walked quietly to where Akavira held Seras dangerously close to the spear. Akavira being so engrossed in her torment of Alucard and Seras did not notice the stallion break into a gallop and grab the huge stick with his mouth.
"No!" Akavira screamed.
The stallion spit the spear to the ground and proceeded to stomp it to pieces. Akavira looked at the animal with pure malice and hatred. "If I cannot have her impaled then I'll just crush her to death!" She screamed.
Seras felt the constricting around her like a monstrous snake. "Master!" She gasped as she felt the grip starting to crush her throat.
Suddenly Akavira lost control of her serpents and released Seras letting her drop to the ground. Alucard rushed to her side and picked her up as she gasped and sputtered. He held her tight in his arms determined he would not be parted from her again. Akavira looked down to find a piece of wood sticking through her stomach. She turned around as blood poured from the wound. There was Zsofia standing behind her. Her face was an expression of pure hatred and vengeance.
"You took many of my dark children. You took Francesco. He was all I had left! I will not allow you to slaughter Vlad's bride! I will not allow you to take another of our own!" Zsofia shouted angrily.
"You will do nothing to stop me! I will destroy you just as I will the Impalor and his little bride!" Akavira screamed as she pulled the stake out of her stomach. She tossed the bloody thing to the ground snarling in anger.
A roar of pain thundered suddenly. Anderson had gained the upper hand stabbing D through his right shoulder. Then the Vatican priest stabbed the dhampir hunter twice through his legs, one blade when in the right thigh; one went in the lower leg. D writhed in pain trying to pull out the knives imbedded in his flesh. Anderson withdrew one more blade and hurled it straight at Alucard's back. The weapon was aimed at the vampire's heart. Zsofia saw the knife hurling toward Alucard and Seras. Before Alucard could react Zsofia rushed in front of him.
"Zsofia!" Alucard yelled as the blessed silver blade pierced Zsofia's chest. She fell to the ground as the knife went into her heart. Alucard lost all sense of reason that moment and proceeded to empty his Jackul's bullets into Anderson's body. The priest withstood the blows as the bullets entered his flesh. He stood there with an expression of both pain and twisted delight on his face seeing he'd effectively felled Zsofia. Anderson healed quickly from the bullet wounds and prepared to stake Zsofia yet again. But the long blade of D now sticking out of his throat impeded his efforts. The vampire hunter managed to pull out the blades and call upon enough strength to stop Anderson for the moment.
Seeing that the playing field was not to her advantage, Akavira angrily disappeared into the shadows. Anderson saw her vanish. "Where are you going? You coward!" The Vatican priest gasped as the blade in his throat retracted. Akavira did not answer him. He stumbled back from D, Alucard and Seras and ran off into what remained of the night.
Alucard set Seras down when he saw she was all right and rushed to Zsofia's side. He was about to pull the blade out of Zsofia's chest hoping he could save her. "No Vlad." She gasped. "Leave it."
"What are you talking about? The blade has pierced your heart. If I don't pull it out now you'll die. There's still time to save you. I can feed you with my blood, and you'll regain your strength." Alucard protested.
"Vlad, I have nothing left. I have lost everything dear to me. You are meant to go on. Eternity was made for you. I do not wish to make any more children because I know they will end up being taken from me sooner or later. One time I was strong. But with the loss of my children, my lovers, I have no strength left. I have nothing left. I have no reason to go on." Zsofia gasped as her blood ebbed from her body.
"Lady Zsofia, you can't. You can't die! You still have your home. You still have my master and I. Don't leave us!" Seras sobbed as tears of sorrow poured from her eyes.
Zsofia turned to see Seras weeping. She tried with all her strength to smile one last time. "Seras, you are so young. You have a master who wants only for you to be strong. You know now he will do anything to protect you. You have proven worthy of his blood Seras Victoria. Honor that blood my child." Zsofia replied as her strength waned. Then she turned back to Alucard.
"She is a gift Vlad. She is a rare and wonderful gift that you have been given. Never take for granted her devotion to you. She...loves..." Zsofia gasped as she took her last breath. "you." That was the last word to escape her lips. Her eyes closed as the last of her lifeblood flowed away. Seras buried her head in her hands. D lowered his head in a solemn gesture of respect. Alucard clutched Zsofia's now lifeless form and pressed it to his chest. She had sacrificed her own immortality to save his.
D looked up at the sky and saw the darkness was beginning to fade. He cast a serious glance down at Alucard. "Father, the sun will be rising soon. We must seek shelter." He said quietly.
"Seras, you will go with my son. His steed is fast and it can carry you both to Zsofia's estate. I will take Zsofia back with me." He answered gravely.
"Yes master." Seras replied shakily getting to her feet. D helped her upon his mount and then got in the saddle himself. The black steed raced quickly with its riders back to the mansion. Alucard gathered Zsofia's body in his arms and vanished into the fading night.
Seras watched from inside the mansion as Alucard and D took several dead branches and some trees and built a small pyre. They worked quickly as the sun would soon be rising. When the work was finished, Alucard took Zsofia's body and laid it upon the mass of wood. He pulled the offending silver blade from her chest and tossed it to the ground in disgust. Seras had closed all the curtains and blocked the sun from the main entrance room. Alucard, Seras and D all stood at the doorway as the sun began to rise. The first rays of morning light shined down upon the funeral pyre. The instant it met with Zsofia's body flames erupted from the corpse. Soon the body was engulfed in fire and the wood too began to burn. Alucard turned away from the site pulling Seras beside him.
"I will keep watch father. The priest will not attack knowing I'm here." D said silently.
"It is time for us to rest Seras. Come." Alucard ordered quietly. Seras took his hand as they both vanished. D continued to stand watch while Zsofia's remains burned on the pyre in the morning sun's light. "She did not deserve to die." He said to himself. The symbiot, who normally would have chimed in with some smart or sarcastic remark wisely, held its tongue. The soul once known as Renfield knew his dhampir companion was not in the mood for such antics at the moment.
Alucard and Seras were in their bedchamber. He held her as she wept openly. "So unfair! It's so unfair! Lady Zsofia didn't deserve to die!" She cried.
"She wanted to be released Seras. Just as I cannot force the embrace, I cannot also force one of my dark children to hold onto their immortality if they should tire of it. We live forever, but it does not always mean forever is how long we want to live. Eternity can become a tiring and lonely existence. Now you understand why our kind must be cold. We must never let ourselves get too close to our prey or our children. The constant loss and isolation soon drives one insane." Alucard said.
Seras continued to cry. Her master knew she could not help the tears that flowed from her eyes. He held her close stroking her strawberry blond hair.
"She is safe now Seras. She has found peace." He said softly. It did not stop the flow of tears from Seras's eyes. He knew there was no real way to comfort her other than to let her cry. In his heart he knew she cried not only for herself, but for him as well. He was too proud to weep in such a manner, so she wept for him. He cradled and rocked her as if she were a small baby.
"Shhhhh. Dormi inger mea . Sleep, my angel...sleep."