Part 8

D remained in the front room of the mansion. He stood watch while Alucard and Seras slept. D looked across and saw the crystal decanter still full of blood. He turned his head away trying not to think about the secret desire to go over there and take a sip. "It is pretty tempting isn't it? Go ahead and take a little sip. What harm can it do?" The symbiot asked.

"More than you think. Besides, my father and his bride will need it more than I will." D replied calmly.

"Sooner or later you have to accept the blood in your veins whether you want to or not. This is who you are after all." The symbiot chided.

"I will deal with that problem when the time comes." D answered.

"Kind of ironic isn't it? Your father is one of the most powerful vampires in the world, and he's bound to serve humans. Like father like son." The symbiot said.

"Alchemy binds my father to humans. To be a hunter is my calling in life for however long it may go on for me." D responded.

"Look D, for what it's worth there was a time when your father was more than the blood thirsty monster you've been raised to believe he is." The symbiot replied.

"That's funny. Just last night you were insisting I destroy him. You hate him for what he did to you though it was justly deserved." D answered.

"I was a successful lawyer. I didn't say I had any scruples. Hell, greed does that to a guy. Maybe I do deserve to be nothing more than a parasite stuck in your left hand for all eternity, but I don't have to like it you know. I was well known in London. I had money. I had women. Then I end up brokering a business deal for your father and...well, read the damn book. You know what happened after that. I go from being Renfield the successful lawyer to...heh, Lefty the symbiotic babysitter."

"I didn't know much about my father other than what my mother told me before she died. She said he was an honorable man who rewarded generously those who obeyed the law and justly punished those who broke it. So many thought of him as a monster. She saw something else in him that they did not." D replied.

"Yah, but did he ever love your mother? Did he ever really love her?" The symbiot asked.

"He saw something in her. He obviously cared enough to protect her when he found her and gave her safe haven through her pregnancy. He sent her away because if others knew who and what my father was, my mother and I both would have been killed. I remember her telling me that when I was a child. He sent us away to protect us. Would a blood thirsty, heartless monster have gone to all that trouble? He is what he is now, but there is still some shred of the noble warrior he once was left inside of him." D answered lowering his head for a moment.

"I guess so." The symbiot sighed seeing the conversation was starting to go stale.


It was half an hour before sunset. Alucard began to stir from his slumber. His eyes slowly opened. Seras was still fast asleep in his arms. She clutched tightly to the red tie around Alucard's neck. He pondered for a moment whether he should attempt to get up or wait until Seras was awake. He looked upward starring into the dark burgundy top drape of the bed. He closed his eyes and began to contemplate everything that had happened up to this point. He found memories both recent and long gone arise in his mind.

"She" He remembered hearing Zsofia's last words. They still cut into his heart when he looked down at Seras. They cut because he knew it was the truth. Seras did love her master, and not just out of servantly devotion. She loved him the way another had once loved him. He remembered a young woman named Lilly. She was the same young woman that bore Alucard the child that would later become one of the most feared vampire hunters in the entire world, D. Lilly knew what Alucard was and knew his reputation. True he could be very cruel towards his enemies. So cruel that others felt his wrath went far beyond what any sensible person could justify. But she also remembered stories of the Romanian warrior prince that could reward and protect those who deserved it. She remembered stories she heard both praising and damning him for his actions. Lilly saw him as a dark hero, an avenging angel. Seras, in her heart, felt exactly the same.

Alucard found himself remembering the last time he saw Lilly. She was four months from giving birth to Alucard's child.

"You must go. If they find you and our son here, you both will be condemned. My gypsies will take you were you will be safe. You can raise him without fear. You must not go back to your family. Most likely they fear you dead already, and will hunt you down thinking you have become a child of the darkness. And you must never tell anyone that I am the child's father. If anyone asks, say the child's father is dead. That is not far from the truth."

"My life will be empty without you, so empty. Why can people not accept that fact that I..."

"Don't Lilly. Don't say...that. In time perhaps you will find a man who can truly return what is in your heart. But it cannot be me. You would do well to forget me. I am a monster. I am a killer. Humans will always see me as nothing more than that. I will see to it you have help raising our son. My gypsies are loyal to me, and they will do whatever I command. But you must hide our son's heritage from all others. They will kill him if they find out that vampire blood runs in his veins. You must do this for your sake and the sake of our child."

Lilly looked into the crimson eyes of Alucard one more time before being helped into the carriage. Her eyes filled with tears knowing she had to say goodbye to the man she loved. Alucard looked away. His heart had to be cold, even toward her pain. He felt this was for the best. At least this way, she and the child she carried would have a chance.

"Take her on the most isolated roads. Make sure no one sees or follows you. Tell those who ask that she is a widow, and you are taking her to stay with you. Tell no one I am the master you serve. Make sure she and the child are kept safe at all cost. Their lives are now in your hands. If anything happens to either one of them, you will forfeit your own life." Alucard warned.

Alucard's eyes fluttered suddenly and he shook his head as he felt movement against his chest. Seras had just awakened. She looked up at Alucard. "Has the sun set master?" She asked wearily.

"Yes Seras." He answered. His eyes had a distant, far away expression to them.

"Master, are you all right?" Seras questioned sitting up beside him.

"I was thinking of Zsofia. I don't know what will become of this place now that she is gone." Alucard replied.

"Seems so empty now." Seras said quietly.

"We should go meet up with D. He will be waiting for us." Alucard responded.

"Master, is something else bothering you? You seem so distant tonight. It's something besides Zsofia's death, isn't it?" Seras asked.

"Your intuition is getting much stronger. You may not be able to read my thoughts, but you can sense when something is bothering me. It's been getting stronger since before we left London. There was someone else I was thinking about. I found myself remembering the last time that I saw D's mother before she gave birth to him. I had my gypsies' take her where she could give birth to our son in peace and raise him safely. I could not let her stay with me. If anyone had ever known she lay down with a vampire, she would have been killed. She and our son both would have been slaughtered. I sent her away to protect her." Alucard explained.

"That must have been very hard." Seras replied.

"The night I sent her away was heartbreaking for her. Lilly, her name was Lilly. She accepted me as you do. Like you, she would not be separated from me. But if she and our son were to have a chance, I had to send her away. It was...better that way. You and Lilly, you're so much alike that way. Both of you devoted to me despite the fact I am a monster. The only difference being Lilly was human when I met her, and she remained human after I sent her away." Alucard answered.

"You didn't want to turn her?" Seras asked.

"In the beginning I was not sure if she would have wanted to be embraced. I did think about it. Her mother disowned her because of her fascination with me. I know now she would have stayed with me forever if I'd given her the chance. But she conceived after we became lovers. I could not turn her with the child still in her womb. Perhaps if things had gone differently, I probably would have made her one of my own. I think you both would have gotten along well together. She would have been your sister."

Seras looked away for a moment. She could feel the conflict within her master. She tried to block it so she would not enquire further. Alucard looked toward his fledgling and placed a finger under her chin tilting her head up. "You are not yet strong enough to shield yourself. That is something you will be able to do once you are a free vampire. I should not allow myself to be consumed by memories such as these." Alucard replied.


Akavira rose from the hole she'd had Anderson dig for her. The Vatican priest paced furiously back and fourth. He glared at the female vampire when she appeared in front of him. "You ran out on me! You left me outnumbered!" He spat angrily.

"I did not realize the Impalor's filthy half blood son was fighting along side him. I want nothing in my way when I destroy Vlad the Impalor once and for all." Akavira growled.

"You forget your place bitch! The only reason you're here is to destroy the Hound of Hellsing!" Anderson yelled.

"Yes, because the so called Paladin of Iscariate could not do it on his own. They realize how weak you are so they had you free me to finish the task you cannot complete." Akavira jeered.

"I could have taken the Hellsing vampire just fine without you!" Anderson roared. But before he could utter another word he felt something slither around his feet and pull them right out from under him. He hit the ground with a hard thud. Losing consciousness his eyes closed. Akavira stood smiling wickedly down at him.


Alucard and Seras finished off the last of their dinner. The two met D who was waiting outside the mansion upon his horse. "She may ride with me if you wish father." D said.

Alucard said nothing. He motioned for Seras to get on D's horse in front of him. D extended his hand and helped Seras on his mount. The horse stood perfectly still so Seras could get comfortable in the saddle. Alucard walked along side the huge steed as they set out for the final showdown with Akavira.


"Alexander...wake up my little puppet." Akavira purred evilly.

Anderson opened his eyes to find he was being restrained by four long slithering serpentine shadows. Two bound his wrists holding him between two massive trees, while the other two held his feet to the ground. He struggled against his bonds to no avail. "What the hell are you doing? You damned vampire! I knew you weren't to be trusted!" Anderson shouted.

"You should have known that sooner Vatican priest. Did you honestly think I didn't know the plan you had conceived after you freed me? I knew from the moment I met you that your employers intended to have me destroyed after I finished off the Impalor." Akavira replied.

"You back stabbing bitch! I will throw your stinking soul back to Hell where it belongs!" Anderson yelled.

"You won't get the chance. I don't have the proper amount of time to truly kill you, but I do have enough to make you wish you were dead." Akavira growled and took out two of Anderson's silver stakes. She walked over to Anderson's left side and proceeded to stab him through his left hand with one stake. Anderson screamed in pain feeling the huge point penetrate his flesh. Then Akavira went over to his right side and did the exact same thing. She had him pinned to the two trees. His screams of pain delighted her as she tore open his shirt exposing his chest. Her fingernails extended turning into long, sharp claws. She sank them into Anderson's stomach causing him to wail louder in agony. She jerked her claws out of his flesh and held her hand over her head. She opened her mouth letting a few drops of Anderson's blood drip into her mouth. She licked her lips and looked at Anderson. His face was an expression of both torment and disgust.

"I will assure you of this priest. I will destroy Vlad the Impalor. Then I will destroy this Hellsing organization. And after that, I will destroy your precious Iscariate organization, and then The Vatican itself. I will lay to waste all that stands in my way. You should have listened to your intuition priest. There was a reason why Vlad the Impalor had me imprisoned. Then again, you humans are so pathetic, so easy to fool. You should have left me where I lay." Akavira said as she stabbed Anderson again, this time through his chest. Anderson screamed trying to drown out Akavira's demonic laughter.

She picked up one of Anderson's blessed silver blades handling it carefully by its hilt so she did not touch the silver. Then she walked up to Anderson as he gasped and heaved for air. "I can't have you interfering with my plans any longer. You no longer serve my purpose, and seeing as these wounds will be far too easy for you to recover from, I better make it more of a challenge for you. I know this will not kill you regenerator, but it will slow you down." Akavira snarled as she raised the blade and hacked off one of Anderson's arms. The priest screamed as he saw his right arm severed from his body. Then Akavira took off his left arm as well leaving him effectively crippled and helpless. He lay on the ground with blood pouring from his wounds. Akavira tossed the weapon down beside him.

"The next time I see you, I will finish what I started." Akavira said as she walked away.

"Damn you! I hope you and that bloody bastard of Hellsing destroy each other! I hope Hell torments you both for eternity!" Anderson spat. His only response was Akavira's wicked laughter as she disappeared into the night leaving him in agony.

"I hate vampires! I hate their damn half-breed devil spawns! I hate them all!" Anderson screamed. Streams of Holy Scriptures enveloped his body, and he disappeared.


The night was still very young. Alucard, Seras and D all left the estate and then rode through the forest. They were going to face Akavira in the open where she could not hide. The forest held far too many advantages for their enemy. There would be no suprises this time. This time, Akavira would not survive this battle. Alucard would see to that. The three of them stood together in an open space of land. The moon shined down upon the three of them. D dismounted his horse. Alucard ordered Seras to stay on the animal's back for the time being. If things got too dangerous, at least the stallion could carry Seras as far from that danger as it could. D stood by his mount. Alucard withdrew his Jackul and his 454 Casul. He looked up at the sky staring into the bright full moon. "AKAVIRA!" He thundered.

The three waited for a moment. There was nothing. "Akavira! Show yourself!" Alucard shouted again. A black void opened and Akavira appeared. She scowled seeing the odds were against her.

"So, I see you have brought your filthy half breed son. No matter. You are not going to survive this night Impalor." She sneered.

"Where is the Vatican mutt? Did he finally see you for what you really are and run home crying?" Alucard asked.

"I had no further use for him, so I took him out of the way. I assure you he's not dead, but right now he's wishing he was." Akavira replied coldly.

"Is that supposed to frighten me? I'll deal with the Judas Priest soon enough. But first thing's first. Time to send your sorry ass back to Hell where it belongs." Alucard snarled.

"So many times you've said that. I tire of your empty threats!" Akavira shouted.

"Talk is cheap. Let us begin our final battle." Alucard growled. He closed his eyes concentrating upon one single person, Integra.

Integra was going through her papers when she felt a sudden jolt in her mind. "Master, I must go at the target full strength." His voice echoed in her head.

"Very well. Permission granted." She replied mentally.

With the approval confirmed, a demonic smile appeared upon Alucard's face. "Step back. Things are about to get ugly." Alucard said to D. D nodded and backed his horse away from Alucard and Akavira. Seras clutched to the saddle horn feeling a wave of fear break over her.

"Do not fear for your master. I do not believe you will lose him this night." D said calmly. His words gave Seras some reassurance. If Alucard could survive the near apocalyptic battle with Incognito, then surely he could defeat Akavira as well.

Alucard raised his hands outward. The symbols on his white gloves began to glow red. "Situation A. Release Control Art Restriction to Level 1. Cromwell Approval is now in effect. Hold release until the target is eternally silenced. Prepare to meet your end Akavira!"

A black shadow enveloped Alucard's body. Dozens of blazing red eyes appeared from the shadow while the shadow hounds emerged from the thick blackness. Akavira only sneered at the display. "This is the best you can do? You tried this once already. Yet here I stand." She replied sarcastically.

"You're not going to be standing for much longer bitch demon." Alucard hissed. The black shadow began to writhe and swirl around Alucard. When it dissipated, there was no longer a man standing. Alucard was no longer in his human form. He stood in the form of a large and menacing hellhound.

An evil smile played upon Akavira's lips. "So, the Hound of Hellsing finally chooses to reveal his true form." She laughed.

"It will be the last thing you ever see Akavira." Alucard's voice snarled in Akavira's mind.

Akavira's eyes began to glow. A mass of writhing black serpents surrounded her body. A moment later her red eyes burned through the darkness, and a huge pair of gleaming white fangs now glittered in the moonlight. Where a woman once stood, now there was a monstrous cobra. It hissed and flicked its forked tongue. The Hellhound growled and beared its rows of razor sharp teeth.

"It was a serpent who brought about the fall of mankind. Ironic is it not, that a serpent will be your downfall as well Impalor." Akavira sneered mentally.

"And I intend to skin you like I'd skin any serpent, Akavira." Alucard replied.

The huge cobra flared out its hood and prepared to strike. The hellhound leapt and latched its teeth into the snake's belly. The beast let out a loud hiss and flailed its body throwing the hound to the ground. The canine form of Alucard regained his footing and licked the blood from his lips with a demonic grin. The hound leapt again but this time it was knocked to the ground by the serpentine form of Akavira. She thrashed against him with her whip like tail. This time she struck first and sank her fangs into one of Alucard's legs. The hound howled in pain as blood began to pour from the wound.

"Master!" Seras cried fearfully.

The serpent then set its sights on Seras and the black horse she sat upon. The great snake slithered toward its prey. But before Akavira could strike a dark shield appeared around Seras and the stallion. The serpent struck the shield with her tail but it would not shatter. D held his sword out in front of him. "You will not harm my father's bride." The dhampir warned.

"After I destroy your father, you will be next half breed!"

Akavira turned but did not find the hellhound where she had thrown him. Then she felt a piercing pain in the back of her head. Alucard recovered and regenerated his wounded leg. He dug his fangs in deep so he would not be thrown from Akavira's back. Akavira rammed the back of her head against a tree, effectively smashing Alucard's body in the process. The hound again fell to the ground. This time he did not move.

Seras could see through the shield as her master fell to the ground nearly unconscious. She clutched her heart as she felt a sick feeling all through her. She watched as the serpent got into strike position while Alucard lay helpless on the ground. D lounged forward driving his long sword into her back before she could strike. The snake turned its head with an angry look and struck at D. He grabbed the monstrous creature by the neck and began wrestling with it. The serpent started wrapping him up in its coils. Akavira began to constrict her body around D squeezing the breath from him.

"D! You better do something or we're both dead!" The symbiot shouted in desperation.

D could feel the coils getting tighter around his body, especially his throat. He tried in vain to move his arms to raise his sword, but the choking grip was too strong. Akavira tightened the coils tighter and tighter stealing the life breath out of D's body. She felt sure that she was going to crush him to death. After that she would finish off Alucard. But then something happened. D's eyes began to change color. They turned from steel grey to a fiery red. He opened his mouth and his fangs began to descend from his upper jaw. His vampire blood had awakened.

"Don't fight it my son. It is the only thing that will save you now. If only this once, you must give in." D heard his father's voice in his head. He let out an inhuman growl and suddenly sank his fangs into Akavira's scaly flesh. Like a wild animal he began to tear and rip at Akavira's flesh. He released his grip but bit again into Akavira's skin. Again and again he sank his fangs into her ripping her flesh over and over. The taste of her blood unleashed the hunger the dhampir had fought so long to suppress. He ripped and tore mercilessly at the serpent until she was forced to release him.

He grabbed his sword and rose to his feet. His hat had fallen to the ground. He stood with his hair flowing freely as the wind whipped it back and fourth. Seras watched in amazement as he raised the sword. She saw his face. He had a maniacal smile on his face. That smile looked undeniably familiar. He raised the sword and plunged it into Akavira's spine. He ripped it out and thrust it back in over and over. Akavira screeched and slithered away from D before he ripped her to shreds. But she had no time to recover. Alucard had regained his wits and bounded toward her with lightening speed. He grabbed her on the neck and tore into her thrashing his head violently tearing even bigger holes in her flesh. He dug into her body with his claws and created several deep wounds along with the tears created by his teeth. He jumped away from her before she could throw him off.

Seras smiled seeing the battle was turning in favor her master and his son. Akavira, having lost so much energy reverted to her human form. Her body was torn and bloodied. Alucard also returned to the form of a man and stood sneering wickedly over her. She looked up at both Alucard and D with an expression of pure hatred. D stalked toward Akavira ready to finish her off.

"Get back!" Alucard barked. "The bitch is mine." He growled.

D, upon hearing his father's voice, stopped cold in his tracks. "D, D! Snap out of it!" The symbiot yelled trying to bring D back to a state of reason. He stood breathing heavily trying to regain his wits. He stumbled backwards trying to get to his horse. He stabbed his sword into the ground so it stood erect. The shield around Seras disappeared. D fell against his horse using the animal's great size to steady himself. "D? D are you all right?" Seras asked fearfully.

"Don't worry bout him. He'll be fine. He just needs a few minutes to get his head back on straight." The symbiot answered gruffly.

Akavira looked up at Alucard with malice in her eyes. She gathered enough strength to send a small mass of serpentine shadows to attack Alucard. But his shadow hounds proved to be stronger this time and ripped Akavira's serpents to shreds. Then with an evil smile on his face, he sent the hounds to attack her. "Feed my hounds. Feed!" He yelled.

The hellish black dogs attached themselves to Akavira's neck and chest and began to suck the blood from her. The rows of teeth tore and ripped at her flesh causing her to wail in agony. Alucard looked on with a satisfied smirk as he watched his shadows drain his enemy of her strength. When she was weakened enough, he withdrew his hounds back into himself. He grabbed her by her throat and backed her against a tree. She was so weak she could barely stand. He raised his hand and balled it into a fist. "This is for Zsofia!" He barked and violently punched Akavira in her mouth. She went flying three trees down. Her body hit the ground. Alucard stalked toward her and forced her again on her feet.

"This is for Seras!" He yelled and struck her again. She flew in the opposite direction and again hit the ground. And again he walked over to her. This time however, he yanked her up by her hair. She was forced to look into his blood red orbs as they burned into hers.

"I curse you Vlad Dracula." Akavira hissed as she spat her blood into his face. He merely laughed and grasped Akavira's throat in an iron grip.

"You were the biggest mistake I ever made. When you arrive in Hell, I want you to give the devil a message for me." Alucard said and then plunged his right hand into Akavira's chest.

"Tell him he can kiss my undead ass." He hissed and tore out Akavira's still heart. She fell to her knees with her eyes wide and her mouth gaping open. She looked in shock at the massive hole now in her chest. Alucard took his Jackul and aimed it at her head.

"Return to Hell." The elder vampire growled and pulled the trigger. The blessed silver bullet exploded into Akavira's skull. She let out one last wail of agony before her body began to disintegrate. Within moments the vampire Akavira was a pile of dust. Alucard raised his right hand. "Winds! Winds! Scatter her wretched ashes about the face of this Earth!" He thundered. As he commanded, the winds blew and carried Akavira's ashes in all directions so her body could never be reformed.

"Target has been silenced. Limited power release is completed." He said and walked toward D and Seras. She clutched her heart letting out a sigh of relief to see her master was all right. He helped her off D's horse. She stood at his side clinging to him possessively.

"Master..." She sighed putting her arms around him.

"I'm all right Seras." He said.

D stood calmly beside his horse. Seras looked at him. "D, are you all right?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm fine." He answered. "Where will you two head to now?"

"We will return to our home in the Hellsing organization. Now that our mission here is finished we must go back where we belong. We will be making a stop by Zsofia's estate to collect our belongings. My master Integra will send transportation to bring us back home." Alucard answered.

He looked at D. "You fought well against Akavira." He said.

"I survived, that is what counts. I must be on my way. I wish you and your bride a safe journey back to your home. Farewell." D said and urged his horse into a gallop. Alucard and Seras watched as the stallion and its rider became a blur in the night. The elder vampire looked down at his fledgling.

"We will go back to Zsofia's estate for the rest of the night. Then Integra will send transportation for us." Alucard said. He pulled Seras close as the two of them vanished into the darkness.
